October 25th, 2010 / 10:19 pm

Mess Section (umm)

(above) Wake In Progress / Finnegans Wake illustrated

(but) Dennis Cooper, interview, at Butt

(hum) Iambik audiobooks

(hai) 4chan / piracy is community, community is profit

(below) art of Ashkan Honarvar, from Faces 5

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  1. Ryan Call

      i liked the last one out of that faces series, ken.

  2. Ryan Call

      i liked the last one out of that faces series, ken.

  3. stephen

      ahhh… have to admit, that pic freaks me out yall… i like the design at butt magazine…seems sweet they interviewed dennis

  4. P. H. Madore

      You should really give James Franco an HTMLGIANT t-shirt.

  5. P. H. Madore

      Please justify your use of the word “seems” in weakening your sentence. An already weak sentence does not need further weakening. Who the fuck do you think you are? I’m calling sententia welfare.

      But seriously. Why can’t you just say, “That’s sweet of them to interview Dennis Cooper.” Why do you need the clubby thing? Why isn’t it enough to use the man’s first and last name?

      I want someone to tell me what sex is like with one of these kinds of people who can’t make a strong statement to save their lives. I imagine emotionless bodies rubbing against each other in order to achieve orgasm, like whales or something. Maybe this explains the Linite fascination with aquatics.

  6. stephen

      i imagine you’re into beating off on dead horses.

  7. jereme_dean

      this pic is just awesome ken.

  8. P. H. Madore

      Is that weird?