December 10th, 2009 / 5:10 pm

Two excellent new texts to check out around the web this week: (1) Matt Kirkpatrick’s “Light Without” at Web Conjunctions (from a manuscript of texts that is, as a whole, just a braineater), and (2) Kristen Iskandrian’s excellent story, “The Geology,” this week at 52 Stories.


  1. JonCone

      I know the young woman who appears in the two photographs near the end of the story. Very cool. I know her from both Iowa City and Vermont College of Fine Arts in Montpelier Vermont. She’s an amazing writer. This isn’t startling or anything, but seeing her did surprise me. (I suppose my telling this here is technically what is known as a ‘share. )

  2. JonCone

      I know the young woman who appears in the two photographs near the end of the story. Very cool. I know her from both Iowa City and Vermont College of Fine Arts in Montpelier Vermont. She’s an amazing writer. This isn’t startling or anything, but seeing her did surprise me. (I suppose my telling this here is technically what is known as a ‘share. )

  3. John Dermot Woods

      Kristen’s story need to get out there – good thing it’s up at a place where it’ll get a lot of reads. She really nails the concept of ‘anatomy’ in at least two sentences. Really beautiful writing.

  4. John Dermot Woods

      Kristen’s story need to get out there – good thing it’s up at a place where it’ll get a lot of reads. She really nails the concept of ‘anatomy’ in at least two sentences. Really beautiful writing.