May 16th, 2010 / 4:27 pm
Author Spotlight

Do You Want To Help An Independent Author Get Fancy Drunk?

Sasha Fletcher reports via GMail chat on how we can turn indie lit commerce into alcoholic camaraderie:

so there’s like 20 copies left

and if we sell out today, ja will paypal me money to get drunk on fancy beers
What’s he talking about? He’s talking about his novella When All Our Days Are Numbered Marching Bands Will Fill the Streets & We Will Not Hear Them Because We Will Be Upstairs in the Clouds, which you can pre-order from MLP. It’s a fine adventure, strange and hellbent on sweetness. Not only will Fletcher get drunk if you pre-order fast enough, but you will get some swag, including an exclusive PDF chapbook with bonus chapters and art from Zach Dodson, who is responsible for the fine picture to the left. If your sky has ever looked like the sky in that picture, maybe now’s the time to act.



  1. sasha fletcher
  2. Everybody Deserves A Fancy Drunk… « BIG OTHER

      […] May 16, 2010 by Ryan W. Bradley Sasha Fletcher’s installment of the MLP Novel(la) series is up for pre-order. There’s a funny thing going on with the pre-order. You can help Fletcher get drunk on fancy beers. Everyone deserves a fancy drunk now and then. I’m about to go pre-order my copy. READ THIS. […]

  3. Lauren Spohrer

      So Sasha, I bought a book. Do I get a fancy beer, too?

  4. sasha fletcher

      you get to hang out with me at moma tomorrow. i will buy you a hot dog from the hot dog cart.

  5. sasha fletcher
  6. Lauren Spohrer

      So Sasha, I bought a book. Do I get a fancy beer, too?

  7. sasha fletcher

      you get to hang out with me at moma tomorrow. i will buy you a hot dog from the hot dog cart.

  8. Goolsby

      The title of that novella is a huge turn off.

  9. Goolsby

      The title of that novella is a huge turn off.

  10. matthew

      The cover of that novella is a huge turn off. Why didn’t they use the glorious Dodson illustration? Paperbacks look their best in pastels anyway.

  11. Ben Brooks

      the title is wonderful i think. seems like you pretty definitely cant categorically say it is a ‘huge turn off’. please explain why it is a ‘huge turn off’ in your opinion.

  12. J. A. Tyler

      Thanks to all who pre-ordered yesterday. Sasha is hungover this morning we hope.

  13. ael

      Title reminds me of increasingly sprawling contemporary art titles, like “People Who Live in a Circle. They Excavate Their Past and Rebuild It into Their Present. Their Dwelling Functions as a Personal and Cosmological Clock, Seasonal, Harmonic, Obsessive.” (Charles Simonds) or Damien Hirst’s “The Physical Impossibility of Death in the Mind of Someone Living.” Or perhaps just song titles from Sufjan Stevens’s Illinois album.

      Cover photo is kind of plain, but that Deb Olin Unferth blurb is hot.

  14. matthew

      I don’t mind it, but it is rather long to be so obvious, I guess? It’s a formidable run-on but one of totally conventional imagery (re: dying, funerals, and the afterlife). Feels boring maybe, which is not at all how reading the excerpts linked above felt.

  15. matthew

      The cover of that novella is a huge turn off. Why didn’t they use the glorious Dodson illustration? Paperbacks look their best in pastels anyway.

  16. ce.

      The excerpt on Alice Blue sold me on this book months ago. Saw on Sasha’s blog that the pre-order push was golden. What kind of beer did you buy, Sasha?

  17. sasha fletcher

      2 pints of young’s double chocolate stout and 4 dogfish head 60 minute ipa’s.

  18. Ben Brooks

      the title is wonderful i think. seems like you pretty definitely cant categorically say it is a ‘huge turn off’. please explain why it is a ‘huge turn off’ in your opinion.

  19. gene

      “paperbacks look their best in pastels” is maybe the worst thing i’ve heard this morning. the cover is fucking beautiful.

  20. mudlove

      Thanks to all who pre-ordered yesterday. Sasha is hungover this morning we hope.

  21. ael

      Title reminds me of increasingly sprawling contemporary art titles, like “People Who Live in a Circle. They Excavate Their Past and Rebuild It into Their Present. Their Dwelling Functions as a Personal and Cosmological Clock, Seasonal, Harmonic, Obsessive.” (Charles Simonds) or Damien Hirst’s “The Physical Impossibility of Death in the Mind of Someone Living.” Or perhaps just song titles from Sufjan Stevens’s Illinois album.

      Cover photo is kind of plain, but that Deb Olin Unferth blurb is hot.

  22. matthew

      I don’t mind it, but it is rather long to be so obvious, I guess? It’s a formidable run-on but one of totally conventional imagery (re: dying, funerals, and the afterlife). Feels boring maybe, which is not at all how reading the excerpts linked above felt.

  23. ce.

      The excerpt on Alice Blue sold me on this book months ago. Saw on Sasha’s blog that the pre-order push was golden. What kind of beer did you buy, Sasha?

  24. sasha fletcher

      2 pints of young’s double chocolate stout and 4 dogfish head 60 minute ipa’s.

  25. gene

      “paperbacks look their best in pastels” is maybe the worst thing i’ve heard this morning. the cover is fucking beautiful.

  26. ce.

      You drink good beer. Looking forward to the book, man.

  27. sasha fletcher

      j.a. was payin champ. these day’s it’s mostly pabst. 8 bucks fr a 12 pack.

  28. ce.

      You drink good beer. Looking forward to the book, man.

  29. sasha fletcher

      j.a. was payin champ. these day’s it’s mostly pabst. 8 bucks fr a 12 pack.