December 25th, 2009 / 1:37 am
Web Hype

Merry Christmas, from John Darnielle from John Prine from Michael Schaub from All of Us to You

via Michael Schaub’s facebook. There are drunk people screaming at each other in the street. Everything in New York is closed except every single bodega everywhere. I’m going to Florida tomorrow. Be bugging you from there, probably–God rest ye merry gentlemen till then. Ladies, too.

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  1. alec niedenthal

      Why is the crowd in this video so fucking loud?

      Thanks for this, Justin. This isn’t the best Mountain Goats cover I’ve heard, but it’s very nice. I like the percussion.

      Merry everything, everybody.

  2. alec niedenthal

      Why is the crowd in this video so fucking loud?

      Thanks for this, Justin. This isn’t the best Mountain Goats cover I’ve heard, but it’s very nice. I like the percussion.

      Merry everything, everybody.

  3. Merzmensch

      Merry Christmas!

  4. Merzmensch

      Merry Christmas!