June 9th, 2010 / 1:38 pm
Jimmy Chen—

"Redundant Clock" by Ji Lee
Keep thinking about this gag joke, and it becomes something more — some new numeric system; an existential 12 hour carousel; a sign that can only point to itself at the right moment, if moments were full minutes; the wrongness of its arms betwixt the hours, as if struggling for their own signs; the zen koan of it always being now o’clock.
Sweet. I like how Ji Lee titles the piece “Redundant Clock,” though the clock is only a physical manifestation of our perception of time, and thereby the redundancy of our interpretation of that perception, of our perceiving anything at all. I like your incorporation of semiotics, too. There’s an interesting mirror effect occurring here, a melding of the synchronic and diachronic, how the signs are not only struggling to announce themselves simultaneously, but also how their meanings change ‘over time’. Time as sign language.
Sweet. I like how Ji Lee titles the piece “Redundant Clock,” though the clock is only a physical manifestation of our perception of time, and thereby the redundancy of our interpretation of that perception, of our perceiving anything at all. I like your incorporation of semiotics, too. There’s an interesting mirror effect occurring here, a melding of the synchronic and diachronic, how the signs are not only struggling to announce themselves simultaneously, but also how their meanings change ‘over time’. Time as sign language.
pointing at yourself may be meta (or something) but pointing, artfully, at nothing is the real trick. Try that.
pointing at yourself may be meta (or something) but pointing, artfully, at nothing is the real trick. Try that.
wow. this is beautiful.
wow. this is beautiful.
like it’s giving you the finger 12 & sometimes 13 times
like it’s giving you the finger 12 & sometimes 13 times