October 13th, 2009 / 8:57 am
Author Spotlight & Web Hype

What’s New, Joshua Cohen?


Well, since you asked. There’s new fiction (“Mark the Sun”) at The Brooklyn Rail plus a, uh, “non”fiction piece at n+1: “Famous Infamous Jews.”

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  1. cmr

      is that matisyahu and mahmoud ahmadi nejad?

  2. cmr

      is that matisyahu and mahmoud ahmadi nejad?

  3. mimi

      Is that Mark Wahlberg and Ethan Coen?

  4. mimi

      Is that Mark Wahlberg and Ethan Coen?

  5. reynard seifert

      is that me and adrien brody at a beard convention? man, i was so wasted!

  6. reynard seifert

      is that me and adrien brody at a beard convention? man, i was so wasted!