October 1st, 2008 / 9:53 pm
Author Spotlight

Shane Jones Writes Amazing Story

Shane Jones wrote an amazing story this week, telling himself “this is so amazing” over and over again, breathing like a convicted sex offender, and climaxing several times before submitting the story to over ten small press journals who swiftly responded with “go fuck yourself.”

Jones had been working on the piece for several days in which his comments to himself went from “this sucks balls,” to “this will at least get accepted by Typo because I’m not black” to “i can probably send this piece of shit to Six Sentences because they take any piece of shit” to the eventual sexually gratifying “this is so amazing.”

From Albany, Jones says to htmlgiant: “It was a rough couple days, but I can finally say my story is amazing.  Fuck you Paris Review!!!”  Jones then floated into mid-air, masturbated once more to the image of Sweet Face Kevin Sampsell, and proceeded to shoot rainbows from his fingertips.



  1. Mike Young

      We look exactly the same when your cup is in front of your face like that.

  2. Mike Young

      We look exactly the same when your cup is in front of your face like that.

  3. Shane Jones

      except your ugly.

  4. Shane Jones

      except your ugly.

  5. Mike Young

      Tell that to all the sex I have(n’t).

  6. Mike Young

      Tell that to all the sex I have(n’t).

  7. <HTMLGIANT> » Blog Archive » shane jones writes amazing post about writing amazing story

      […] the virgin-ass rippingest, barbed wire tattooed, raw awesomeness of shane jones, who wrote an amazing post about an amazing story he wrote.  his amazing post about his amazing story has spawned this amazing post about his amazing post […]