February 5th, 2010 / 4:54 pm

It is Friday: Go Right Ahead

Not usually this early in the morning, but as a mild laxative.

Go easy on the beer. And lay off the hard liquor until I get back.

Honey, drinking is war.


Drinking is a way of ending the day.

Got tight last night on absinthe and did knife tricks.

Are you stiff?

Don’t try to make a mystery of it.

Do I know you?

Was the young mechanic drunk?

You’re very glum. My sore throat is over. Let’s swim now.

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  1. Jimmy Chen

      Glenlivet 15yr, french oak

  2. Jimmy Chen

      Glenlivet 15yr, french oak

  3. Sean

      I’m about to tie one, so excuse the next few hours of comments (on all sites I visit)

  4. Sean

      I’m about to tie one, so excuse the next few hours of comments (on all sites I visit)

  5. ce.

      Maker’s tonight likely.

  6. ce.

      Maker’s tonight likely.

  7. drew kalbach

      sean i like this feature, keep up the good stuff.

  8. drew kalbach

      sean i like this feature, keep up the good stuff.

  9. damon

      “Alright Motherfuckers, move this shit, open some fields, get tight.”

  10. damon

      “Alright Motherfuckers, move this shit, open some fields, get tight.”

  11. Landon

      sweet Hem pic

  12. Landon

      sweet Hem pic