October 24th, 2009 / 10:15 am


via OverthinkingIt.com via Rumpus


  1. Ken Baumann

      Incredible! Thank you, Justin.

  2. Ken Baumann

      Incredible! Thank you, Justin.

  3. mike young

      ha! this is great

  4. mike young

      ha! this is great

  5. lisa peet

      Awesome. But I would have liked to see it end with Samuel L. Jackson’s final speech in Deep Blue Sea.

  6. lisa peet

      Awesome. But I would have liked to see it end with Samuel L. Jackson’s final speech in Deep Blue Sea.

  7. ben spivey

      I give up trying to anything

  8. ben spivey

      I give up trying to anything

  9. ben spivey

      err… I give up trying to make/be/create/become/do anything…

  10. ben spivey

      err… I give up trying to make/be/create/become/do anything…

  11. Matthew Simmons

      I could eat a living, full grown alligator right now. Thanks, Justin.

  12. Matthew Simmons

      I could eat a living, full grown alligator right now. Thanks, Justin.

  13. Drew

      This is the best thing I’ve ever seen, and my one concern (that Bill and Ted wasn’t in there) was alleviated at the end.

  14. Drew

      This is the best thing I’ve ever seen, and my one concern (that Bill and Ted wasn’t in there) was alleviated at the end.