February 21st, 2011 / 6:00 pm


  1. Daniel Lichtenberg

      While I want to believe this, I cannot believe this, based on my experiences and abundant knowledge suggesting otherwise.

  2. Mike Young

      you should read the whole essay; the meaning of “luxury” and the definition of “light” as a metaphor doesn’t really come across in the pull-quote-as-provocation

  3. Dreezer

      It would be pretty to think so.

  4. Ssimonds23

      Mike, thank you for posting this.

  5. Mike Young

      thanks for your blog-essay! it was great

  6. Mike Young

      you should read the whole essay; the meaning of “luxury” and the definition of “light” as a metaphor doesn’t really come across in the pull-quote-as-provocation

  7. Joseph Young

      haven’t read it yet, i will, but i think even in pull quote it is clearly so. why do we spend these million countless hours making this stuff, poetry art whatever? there is some vital, necessary benefit.

  8. jackie wang

      i love this essay, and the other essays from Sister Outsider. used them quite a bit in my thesis on writing.

  9. deadgod

      My heart rouses
      …..thinking to bring you news
      ……….of something
      that concerns you
      …..and concerns many men. Look at
      ……….what passes for the news.
      You will not find it there but in
      …..despised poems.
      ……….It is difficult
      to get the news from poems
      …..yet men die miserably every day
      ……….for lack
      of what is found there.

      -Williams, Asphodel