February 17th, 2010 / 7:38 pm
Author Spotlight & Power Quote

Rest in Unrest

It has even been suggested that I spent six years writing my last novel in order to create a demand that cannot be filled. Basic Black With Pearls has had rave reviews and has been bought by William Morrow Company in New York. Success and 60 cents will get me a ride on the subway. No one can find a copy of my novel in the bookstores.

First published age 45.

Did, but did not enjoy, raising rabbits for food.

94 is way bonus years.

All the literary forms were men’s, all the philosophies were men’s philosophies. … I had to translate these forms into the female


Pointed out that gardens might be an answer to God Money (or that fleas do tricks for food).

RIP Helen. To be avant and overshadowed by a spouse. Push back? Harder? But it happens. But let’s pause.

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  1. Matthew Simmons

      (Stepped on ya, there. Sorry about that, Sean. Sent ‘er to pending.)

  2. Matthew Simmons

      (Stepped on ya, there. Sorry about that, Sean. Sent ‘er to pending.)

  3. Sean

      step away. No worries.

  4. Sean

      step away. No worries.