August 21st, 2010 / 12:52 pm
Author Spotlight & Presses

Everything Is Quietly Descriptive Love

Scrambler Books—which (like Flatmancrooked) manages to be awesome despite being based in turd-haven-of-a-city Sacramento—is releasing two upcoming books of poetry that I’m stoked about: Kendra Grant Malone’s Everything Is Quiet and Matthew Savoca’s long love poem with descriptive title. You can get these books separate or together, or together in a hardcover edition, which is pretty fancy for indie lit, right? Click here and here for sample poems from Malone and here and here for Savoca poems. These are sure to both be tender and exhausted collections that feel like drinking the wrong beverage at the wrong time and somehow having that be the only thing that makes you feel better. Can’t wait.

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  1. stephen

      super sweet

  2. stephen

      super sweet

  3. scott mcclanahan

      These look great.

  4. scott mcclanahan

      These look great.