October 1st, 2008 / 5:04 pm
Author News & Author Spotlight

Rachel B Glaser

Rachel BubblerRising literary fiction star and sinus headache Cheerios consumer Rachel B Glaser has started a new blog. Currently up are two stories previously published in Columbia and [sic]: “Michael Jordan, in general” and “The Sad Girlfriend.” Soon Glaser will be interviewed by all-star Kelly Spitzer. She also has stories recent or forthcoming in New York Tyrant, Barrelhouse, and American Short Fiction.

Asked for a quote, Glaser said: “It smells weird because I just turned on the oven then I turned it off.”

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  1. Kendra Malone

      rachel is a super star

  2. Kendra Malone

      rachel is a super star

  3. Blake Butler

      ditto yeah

      rachel’s shit smells yumz, f’real

  4. Blake Butler

      ditto yeah

      rachel’s shit smells yumz, f’real

  5. colin bassett

      i really liked “the kid” in elimae, last year i think

  6. colin bassett

      i really liked “the kid” in elimae, last year i think