December 18th, 2009 / 3:26 pm
Author Spotlight & Massive People

Best Comment Exchange Ever?

Maybe the sommelier will pick this up later but: This just in:

December 18th, 2009 / 2:16 pm Heather Christle

    On behalf of the two spaces between sentences I would like to say I think they are beautiful.And that it must be lonely to be one space.And I know this is wrong.

    But truly I feel this.

    December 18th, 2009 / 2:23 pmBlake Butler

    beautiful like bowlegs and macrame?maybe.

    wait, i disagree.

December 18th, 2009 / 2:32 pmHeather Christle

    Beautiful like wide-set eyes. Or like a detached caboose. Goodbye old sentence! Stay over there!

    December 18th, 2009 / 2:49 pmLincoln

    No offense, but I imagine anyone who thinks two spaces looks pleasing is typing that while wearing a glow-in-the-dark airbrush unicorn t-shirt and sitting below a Thomas Kincaid painting print while Nickelback plays in the background.

December 18th, 2009 / 3:14 pmHeather Christle

    Dear HTMLGiant Secret Santa,
    I don’t know if you have already bought me my present, but just in case, please see Lincoln’s note for things I already own and do not need.

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  1. Jimmy Chen

      i really enjoyed that. i thought lincoln had the last laugh, until…

  2. Jimmy Chen

      i really enjoyed that. i thought lincoln had the last laugh, until…

  3. Lincoln

      Yeah Heather’s response is pretty perfect.

  4. Lincoln

      Yeah Heather’s response is pretty perfect.

  5. ce.

      Heather with the game point zing.

  6. ce.

      Heather with the game point zing.

  7. KevinS

      Blog comments are the new literature.

  8. KevinS

      Blog comments are the new literature.

  9. mimi


  10. mimi


  11. Sordid Links « Cheap Talk

      […] On behalf of the two spaces between sentences I would like to say I think they are beautiful.And tha… […]