July 2nd, 2012 / 5:45 pm
Matthew Simmons—
This isn’t a clever gimmick. It’s a terrible, unforgivable sin.
This isn’t a clever gimmick. It’s a terrible, unforgivable sin.
Also, William Gibson did it 20 years ago, only it was high concept at the time.
The fun part is writing a book back in lemon juice and shipping it with a toaster.
Gibson’s poem used self-destruction to cleverly reinforce his themes regarding the relationship between our subjective memories and technologies ability to portray the past. This on the other hand is about as thoughtful as DRM, turning art into a perishable good, as if the inability to revisit literature would some how make people appreciate it more.
I don’t see the point of this.
I don’t know, I find it kinda beautiful? And as long as the author’s down with having their words vanish (and not irrevocably, I’m sure; it’s not like they’re only ever going to print these books in vanishing ink), it seems okay and even poetic, maybe
I’m very curious about what makes this a “terrible, unforgivable sin.” It honestly sounds like a simple gimmick to me.
What’s the big deal? Like most authors in the 20th century, I published books on disintegrating paper.
Yeah, if people like it, then it’s good, right? Since the printing press, books have only gotten increasingly disposable. The mass paperback editions I bought in the mid-80s and read a few times and stuck on a shelf and then in a box and haven’t looked at since may as well have been written in disappearing ink…
i mean, this might be over-clever or whatever, but it is at least, or could be viewed as, an honest expression of what’s going to happen to all our writing eventually. which is always nice to be reminded of.
I thought Matthew was exaggerating to poke fun at the lust for writerly immortality – http://kniskern.com/robin/classics/horace/o3.30.html . ?