October 3rd, 2014 / 10:26 am

All present and former contributors are now free to post what they want to post.


  1. Adam Robinson

      Hey Gene are we going to update to WP 4.0?

  2. Gene Morgan

      Sure! I love WP 4.0.

  3. Willis Plummer

      sad to see htmlgiant go :/

  4. Melissa Broder


  5. Melissa Broder

      party / funeral

  6. Melissa Broder


  7. Blake Butler

      how can we get jereme in the building

  8. bartleby_taco

      would really love to see someone compile a HTMLG ‘greatest hits’ post

      think its been done before, but it wouldn’t hurt to do it again

  9. Ethan Ashley

      fuck yeah