March 17th, 2010 / 4:59 pm




  1. jesusangelgarcia

      This is real? If so, it’s the most brilliant book marketing I’ve ever seen. 29,000 views in 4 days. Funny, smart, slick, funny… smart. I wanna copy it for when 3xbad finally comes out on real live paper. Who could I pit my book against? Lady Gaga? Dr. Laura? Ann Coulter?

  2. jesusangelgarcia

      This is real? If so, it’s the most brilliant book marketing I’ve ever seen. 29,000 views in 4 days. Funny, smart, slick, funny… smart. I wanna copy it for when 3xbad finally comes out on real live paper. Who could I pit my book against? Lady Gaga? Dr. Laura? Ann Coulter?

  3. justice league

      justin. why do you hate america? it’s so cute! did you make the NYTime$ bestsellerrz list? is that why? oh! I want to know. pretty please tell me you did. even if you didn’t just tell me that you did. are you an indie martyr? because that would be so hot! i work for the FED and we made $$$ last year. wish we could spend it all on your books. right? good. discourse was made especially for you. mm mm mm. lick those fine lips of yours and tell me a story.

  4. justice league

      justin. why do you hate america? it’s so cute! did you make the NYTime$ bestsellerrz list? is that why? oh! I want to know. pretty please tell me you did. even if you didn’t just tell me that you did. are you an indie martyr? because that would be so hot! i work for the FED and we made $$$ last year. wish we could spend it all on your books. right? good. discourse was made especially for you. mm mm mm. lick those fine lips of yours and tell me a story.

  5. james

      i hate america because of shits like you. eat a brick

  6. james

      i hate america because of shits like you. eat a brick