February 14th, 2010 / 1:46 pm
Author Spotlight & Web Hype

“It is like a paler Earth, he says.”

Really astoundingly good new story from our friend Matthew Simmons at The Nervous Breakdown: “We Never Ever Went to the Moon.” It’s got plot and heart and floating. In a self-interview, Matthew says that the story’s from an as-yet-unpublished collection called Happy Rock, all about people who believe in things even while other people are watching them. Somebody needs to make that collection appear, if you ask me.



  1. Tim Horvath

      Great stuff, Matthew. I’m led to think Calvino meets Dybek…nah, that is just a tic to say “x meets y.” It is your own thing, with utter command over the ropes that steer us groundward and away from the ground. A decisive rebuff to anyone who says a story with a metafictional dimension can’t be emotionally resonant. Or rather, maybe, a rebuff to the impulse to rebuff, sheer embrace.

  2. Tim Horvath

      Great stuff, Matthew. I’m led to think Calvino meets Dybek…nah, that is just a tic to say “x meets y.” It is your own thing, with utter command over the ropes that steer us groundward and away from the ground. A decisive rebuff to anyone who says a story with a metafictional dimension can’t be emotionally resonant. Or rather, maybe, a rebuff to the impulse to rebuff, sheer embrace.

  3. Shya

      I second that final sentiment, Mike. And having read the collection, I can confirm that every story in Happy Rock is excellent. It must be published.

  4. Shya

      I second that final sentiment, Mike. And having read the collection, I can confirm that every story in Happy Rock is excellent. It must be published.

  5. Amber

      Matthew, I love this. Also the Hopkins quote–Hopkins is one of my favorites. Well done. Can’t wait to read your collection when it finds a home.

  6. Amber

      Matthew, I love this. Also the Hopkins quote–Hopkins is one of my favorites. Well done. Can’t wait to read your collection when it finds a home.

  7. Matthew Simmons

      Y’all are making me blush.

      Seriously. Thanks, all. I really appreciate the love.

  8. Matthew Simmons

      Y’all are making me blush.

      Seriously. Thanks, all. I really appreciate the love.

  9. Vin Diesel


  10. Vin Diesel


  11. “I am old and I leave my keys in the refrigerator. I look out the window at the moon and imagine that we’ve never been there. Not a single, damned one of us.” | HTMLGIANT

      […] it’s right, it’s right, over and over again it’s smart and sad and correct. Here is a mention of a story way from the scarred beaches of 2010. And here is my favorite paragraph besides the ending from “Rabbit Fur Coat,” a story […]

  12. “I am old and I leave my keys in the refrigerator. I look out the window at the moon and imagine that we’ve never been there. Not a single, damned one of us.” | GIANT READER

      […] sighing because it’s right, it’s right, over and over again it’s smart and sad and correct. Here is a mention of a story way from the scarred beaches of 2010. And here is my favorite paragraph besides the ending from “Rabbit Fur Coat,” a story […]