Florian | Wilkinson
Two new I’m super excited about, coming soon from Sidebrow Books, do a get! … …
Sandy Florian
Collages by Alexis Anne Mackenzie
April 2010
ISBN: 0-9814975-1-9
104 pages, 6×8 full color, perfectbound, $20
“A bellow that is not a bucket. A bucket that is not a bone. There is wisdom in slipping into oceans. Into those wider organs horning. The way churches slip into twilight. Stone after stone. See the plaything on the mantel. I lean toward the paintings. See the baby fastened on the mast. I lean toward the window. See the sea, see the ship, see the ship’s low hull. See the winding of vowels by the function of the fist.”
For a preview of On Wonderland & Waste, go to http://www.sidebrow.net/books/wonderland-amp-waste
Joshua Marie Wilkinson
Polaroids by Tim Rutili
April 2010
ISBN: 0-9814975-2-7
103 pages, 6×8 full color, perfectbound, $20
“an owl breaks the
fold a cut tree spills
a soft crutch
this dust
a freezer stocked
with I
to myself in these very woods.”
For a preview of Selenography, go to http://www.sidebrow.net/books/selenography
Both books are available until March 31 at a special discounted rate of $30 for the pair, 25 percent off the cover price.
On Wonderland & Waste, featuring full-color collages by Alexis Anne Mackenzie, and Selenography, featuring full-color Polaroids from Califone’s Tim Rutili, are also available separately for $18, a 10 percent preorder discount.