October 26th, 2010 / 1:48 pm
Mean & Snippets

To the clever person introducing the poet: Shut the fuck up. To the poet: Read the poems.


  1. Mike Meginnis

      Agreed re: introductions, but I do like a little banter between poems sometimes. Not a TON — we had somebody at NMSU recently who killed her work dead with talking — but sometimes it’s nice and charming and funny.

  2. drewkalbach

      to the poet: stop reading your fucking poems. i can do that myself. you aren’t interesting, your poems are.

  3. Jordan Gillespie

      There are readings @ NMSU?

  4. stephen

      i think poets are interesting.

  5. Mike Meginnis

      Yep! They aren’t very well advertised outside the English department, though. Keep an eye on the department blog (clarabellenmsu.blogspot.com) and you should be able to spot them coming.

  6. Hannah Miet

      Yeah. Agreed.

      I like when the poet says something short in between poems. A half a sentence, so it’s not so stiff. So it’s human.

  7. Hannah Miet

      I think they are too. I like how they shift slightly, the way you hear the words in your head.

  8. shaun gannon

      Does this apply to short fiction as well?

  9. alexisorgera

      God, if I have to listen to another poetically self-satisfied poet intro, I will throw up all over everyone’s shoes.

  10. efferny jomes

      Does this apply to short fiction as well?

  11. MM

      don’t we endure these pervasive frivolities everywhere? show me one forum or open plaza where we don’t say to ourselves “why so many dummies?”! it always comes to a choice: sit still and swallow it, or else stay at home. (yet it seems this silly “mean week” is an encouragement to get out your gong, or irascible laserpointer to shine in their eyes from inside your sleeve.) okay i’ll compromise: i have occasionally slipped people notes with sweet complaints, afterwards, an activism that won’t give me Agita like this ceaseless fistshaking.

  12. zusya

      clap. clap. clap.

      worst thing i ever saw: a semi-lengthy introduction given for an introducer who then introduced (at length) two writers, only it was patently obvious the introducer wasn’t so fond of the second writer, so the introduction given for her was like two sentences, while the first writer being introduced was like five minutes and ridiculously effusive. “thanks for the introduction,” the second writer said through her teeth upon getting on stage. seriously, witnessing that whole thing i think turned me off public readings forever.

      1st writer introduced = stuart dybeck. 2nd = zadie smith. introducer = howard norman. guy who gave introduction for introducer = some PEN/Faulkner administration guy.

  13. christopher.

      NB: Sean delivered an at least 5-minute long intro at a reading last night.
