Comedic Literature

Droll Joc Tom Rail

The sky is cold/clod in Indiana. I feel low 3-cornered like the sky. I want a funny book. My kidney stones to rattle. I want to blow Pepto Bismol out my nose.

Tell me a funny book. Blue, black, red, anecdotal, satire, wet, dry, corn cob, slapstick, repartee, funny-but-not-ha-ha funny, hyperbolic, galactic, etc.–just give me humor.

Here is one for you: Iceland by Jim Krusoe. It is smart funny, scaffold funny, full of absurd twists. Characters will appear as Main, then dropped into volcanoes and we yawn on. It has funny SCUBA sex (one of the best varieties). It has pacing like 50 pages for an afternoon, whoops 10 years just gassed in a paragraph. One day you repair typewriters. The next you rob gas stations for your drug-addicted lady. Or maybe a parrot. Like that.

You people read loops around my House of Know-How, so please list here funny books:

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January 27th, 2010 / 11:27 am