October 14th, 2010 / 12:04 pm
Web Hype

Wag’s Revue 7

The 7th issue of the Wag’s Revue is now online, & includes a new interview with Gary Lutz by Dylan Nice: “I have too a hard time picturing anyone ever turning the pages of one of my books to worry about what that person might make of having ended up in the privacy of my paragraphs, though my heart no doubt goes out all the same.” It also contains new work by Jen Percy and an interview with Paul Harding, as well as a compelling “frenetic examination of self-loathing in the online era” by Mitch Salm.

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  1. Mykle

      “I have too a hard time picturing anyone ever turning the pages of one of my books to worry about what that person might make of having ended up in the privacy of my paragraphs, though my heart no doubt goes out all the same.”

      I can’t parse this sentence. What does it mean?

  2. Mykle

      I think it must be “too hard a time” …

  3. MM

      mykle wins:

      i explicate: lutz can’t even comprehend how/why a person would be reading his stuff, so why even worry about a reader’s reading experience? (He nevertheless hopes it is positive.)

      i interpolate: perhaps lutz doesn’t know who is his actual audience, and might not care. the stuff starts “private”.