Sean Lovelace

Sean Lovelace is running right now, far. Other times he teaches at Ball State University. HOW SOME PEOPLE LIKE THEIR EGGS is his flash fiction collection by Rose Metal Press. His works have appeared in Crazyhorse, Diagram, Sonora Review, Willow Springs, and so on.

Technically devastating (as in perfect), “The Dead” by James Joyce is the Greatest Holiday Text Of All Time. Your choice?

Book-o-the-Day: The 5th Inning by E. Ethelbert Miller.

So Shickered last night I phoned my dad who abandoned me when I was age ½. Ever been abandoned at age ½? It ½ sucks, hard. But that’s what happens, man.

E. Ethelbert Miller writes some solid poems (though not here–this is a memoir). He is also an activist. He has helped changed things, at times.

E. Ethelbert Miller has an idiosyncratic name and he is very aware of the fact.

E. Ethelbert Miller is frightened he will die and not be special. None of us are special. E. Ethelbert Miller knows this and the day he dies I will have to get my coffee, you know, because I need my coffee in the morning. If I die first E. Ethelbert Miller will get his coffee.


Uncategorized / 5 Comments
December 19th, 2009 / 3:25 pm

Gee, This is Awkward

smashglass7Your piece in Lit Mag X was all Oil Glow/Lick-Stick Skillz. I fell in love. So I asked you to submit to a Mag I edit, Lit Y. You did, kind soul. But that piece is only good, not Oil Glow/Lick-Stick Skillz. Now what do I do? Why?

Behind the Scenes & Craft Notes / 99 Comments
December 18th, 2009 / 9:28 pm

You Owe Me Nothing! (And, You Sir, Will Pay)


Yesterday my employer, a local university, sent a bill to my house. I owe the university $0.00 immediately! That is Zero Dollars and Zero Cents. The university is not playing around. In their words: PAYMENT DUE. In their words, my options are an INSTALLMENT PAYMENT PLAN or LATE PAYMENT FEE. I am also instructed to KEEP TOP PORTION FOR YOUR TAX INFORMATION.

What are your favorite surrealist/absurdist artists or text?


Random / 33 Comments
December 18th, 2009 / 9:28 am

Book-o-the-Day: Chump Change by Dan Fante

smashglass10I like to read a book a day, except for on Fri/Sat, when I read ½ book a day (I binge drink on Friday, complete the book, forget every word in a poisonous fog, wake, reread it on Saturday—do the math.)

Today’s book was Chump Change, by Dan Fante.

Dan Fante writes like Charles Bukowski who writes like John Fante (Dan’s dad, Buk’s muse). All three believe they descend from Jack Hemingway, the love child of Ernest and London.

They do not.

J Fante has the best book of the three (Ask the Dust). Bukowksi writes the most agreeable characters (usually through their self deprecation—one technique of developing sympathetic characters.)

I like the play of words: Chump Change. This book is product placement for Mogen David 20/20 (Aka Mad Dog). The best sentence is on pp. 155: “I decided to beat off with her, move for move, so I set my food aside.” Before heading off to L.A. to purse your glittering halos of need, I suggest you read this book. It will take you one hour, fourteen minutes to finish.

That is all.

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December 17th, 2009 / 9:14 pm