September 23rd, 2009 / 3:23 pm

Lincoln Michel of The Faster Times and Gigantic tipped me off to two interviews of probable high-interest to Giant readers, one from each publication. Over at FT, they’ve reprinted Michael Kimball’s conversation with Blake Butler from Unsaid #4. And over at the newly re-designed Gigantic website, Lincoln himself has interviewed Clancy Martin. That second one gets pretty epic, so make sure your boss isn’t around and then get ready to dig your heels in.


  1. Ross Brighton

      Pity Clancey likes Plato.
      Though maybe I’m just bitter about the whole being down on poets thing.

  2. Ken Baumann

      Both interviews are fantastic; I hadn’t discovered the Martin conversation! It’s exciting.

  3. Ken Baumann

      Both interviews are fantastic; I hadn’t discovered the Martin conversation! It’s exciting.

  4. Lincoln

      Thanks Ken!

  5. Lincoln

      Thanks Ken!