December 3rd, 2008 / 4:31 pm
Author Spotlight

‘I Am Also In This Play!’

Wigleaf, the flash fiction wild child of internet sensation Scott Garson, has gone bonkers with excellence, and the latest update proves it.

Stop everything and read Sean Kilpatrick’s “Progress: A Play in _ Acts.”

You won’t regret it. It is funny. It is fucked up. It has the following line in it:

Character A (to audience): In answer to your question, this play was written because we love audiences. Our love is almost Swedish.

Folks, my love for Sean Kilpatrick is all Swedish.

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  1. darby


  2. darby


  3. andré

      What does swedish mean in this context? Seriously! Besides… excellent?

  4. andré

      What does swedish mean in this context? Seriously! Besides… excellent?

  5. barry

      im telling scott to erase the archives.

  6. barry

      im telling scott to erase the archives.

  7. Blake Butler

      sean is the king of thang

      this play wins

  8. Blake Butler

      sean is the king of thang

      this play wins