May 1st, 2013 / 10:12 am
Author News & Author Spotlight

VanessaPlace Inc. launch this Friday

You are invited to a press conference on May 3, 2013 at CAGE83, 83a Hester Street in NYC to announce the official launch of VanessaPlace Inc. (

VanessaPlace is a trans-national corporation whose sole mission is to design and manufacture objects to meet the poetic needs of the human heart, face, and form. We are what we sell, we sell what we are – It’s not the point, it’s the platform.  Here is a press release with more details on this project.

On the evening of May 3, CEO Vanessa Place will introduce VanessaPlace Inc. and its core management team:
– Joseph A. W. Quintela, Director of Finance (New York)
– Ana Bozicevic, Director of Marketing (New York)
– Steve Giasson, Director of Production (Montreal)

The launch will feature the exclusive debut of the first object-product of VanessaPlace Inc., a very limited edition of which will be available only at the press conference.

We are also seeking sponsors for the event – more details on that here:

Hope to see you there — let me know if you have any questions.



Ana Bozicevic
VanessaPlace Inc.
Facebook event page:


  1. Adam Robinson

      See, this, um, what?

  2. Erik Stinson

      i have the vague feeling that there is no added value proposition here, just a lot of shuffling of papers and titles… central real idea… very corporate..

      is it interesting to lower yourself to the level of the least interesting, most poisonous forms of corporate practice? shouldn’t you be trying to elevate those practices, using poetry?

      becoming as annoying as PR company doesn’t seem that cool guys…. especially if everyone was already writing cool stuff before

      as for producing other products… don’t start. you don’t need a sponsored release party to launch an etsy store.

      this seems like poets posing as a corporation, which is less interesting than a corporation posing as poetry, maybe. less interesting than poets actually BEING a corporation, IE making money…

      hope this goes well and doesn’t just end when everyone realized they aren’t hitting profit targets

      “we are what we sell, we sell what we are”


      so you are tautology…?

      you are a digital age platitude?

      you are a question mark, you sell a question….

      you are a cheesy idea, you sell a cheesy idea?

      “poetic needs of the human heart” seems kinda cool i guess – suggesting that these needs aren’t met? corporate poetry as hypochondria? there’s lots of actual business practice surrounding that..

      OK, so you’re a corporation. welcome to the business world.

      what kind of corporation are you?

  3. marshall mallicoat

      Place makes it the company’s number one priority to fully serve the higher-culture customer. Your desires are our needs.

  4. marshall mallicoat

      The poetry-products of VanessaPlace turn cultural capital into capitalized culture through a game-changing, dynamic shift of focus from manifesto to manifestation.

  5. marshall mallicoat

      “Trans-national” means US + Canada.

  6. marshall mallicoat

      They went with .biz so you’ll know it’s a business.

  7. deadgod

      Click [->here<-] to sponsor!

  8. deadgod


      forgot to enable Amazon siphon

  9. shaun gannon

      see what u get for steppin on erik’s toes???

  10. Ken Baumann

      I read the press release/copy on the website as mainly satirical. Place is no dummy, so I’m expecting something interesting.

  11. mimi

      i bought stock in tesla three years ago (the only stock i’ve purchased in the last decade)

  12. joseph

      I gave the lady at the ABC store a poem tonight and the transaction was declined. It was very embarrassing.

  13. marshall mallicoat

      did anyone go to this? what was their “very limited edition” “object-product”?

  14. VanessaPlace Inc.
  15. deadgod

      That’s a long way to go for that joke, but I laughed.

  16. mimi

      one time i paid 50 cents to have a penny rolled out really flat and embossed on one side with a cable car and with the golden gate bridge on the other side in san francisco chinatown

  17. mimi

      and, i had to provide the penny