law school

my face is a gavel

Is there a correlation between someone’s personality and their literary output?  Do you ever find yourself anticipating/hypothesizing/predicting/assuming what someone’s work will be like based on their intelligence/sense-of-humor/self-awareness/”‘moral’ character”/etc.?  If someone is annoying in real life do you assume that their work will come at you in a 14 pt., bold, helvetica-like font and be annoying as well? And then, after you assume that, how often do you find that to be the case?  If you are well liked, will your work be well liked?  For those of us TOTALLY CONSUMED BY POETRY AND LITERATURE, is not our work the truest representation of ourselves?  I want stories.  Please share.

Behind the Scenes / 30 Comments
April 8th, 2011 / 12:07 pm