October 10th, 2008 / 9:52 am
Author News & Author Spotlight

Peter Markus

Always looking forward to what Peter Markus is doing with his words, I decided to ask the man himself what we can expect from him in the future.  A few great things to get everyone pumped:

-A new book of brother stories to be published by Dzanc in 2011.

-A limited edition book from Cinematheque Press called “The Moon is a Fish” that he describes as “a sort of novelty project that will have illustrations, maybe even maps, other odds and ends and assortments—fish bones, fish teeth, fish scales, a broken off piece of the moon, etc” to be published sometime next year, but not definite yet. 

-A manuscript of three long stories where “every word is monosyllabic.”  One of these will appear in the next issue of Unsaid. 

And if all that is too much of a wait, Peter will be on Detroit radio this morning at WDET 101.9FM on the show Detroit Today at 11:00.



  1. Blake Butler

      I wish I had detroit radio

      Monosyllabic stories sound promising

  2. Blake Butler

      I wish I had detroit radio

      Monosyllabic stories sound promising