December 10th, 2008 / 1:44 pm
Author Spotlight & Web Hype

2 Recordings of Flannery O’Connor Reading Her Work!

This comes with a tripple hat-tip, and proves why the internet is awesome.

1) Did you know I have the same name as a somewhat famous preacher? That’s right. Justin Taylor of Wheaton, Illinois, who blogs at Between Two Worlds and is the author and/or editor of several books, including Overcoming Sin and Temptation, Communion with the Triune God, The Supremacy of Christ in a Postmodern World, and Where Did Christianity Come From?  I often wonder if he knows I exist. I mean, if he searches his own name on Amazon, he’ll get my anthology The Apocalypse Reader, as his #3 response, right between Communion with and Supremacy of.

2) I have a Google Alert set up for my own name. I mean why not, right? I get a daily update of what I’ve been up to. Usually, what I’ve been up to is being the above-discussed preacher, though sometimes I play a mean game of high school field hockey or am the mayor of Carbondale, PA. On very rare, happy occasions, I am a writer living in Brooklyn NY who is either giving a reading or just posted something on this blog.

Anyway, this morning [now yesterday morning -ed.]  I checked last night’s Google Alert, and found a notice about a post entitled “Hearing Flannery O’Connor’s Southern Drawl.” A woman named Marla, whose blog, Dyer Road, is about  “running, good food, good reads and the culture through the eyes of a Christian,” got a link via Justin “Preacher” Taylor’s blog to a secular blog called The Morning Oil, where two audio files of Flannery O’Connor reading her own work were posted back in September, and where they remain available for download.

3) So I went over there, and sure enough: .wma audio files of O’Connor reading “Some Aspects of the Grotesque in Southern Fiction” and “A Good Man is Hard to Find.”



Today is Milton’s 400th birthday, and to celebrate, the OTHER Justin Taylor has a very Christ-centered and somewhat interesting interview up on his blog with Leland Ryken, a Milton scholar who teaches at Wheaton College.

Here’s an excerpt:

JT: When did you first read Paradise Lost?

LR: I wish you had not asked.

Onward Christian soldiers!

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  1. Adam R

      Justin Taylor (this one) surely is the Knight of Infinite Resignation.

  2. Adam R

      Justin Taylor (this one) surely is the Knight of Infinite Resignation.

  3. Justin Taylor

      Word up, dude. KoIR ’09!!!!

  4. Justin Taylor

      Word up, dude. KoIR ’09!!!!

  5. pr

      FANTASTIC. Justin, you are the best. I gotta borrow a different computer to hear these. I’ll be back.

  6. Ryan Call

      question: how do i play it on a mac?

  7. Ryan Call

      question: how do i play it on a mac?

  8. Nate

      this is awesome.

  9. Nate

      this is awesome.

  10. Justin Taylor

      Ryan, I’m not sure if you can. They’re Windows Media Player files. Though surely some industrious hacker has come up with a plug-in that does the job?

  11. matthew simmons

      Ryan, you can download a version of Windows Media Player for a Mac.

  12. Justin Taylor

      Ryan, I’m not sure if you can. They’re Windows Media Player files. Though surely some industrious hacker has come up with a plug-in that does the job?

  13. matthew simmons

      Ryan, you can download a version of Windows Media Player for a Mac.

  14. ben
  15. ben
  16. pr

      nice piece in the guardian.

      i can’t figure out how to play the file. do you have to register?

  17. Justin Taylor

      you shouldn’t? i just downloaded them and then loaded them up on Windows Media Player.

  18. Justin Taylor

      you shouldn’t? i just downloaded them and then loaded them up on Windows Media Player.

  19. Ryan Call

      im on another computer and listening now

      this is really great, justin

  20. Ryan Call

      im on another computer and listening now

      this is really great, justin

  21. pr

      i can’t figure it out, i’ll have to wait til someone can come and help me.