Ryan Call

A few more prizes (stuff from Juked, Artifice Magazine, Future Tense Books, Melville House, and Muumuu House) have been added to the prize packages for our 20 Under 40 Pick ‘Em Contest. The deadline to enter is 11:59pm on June 1st.

The HTMLGIANT 20 Under 40 Pick ‘Em Contest

Last week The New York Observer reported that on June 7th The New Yorker will name the top twenty American writers under forty, and we’d like to celebrate this really incredibly important event in the history of American letters by running a free March Madness-style Pick ‘Em contest for you HTMLGIANT readers. If you’d like to enter, all you have to do is email to htmlgiant [at] htmlgiant [dot] com your list of the twenty authors you think The New Yorker will select as “the key writers of this generation.” Then we all wait with baited breath until The New Yorker publishes their list! The top three entrants who have the most picks that correctly match the names on The New Yorker list will each receive a prize package. Should you wish to pay an ‘entry fee,’ please consider making a donation to any of the presses/publishers/people who have put up swag for the prize package; however, there is no requirement for an entry fee.

Details after the jump.


Contests / 222 Comments
May 21st, 2010 / 9:55 am

Random / 20 Comments
May 13th, 2010 / 12:05 am

Early Bernhard at Little Star

Little Star has posted “Two Tutors,” an early story by Thomas Bernhard. The story is part of a forthcoming book of prose originally published in German in 1967, but now translated into English for the first time.

Conversation as the expression of the most absurd human miseries is not possible for us. As far as conversation is concerned we are both such characters who must avoid it in order to save ourselves in a totalitarian madness from being frightened to death. Today, too, no conversation came about. We walk well outside the town and above it and in the middle of it through a grotesque alpine limestone flora, constantly at the mercy of critical observation and constantly making critical observations. The soothing effect of a conversation—we do not permit ourselves such a thing. In fact what the new tutor during our walk today had initially taken the liberty of judging a  “confession,” he already described, after only a couple of sentences, as if he wanted from the outset to prevent any intervention on my part in this  “confession,” to make it impossible, as merely a remark.

Random / 4 Comments
May 12th, 2010 / 3:10 pm


Random / 35 Comments
April 26th, 2010 / 9:54 pm

Landschaft Mit Haus

I am in love with this series of paintings from Maria Zaikina. I now have all of the images rotating automatically through my desktop background.

(via but does it float)

Random / 14 Comments
April 21st, 2010 / 8:38 pm

There goes my night: pick one.

Anyone want issues 1-6 of n+1 magazine? I’m happy to trade for something? Or whatever.