October 1st, 2008 / 10:48 pm
Author News

shane jones writes amazing post about writing amazing story

only htmlgiant.com can bring you the rippingest, the virgin-ass rippingest, barbed wire tattooed, raw awesomeness of shane jones, who wrote an amazing post about an amazing story he wrote.  his amazing post about his amazing story has spawned this amazing post about his amazing post about his amazing story.  htmlgiant.com has already proven itself a contender in the small lit scene and hopefully this post will reach its already established readership.

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  1. Adam R

      My mind is boggled.

  2. Adam R

      My mind is boggled.

  3. Blake Butler

      get goggled hogg

  4. Blake Butler

      get goggled hogg

  5. kathrynregina

      that man looks like shane jones. you know this.

  6. kathrynregina

      that man looks like shane jones. you know this.