September 7th, 2009 / 10:59 am

I finally got another bookshelf and have a place for all my books now. But what do I do with the dozens of MLP chapbooks that I have? I want to take them out of their drawer, but then where will I put them? Does anyone already have a solution? Something like what they got for my One Story collection?


  1. Dan Wickett

      Damn good question, Adam. I’ve been thinking of taking a binder and getting three-ring punched plastic sheets – the type magazine or yearbook collections use, and putting them in something like that. Or J.A. just needs to come up with a fancy One Story styled box – those actually work really well.

  2. Dan Wickett

      Damn good question, Adam. I’ve been thinking of taking a binder and getting three-ring punched plastic sheets – the type magazine or yearbook collections use, and putting them in something like that. Or J.A. just needs to come up with a fancy One Story styled box – those actually work really well.

  3. Rachel

      Or you could be extra badass and build a custom-sized bookcase, like this guy did for his minicomics…

  4. Rachel

      Or you could be extra badass and build a custom-sized bookcase, like this guy did for his minicomics…

  5. Rachel
  6. Rachel
  7. Joseph

      my MLP chapbooks are just stacked into my vaguely alphabetical bookshelf. though, they’re hard to find in there.

      Ken’s “Y2K” has been eaten by Nicola Barker and Bolaño.

  8. Joseph

      my MLP chapbooks are just stacked into my vaguely alphabetical bookshelf. though, they’re hard to find in there.

      Ken’s “Y2K” has been eaten by Nicola Barker and Bolaño.

  9. Ken Baumann

      Why you sunuva…


      I keep all mine in a messy stack with my other chapbooks. They fill a whole shelf.

  10. Ken Baumann

      Why you sunuva…


      I keep all mine in a messy stack with my other chapbooks. They fill a whole shelf.

  11. Joseph

      Well, if you’re going to be eaten by 2 authors…they’re both sexy.

  12. Joseph

      Well, if you’re going to be eaten by 2 authors…they’re both sexy.

  13. Molly Gaudry
  14. Molly Gaudry
  15. Adam R

      $44 for that? They seem kind of tacky.

  16. Adam R

      $44 for that? They seem kind of tacky.