September 18th, 2009 / 1:59 pm

Friday Fuck Books, Let’s Watch an Old Movie


That’s the opening to the movie WAX: The Discovery of Television Among the Bees.

Watch the whole movie here on WAXWeb, where the film exists as a hypertext document.

According to the New York Times, WAX was the first movie on the internet.

David Blair, the filmmaker, combines found footage with his own scenes and narration to tell the story of a beekeeper interested in the dead.

Those familiar with Craig Baldwin’s movies—like the wonderful Tribulation 99 or the copyright infringement celebration that is Sonic Outlaws—might enjoy Blair’s movie, too.

Someone on IMDB said:

“i gave it 3/10 and even that’s a gift. the strange thing is that i can’t keep myself from suggesting certain people see it. hopefully you’re not one of them. the quality is impossibly bad yet somehow some elements sort of stuck in my brain. if you figure out what that’s about, let me know?”

So, there’s a recommendation for you. If you figure out what the movie is about, let that person know.


  1. Catherine Lacey

      Completely creeped out by that narrator’s voice.
      I fear he’s rooted himself in my eardrum and is going to narrate the rest of my day to me.
      Thanks, Matthew.

  2. Catherine Lacey

      Completely creeped out by that narrator’s voice.
      I fear he’s rooted himself in my eardrum and is going to narrate the rest of my day to me.
      Thanks, Matthew.

  3. Matthew Simmons

      Mission Accomplished.

  4. Matthew Simmons

      Mission Accomplished.