January 2nd, 2011 / 2:08 pm

An exciting new monthly online journal of poetics founded by Joshua Marie Wilkinson: Evening Will Come. Debut month features an excellent long new work by C.D. Wright.


  1. deadgod

      Horse, then, unhorses what is not horse.

      Horse also horses what is not horse.

      Absence shimmers.

      the reasons hop around

      Things are gravity, reason is falling, perspective is hopping, intractability is bouncing.

      rightly lodged

      Surrounded is everything else caused-to-surround.

  2. Steven Pine

      O (O) look another L=A=N=G
      ugh, too weak to type
      journal, how, thoughtful of you Blake
      oh boy writers might as well be the retarded children. btw this post is for me to feel better, so all ye all can fuck off.

  3. deadgod

      Why is it called a “journal of poetics“? (I mean: and not “of poems“?) Are all the poems (or any pieces) to be about poetry/language/linguistic mediation?

      What is/are “poetics”?

  4. deadgod

      Why is it called a “journal of poetics“? (I mean: and not “of poems“?) Are all the poems (or any pieces) to be about poetry/language/linguistic mediation?

      What is/are “poetics”?