August 12th, 2009 / 10:56 am
Author Spotlight

Today at Coop’s Place: It’s MIKE YOUNG Day!

Spotlight on … Mike Young’s ‘MC Oroville’s Answering Machine’ (Transmission Press, 2009)
Highlights of the Day include several more videos of MY’s music project, The Cinnamon Urns, plus links to Young-authored literature around the web, and excerpts from the MC Oroville chapbook. Of course, every day is MIKE YOUNG DAY in the collective heart of this blog, but a thousand cheers to you all the same. And bonus points to anyone who catches the titular reference in the video in this post. Double bonus points to anyone who posts a link to the *other* song that borrows that line for a title. (I’ll give you a hint: It’s much much worse than Mike’s song.) ((Triple bonus points for anyone who heard the phrase “Mike’s Song,” and instantly thought “Weekapaug Groove,” then felt a little bad inside, but also a little good.))

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  1. Paul Siegell

      “You don’t gotta tell me. I don’t gotta move. ‘Cuz I’m sittin’ back here, sharin’ in the groove…”

  2. Paul Siegell

      “You don’t gotta tell me. I don’t gotta move. ‘Cuz I’m sittin’ back here, sharin’ in the groove…”

  3. Justin Taylor

      First comment, too! Go Paul.

  4. Justin Taylor

      First comment, too! Go Paul.

  5. Paul Siegell

      happy MIKE YOUNG day!

  6. Paul Siegell

      happy MIKE YOUNG day!

  7. john sakkis
  8. john sakkis
  9. Jonny Ross

      good song.

      does barry hannah get any royalties on it?

  10. Jonny Ross

      good song.

      does barry hannah get any royalties on it?

  11. mike young

      i broke those sunglasses but i still have that mattress

      thanks for cross posting, justin. you are a sweet man.

      dennis cooper is a lovely man too.

      i think TRANSMISSION is on hiatus while logan completes his move to seattle (i think it’s seattle).. he sent me a bunch of copies that ppl can get off my blog if they want: click here for mc o

  12. mike young

      i broke those sunglasses but i still have that mattress

      thanks for cross posting, justin. you are a sweet man.

      dennis cooper is a lovely man too.

      i think TRANSMISSION is on hiatus while logan completes his move to seattle (i think it’s seattle).. he sent me a bunch of copies that ppl can get off my blog if they want: click here for mc o

  13. Matthew Simmons

      Nice posts, Mike.

  14. Matthew Simmons

      Nice posts, Mike.

  15. Drew Toal

      Is Mike Young day anything like Boxing Day?

  16. Jimmy Chen

      MC Oroville’s Answering Machine is great thinking, feeling, writing, and being

  17. Jimmy Chen

      MC Oroville’s Answering Machine is great thinking, feeling, writing, and being

  18. Janey Smith

      Yeah, but without the gloves!

  19. Janey Smith

      Yeah, but without the gloves!