The Lost Symbol

Red Light District


My name is Roxane Gay (with one n).

My middle name is not “is.” I do not have a middle name.

I know I don’t have to turn on the red light.

I know you want to be my man.

I am not the rapper Roxanne Shanté though her sweater is lovely.

I write, I edit (check out that swank new site design by Gene Morgan), I am writing my dissertation, I teach, I am on the job market. I live near the end of the world in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula. Blake Butler was kind enough to ask me to join the team so here I am to bring the estrogen (not really) which is much like bringing the pain, only better smelling.


Behind the Scenes / 55 Comments
September 24th, 2009 / 1:38 pm

Who wants to go on a midnight run to Barnes & Noble later? Anybody? Uh, anyone at all?