Sean Lovelace

Sean Lovelace is running right now, far. Other times he teaches at Ball State University. HOW SOME PEOPLE LIKE THEIR EGGS is his flash fiction collection by Rose Metal Press. His works have appeared in Crazyhorse, Diagram, Sonora Review, Willow Springs, and so on.

What book made you want to write? What book made you want to quit writing?


When my horse is running good, I don’t stop to give him sugar.

What does Faulkner mean? Does it mean he loved horses and put them everywhere in his work? Or maybe it means your writer and your editor should be far away, divorced, like badly divorced (is there another way?)—like not even in the same city anymore. Writer is writing, editor don’t come around with sugar cubes, don’t come around at all, until later, when the draft is in the stable, then bust out the brush, mane conditioner, and oats. Like maybe you should wait an hour, a day, or maybe even just a dinner before you go and look at a fresh draft…Or, maybe that is not what is meant at all. Maybe Faulkner is saying the working writer doesn’t need sugar, ever. Write to write. Maybe most working writers should be like Woody Allen, a man who has never seen–outside of the editing room–any of his own films. Let’s forget the sugar. When you are “running good” don’t fuck with it, period. Don’t make coffee, don’t surf the net. Don’t even feel excited (a form of sugar). Just run. Run, run, run, until it’s not so good. Maybe?

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October 13th, 2010 / 4:33 pm

too cool for tuesday but hell…

Eerie, refreshing. Odd. Watch this:

Some context…

What did you think?

Watch it it again with Gus and the MCP (Medicine Cabinet People, as you know).


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October 12th, 2010 / 6:39 pm

turning peppers occasionally 4

1. Lucy Corin Web Log:

The game got me thinking about my apocalypse project again.

14. httpv://

Warhol on the Internet (imagine)

567. What is the contagious psoriasis to write shitty poetry? I did it. Hell, some people make a fine time/dime doing it. (I’m going to hell for linking to that kid, but add to tally, that one Tuesday, etc.) Is it developmental, in our DNA (99% of which we share with mice–this explains the dreadful sonnet [titled “Our Chance has Run”] about an ex-lover/farmer’s wife, a shooting star, and a sad owl I found in the cheese)? Maybe it’s a necessary process. The next step is to seek outlets for shitty poetry, explaining scam operations, blogs, script tattoos, and moms. You did it, right? Wrote shitty poems. Do tell.

4. What’s the glow day and time to write? I’m going obvious: Sunday, early morning, while the sky is low/blue, the caffeine burning off the hangover fumes. The brain hops. No?

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October 11th, 2010 / 11:39 pm

7 is holy like melt butter medium heat

1. Are you short? Well, bless your soul. Here’s a Short Review for you. All October like Alexandre Aja.

14. The Velvet Underground and Nico. Something. Sneeze. I never understand music.

9. 1926 Tao Lin silver dollar!

94. As I have said before, this flash contest will pay you in beer. Beer. Beer. This is why I keep saying it. Beer.

1117: I didn’t even know there was a wordstock festival. Should I have?

2. Duras:

Men like women who write. Even though they don’t say so. A writer is a foreign country.

17. Zines for sale on Etsy. Made by palm, finger, nail.

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October 7th, 2010 / 7:04 pm

Theme-drenched works can be damn suspenseful. Page-turner and mind-turner–concepts not mutually exclusive (no matter what the aisles of my grocery store say). My example is The Road, by Cormac the Withered. Yours?

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October 6th, 2010 / 3:38 pm

Ray Lewis on Writing

If you’re trying to please the world, you’re going to confuse yourself.

The only danger is writing a check you can’t cash.

It don’t matter about me.

I monitor, sort of watch, some people.

Like some people aren’t happy with their job or their wife, they say it. That’s all it was, him voicing his opinion. He has a right to do that.

You know, consistency is everything.

But we don’t need no hope. Y’all can keep your hope because we’ve got enough hope over here. We’re packing our bags, and we’re not packing our bags to come play water polo.

You know that you’re pretty much in serious trouble.

Honestly. I don’t know what’s going on over there.

That’s what I want to get back to, just having fun and letting them deal with me.

All you can do is move on, live on. … Don’t let nobody pull you back into it, don’t let nobody make you keep talking about it.

We’ve heard it all week.

Once it’s done, it’s done.

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September 29th, 2010 / 11:19 pm

Deliverance the movie is equal to Deliverance the book. An odd fortuity indeed. Other movies actually equal to, or–gasp–superior, to the book?

6 sculpture drinks of FM-three

14. Who gives a damn about Lady Gaga’s meat dress? People have been wearing meat dresses for years. It’s called leather.

6. A list of supernatural collective nouns (a caucus of shamans, a flurry of yeti, an indulgence of leprechauns). Thank you Paul Symons, and also anyone who lives the Darkon way.

23. As a flash writer, I want to thank Vestal Review for their submission manager. While I enjoyed reading the mag, submitting was once crumpling cot. The prior guidelines Byzantine, bizarre, off-putting (rich text, curly quotes, something). But now it’s all OK. Thanks.

99. So-so Jim Harrison interview here.

Have you ever noticed the painters tend to be more sensual, and better cooks than writers?

5. Book borrowing: Look, here’s the law. You loan the book, consider it flown. If it returns, feel great, like you just dug a musty $20 out your winter jacket pocket. But consider the book gone, and be happy. Customarily you spread skin cells and STDs. Today, you just spread literature! Glow.

24. There is no # 24.

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September 25th, 2010 / 2:13 pm

lit/life/love in the margins

Friend of mine recently found a 1975 copy of Gary Snyder’s Turtle Island in a Goodwill store. Inside a woman named Paula had written a quote (actually the ending paragraph) from The Lover by Duras and then this note to Jon:

You were my birthday present; you came to the door–no one else was home. you said “let’s celebrate.” We dropped acid and went to the friend with the nocturnal monkey-like animal and made love for hours.


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September 24th, 2010 / 11:45 am