May 14th, 2010 / 5:55 pm
Author Spotlight

Wi-fithering Heights

What the hell, is that a laptop by Emily Bronte (d. 1848)? I assumed it was photo-shopped, but upon searching online, every version I found (from reliable non-satirical websites) shows the same laptop. It also looks like she’s fingering (probably should’ve used another word) her phone.

It’s highly unlikely, if not impossible, that photo-shopping was a collaborated effort; one can only assume this is the actual painting. I don’t know much about 18th century English apparatuses, so maybe this is easily explained, but to me it simply looks like a laptop. Wuthering Heights contains ghosts, schizophrenia, and crazy shit happening outside windows; add those together and you got a junior in high school who would rather do his algebra homework than read for English class. (I saw the movie, and got a B+.) First published under the androgynous pseudonym “Ellis Bell,” the book remains one of the most vivid yet puzzling works I’ve encountered. She wrote the book when she was 29, and died the next year. How could one, never loved, know so much about it? Wi-fi’d Emily could’ve used some eHarmony — I think Edgar Allan Poe (d. 1849) was single back then.



  1. Matthew Simmons

      Jimmy Chen: The Triumphant Return.

  2. MoGa

      Does look like a laptop and phone. :)

  3. Ken Baumann


  4. David

      loved this

  5. Matthew Simmons

      Jimmy Chen: The Triumphant Return.

  6. Paul

      BACK! HE IS BACK! :)

  7. Molly Gaudry

      Does look like a laptop and phone. :)

  8. Ken Baumann


  9. David

      loved this

  10. EC

      I want to be EB’s laptop.

  11. Paul Cunningham

      BACK! HE IS BACK! :)

  12. zuysa

      so EB was a time traveler. go fig. i’m more concerned with her apparent lack of a left shoulder.

  13. Joseph Marcure

      Fingering was the right word, I think. Anyway, I very much enjoyed this.

  14. Richmond Heights receives $40,000 in county block grant funds to upgrade playground, install garden

      […] HTMLGIANT / Wi-fithering Heights […]

  15. EC

      I want to be EB’s laptop.

  16. Stefanie

      What we see is probably an embroidery hoop.

  17. Joseph Marcure

      Fingering was the right word, I think. Anyway, I very much enjoyed this.

  18. Stefanie

      What we see is probably an embroidery hoop.

  19. Blake Butler

      why is her face so much whiter than her chest and neck

  20. uhhhhh

      what the hell is up with the google-search-bot richmond heights auto-link thing

  21. Weekend Bites: Brontë-mania, Lost Books, Eisenberg Going Hungary, Dalloway Turns 85, and More « Vol. 1 Brooklyn

      […] is also mention of Brontë’s possible use of a laptop over at HTMLGIANT.  (See pic […]

  22. michael

      blackface tan

  23. Blake Butler

      why is her face so much whiter than her chest and neck

  24. uhhhhh

      what the hell is up with the google-search-bot richmond heights auto-link thing

  25. michael

      blackface tan

  26. Pete Michael Smith
  27. Pete Michael Smith