February 27th, 2014 / 2:17 pm

What are you most looking forward to at this year’s AWP?

And for anyone not going (like myself), what are you doing instead this weekend? I’m thinking of going to see Marnie Stern, even though it’s an outdoor show and the forecast calls for snow.


  1. Mike Meginnis

      I wish I was going, but I’ve got to work. My weekend plans include tacos, beer, ping pong, Spelunky, Hearthstone, Monaco: What’s Yours Is Mine, and maybe even reading and/or writing. All in my own home. Sometimes I find it sad to be a shut-in, but this week I think I’ll be grateful.

  2. Josh Coblentz

      Dead Meadow at the Double Door

  3. A D Jameson

      Gah, I haven’t been to the Double Door in ages. What’s wrong with me?

  4. Mike Meginnis

      I tried to like Dead Meadow for years. Made me sad when I finally accepted that, having bought two albums, I never would. :( Have fun in my place!

  5. Quincy Rhoads

      I’m going to hear Scott McCloud lecture tonight at the local college and I’m probably spending the rest of the weekend reading and doing housework.

  6. Chase

      be saving my $$ and energy for SXSW

  7. Richard Grayson

      I plan to continue to die from cancer.

  8. Daniel Bailey

      i’m too cool for awp.

  9. Ted Hash-Berryman
  10. Jeremy Hopkins

      I liked your poem ‘Postmodern Han Solo’.

  11. Adam Robinson

      Seeing Marnie Stern in the snow sounds amazing. Also seeing a Scott McCloud lecture.

      Around dinner time last night I ran into Patrick DeWitt outside a bar and said hi. He was really nice.

      Lots of people are working on books.

  12. E.A. Beeson

      Hopefully seeing Hugh Laurie’s glorious and benevolent reign as Bacchus. Also serving drinks to legions of obnoxious bead-wearing tourists.