Web Hype

If you click on this candy comes out a sack of cowshit smelling like sea salt for sale, not for money but for time, clicking on 'download excerpt' will give you an excerpt of the whole thing, I hope that's okay!
Tags: i have an ebook called everything is on sale it is free, if there was still a category for craven self-promotion i would think about using it like all the time, if you try to read the book on ePub it's formatted all crazy and the line breaks get intense i kind of like it, lionel ritchie once got my friend's car out of tow, this book doesn't exist unless someone is looking at it because i don't think it's ever been printed, you can name my book whatever you want but i recommend titles that have nothing to do with anything in the book like 'cabbage patch punch' or 'in the land of knot'
even at free it’s not worth my time.
plot summary?
/you’re a redditor, aren’t you..
1. hellpo, you dumb asshole 2. i fucking love that lionel poster, so good. 3. nice cover art.
George Seifert Is A Good Coach, But There Is No Relation And I Can’t Get You A Job As Associate Team Videographer, by Reynard Seifert.
yeah but i forgot what it’s about
is that a book you wrote deadgod, i wanna read that dad
oh yeah that lionel thing is all over the tumblr, probably someone was a genius for ten seconds when they thought of that, he’ll probably go to art school and wind up teaching ceramics to geriatrics
thanks man the painter anthony record said he thinks the story and the painting belong together http://www.anthonyrecord.com
hey hellpo you’re probably right but, much like a tootsie pop, you have a big brown ball in your stomach and your sense of logic seems to be on like a fifth grade reading level, i’d suggest harper lee’s to kill a mockingbird or where the red fern grows
no, it is a name for your book which is a title that has nothing to do with anything in the book which is (one of) your book(s)
does this name accidentally have something to do with something in your book and that’s why you didn’t recognize it as a title for your book that has nothing to do with anything in your book?
oh yeah i forgot i said that, that was really about the fact that if you download the thing on goodreads it saves as someweirdlongnumber.pdf so you can name it whatever you want
i wish george seifert was my dad
hey zusya i decided the summary will be ‘A necropastoral murder mystery set it Oakland, California.’
hmm sounds good to me. will check it out.
saw that poster in like um cow hollow