Author Spotlight
transcription for Jimmy Chen

This is the face of genius. This is the genius of face.
[with a hat tip to Peter Masiak, who left these many and several fine words in my inbox late last night, with this message attached: “ever just read the lyrics? I had about 75% wrong.”]
“The Country Diary Of A Subway Conductor”
“O get him out of there!” What if it cost 25c
to wake up in the morning? A dollar, ten dollars?
I’d pay it all the way to the poor house. It’s not made
if it’s made in Roanoke. Night pulling up in front of
the house like a bus. It came at me with shears. Her
sweater had faces, famouse faces knitted all over it.
The porch swing ticked off Central Daylight time.
“How many hours do you think it’ll take me to smoke this
cigarette?” she said with a smile. The smell of fried
food came drifting out one of the castle windows.
“Lets go around back” I said “my brother burried some
stuff back there.” We ducked down and walked through
the black bushes. My shoe made a sucking sound in
the turf. “He can afford anything” I said “he’s got
dogs that blow on trumpets.” “Priests!” she cussed.
Thunder cracks over Ben Franklin’s shop. Who wrapped
my dreams in a blanket and led them outside to the black
book in the yard? “Hey what indian tribe occupied
southern california? They were a lucky bunch of fellers!”
Sting Bible, More Sea Bible, Knur & Spell. In moments
downhill, towards sleep in the still water shop. Imagining
places I was almost sure I’d never been & had taken to
assuming were the memories of my grandfather somehow
deposited in my mind. They were there and gone, just before
I could get my bearings, catch any names or find out
where the hotel was. Just a pile of glass shavings that
could never be reassembled into the gone order
of buildings & the shade puring off of them. “WATER!”
*******SPECIAL BONUS*******
I interviewed David Berman for The Brooklyn Rail back in 2005, when Tanglewood Numbers came out.
From the intro (click anywhere on text to get the whole piece): >>Terse and enigmatic, occasionally ignoring questions outright, Berman was nearly impossible to pin down, which was especially frustrating since everyone wants to believe that their musical or literary heroes could easily be their drinking buddies or best friends. But Berman is a man who can say a lot even when he’s not saying much, and his general reticence served to increase the gravity of moments when he actually opened up. Just another part of the Berman package, I suppose.<<
Tags: David Berman, Jimmy Chen, Peter Masiak, Silver Jews, Starlite Walker
yes to the silver jews and david berman. i saw them play in ann arbor once
yes to the silver jews and david berman. i saw them play in ann arbor once
thanks justin
thanks justin
david berman is my bob dylan.
david berman is my bob dylan.
But are there not other lyrics that are left out of that?
“this river leads right up to the party. how do you like my little boat. this is the way pioneers took to other settlements. we’ll be there in ten minutes. when we get there we’ll go upstairs and make free long distance phone calls”
What’s the deal. even the fine fellows at the corduroy suit have the above lyrics without any explanation.
Subcommittees need to be formed. Search Parties need to be sent out.
But are there not other lyrics that are left out of that?
“this river leads right up to the party. how do you like my little boat. this is the way pioneers took to other settlements. we’ll be there in ten minutes. when we get there we’ll go upstairs and make free long distance phone calls”
What’s the deal. even the fine fellows at the corduroy suit have the above lyrics without any explanation.
Subcommittees need to be formed. Search Parties need to be sent out.
i wonder if he will ever do another poetry book
i wonder if he will ever do another poetry book