November 17th, 2009 / 7:06 pm
Author Spotlight & Web Hype

Posted Without Comment Because It Speaks for Itself

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  1. Blake Butler

      wait, tho… i thinks this speak for itself in several potential ways, and i’m wondering which of the ways you are leaning towards in your reason for posting… illuminate?

  2. Blake Butler

      wait, tho… i thinks this speak for itself in several potential ways, and i’m wondering which of the ways you are leaning towards in your reason for posting… illuminate?

  3. Ryan Call

      heppner, if you were my weatherman, i think id wear a poncho 24/7

  4. Ryan Call

      heppner, if you were my weatherman, i think id wear a poncho 24/7

  5. Scalise


  6. Scalise


  7. nicolle elizabeth

      oh dear

  8. nicolle elizabeth

      oh dear

  9. JK

      I thought it wouldn’t be fair to laugh until I had read some of his writing.I checked out Man Talking on his website and some of it is really quite ok (but then a lot isn’t). But yeah, the sweat patch in the picture at the end kills me.

  10. JK

      I thought it wouldn’t be fair to laugh until I had read some of his writing.I checked out Man Talking on his website and some of it is really quite ok (but then a lot isn’t). But yeah, the sweat patch in the picture at the end kills me.

  11. Bites: Zadie Smith, Stud Terkel was a Watched Man, Pondering Proust, End of the Decade Lists, New Moon vs. Gilmore Girls, and More « Vol. 1 Brooklyn

      […] Over at HTML Giant, a video of author Mike Heppner.  The man has great concentration while driving and talking, this impressed a great deal. He also says that a Dan Brown book isn’t publishing, it’s a “buisness transaction”.  I like this guy. […]