October 1st, 2010 / 4:09 pm
Author Spotlight

Chapbook Genius

I put a new face on Chapbook Genius and just released a collection of poems by Buck Downs. See the eBook here, where you can read it at Issuu, print it yourself, or get it for your eReader through Smashwords, all free.

Buck Downs is for real. I’ve seen him read a few times, laughing all the way. Seeing his poems on the page is a trick. They gloss brill and don’t wait but you go hallelujah back at them next Thursday all what.

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  1. Christopher Higgs

      Looks good, Adam! And “blood creep alarming” is a pretty sweet way to open a collection — my eyes are foaming over this Buck Downs stuff. Bravo.

  2. quailty

      A browser setting is preventing you from logging in. “Marijuana Soft Drink” is one of my favorite chapbook titles ever.

  3. Jordan

      Marijuana Softdrink a Book Book. It good.

  4. efferny jomes

      Buck Downs is awesome. Super nice guy, too. Ain’t Got All Night looks great and I can’t wait to make my hands be on it.

  5. steven karl

      I was lucky enough to read with Buck last night. Great poet! I’m excited about this chapbook.