Some Thoughts on Self-Publishing (or, How to Start Self-Publishing)
Today I received an email asking me for publishing advice: “I just finished a book, and thought you might have some tips for publishing options. I want full color and nice fancy paper.” A few weeks ago, I had another inquiry: “I love that you have a printing business! I have something that needs to be printed… do you print these things, or should I just go to Kinko’s?” These questions, along with others garnered at the recent Chicago Zine Fest, have made me realize how much I’ve learned about publishing, and how skewed the perceptions of publishing can be.

but it hurts my eyes :(
“Can you print it out?” is a question that belongs in the last century.
People ask this question a lot. They want to receive a paper manuscript, not an email attachment. Never mind that printing a manuscript is going to be a waste of anywhere from 100 pages to 1000 pages of paper, depending on the length of the work in question, how it’s spaced, and whether you printed single-sided. Never mind that it costs money (don’t even get me started on Kinko’s).
I used to think it was how “things were done.” Of course this editor wants 400 pages to arrive at her office in a heavy envelope via courier. It’s more legitimate. And it’s hard to read off a computer screen.
Well, no more. Let me assert a few things: READ MORE >