March 2nd, 2009 / 2:18 pm
Behind the Scenes & Web Hype

An Open Response re: HTMLGIANT

The following are answers to questions posited by Brandon Scott Gorrell about HTMLGIANT. I don’t think he was being sarcastic, and I will honor these questions with sincere answers. I am not trying to put him on the spot. I think BSG is one of our best writers around, and I respect him. These answers are respectful. [*Disclaimer: this is not a solicited interview. BSG asked these questions on his blog, and I merely answered them. He and I had no direct discourse.]

what happened to htmlgiant
I think you mean, maybe, like it’s ‘different,’ or worse, ‘not as good.’

was it something inside me or inside htmlgiant

I feel like you’ve been more alienated lately, like you fake-deleted your blog, and came back from NY depressed, and you are questioning your existence more and more. So 60% of it is you, but 40% of it is HTMLGIANT.

i used to read htmlgiant feeling excited

I think when it first started, there was a rush of excitement that has since diminished. Posts used to get 200+ comments, now it’s 20+ on a good day. I think, if a journal or website is to last, it needs a) devoted contributors and b) a consistent ethos. I think we have both.

now i feel a little bored and alienated
That’s probably 88% you, sorry. I will admit we are 12% boring and alienating.

when i open comments sections to htmlgiant it often leads to feeling alienated

Same here Brandon. The comments can be very intense and heady. It’s odd, because we go from dick jokes to arguments about Lish. I think this is the charm with HTMLGIANT – like we’re the kooks or something. I hope I’m not deluded in thinking that.

sometimes i stare at the comments with disbelief

I think you’re talking about the massive intellectual/theory arguments. I don’t think they are ‘bad,’ but I can understand why it bothers you. A lot of this, again, is your disposition. You are on the bottle half-empty side of things. It’s that north pacific rain bro — look what happened to Eddie Vedder. If something is non-sarcastic (and I’ve read that phrase from you a thousand times), then you tend to be cynical about its prospects. But yes, HTMLGIANT can be ‘excessive.’

it feels, suddenly, that htmlgiant got very serious about something

See, here’s the deal: I don’t think we could remain interesting cracking jokes or being charming. Sooner or later, I think readers would get tired of us – so the only thing ‘greater than us’ is the content (literature) we write about. And it’s hard to seriously write about a book or writer without seeming serious. We could rhetorically lace everything with sarcasm, but I think that would be even more annoying than just trying to be serious.

john cheever

Are you referring to the post about Cheever?

i think i find the content in htmlgiant less relevant to my life

It does seem that way.

before, during the 1-2 months after its launch, i remember finding it relevant and interesting
I will answer this as a contributor: When it started, I had a huge repository of things/ideas I wanted to convey – so I ‘blew my load’ quickly. Now, I struggle to find things to post about. I don’t know if other contributors feel this way. I would attribute the first two months to somebody ‘busting their load,’ and now that the novelty is over, we are simply here. If ejaculation is to be our metaphor, we are looking at porn right now, and ‘load busting’ is invariable. Please stay tuned.

has there been some kind of shift in tone/character of comments/posters

There was actually and ‘internal’ email discussion regarding tone. Put simply, some contributors didn’t like the ‘gay cock ass bitch fag’ stuff and some contributors didn’t think we should fall into the political correctness thing. On one level, it’s hard to be taken seriously when you sound like a 14yr old boy or 32yr old severely immature person (that would be me), but on another level, I think mandatory PCness is shite. The agreement was to not censor oneself, though I think posters are more self-conscious than before.

has there been a shift in values at htmlgiant

Probably, maybe. I dunno.

i think there has been a shift

There you go then.

have there been email conversations addressing tone, language, appropriateness

Ha! You are very intuitive!

and if so, why
Justin spear-headed the discussion as I recall. I’m not calling Justin out, in fact, he does more for this site than any other person I think. His posts are actually ‘publishable’ (in non-selfblog form). Justin is fuckin’ for real.

have mfas taken over htmlgiant

I hope not.

i feel, sometimes, that htmlgiant has a certain stance on literature, and that stance aligns with the stance of the new yorker, or something, and that this stance is represented by a frequent tone or subject matter in htmlgiant

I don’t think so. Yes, we will write about Cheever or Lish, but come on – most of our posts are on Tao Lin or Sam Pink, or other indie people NYer would never write about (this might change for Tao…). I know that Blake makes continuous efforts to herald deserving ‘lesser known’ voices and pub houses. A lot of our ideology was carved out by Blake, and the only thing NYer about that kid is a wad of chewing gum under the shoe.

i feel that the diversity of tone was one of the first things i consciously articulated, excitedly, during my excitement about the existence of htmlgiant

HTMLGIANT has a fag (Sam Pink), a jew (Justin Taylor), an ‘old lady’ (pr), and a colored person (Jimmy Chen). We are the NAACP of literature.

it felt good to see an ‘extremely juvenile’ post next to a very ‘serious’ post and to believe that htmlgiant was created in ‘recognition’ of a ‘scene’ that existed then; also to promote the idea that no tone/style of writing was better than another

Seriously though, I do see what you mean. Hopefully we’ll read this and brain storm more. I think we should have funnier and more absurd posts. The newer posts do seem sorta NYer or manifesto-ish.

Thank you Brandon for taking the time to think about HTMLGIANT. I look forward to your eventual haircut.

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  1. brandon

      i’m smiling

      thank you jimmy

      all questions were addressed, i feel good

  2. brandon

      i’m smiling

      thank you jimmy

      all questions were addressed, i feel good

  3. Blake Butler

      brandon’s post did make me want to ‘fire it up’ and keep it real. it was a good kick in the lids. i like this response too.

      does anyone have a p.o. box we can all mail our throw up to?

  4. Blake Butler

      brandon’s post did make me want to ‘fire it up’ and keep it real. it was a good kick in the lids. i like this response too.

      does anyone have a p.o. box we can all mail our throw up to?

  5. james yeh

      all valid points, i think.

      i get annoyed from all the “mfa” kind of talk tho, the kind of knee-jerk labeling that people who are out of mfas often say about mfas. i will be the first to admit there are a lot of shitty, boring, and unlovable mfas out there. but to say it like that, the idea that by simply attending an mfa program you have become “establishment’ or something is totally wack, or at least mostly wack, or at least, fuck, maybe you’re right, but i have an mfa, and i don’t think i’m “establishment”, so fuck, you know? i guess what i’m saying is that i think any kind of labeling is frustrating and, ultimately, tenuous, which is to say, shitty and, probably, when you get down to it, incorrect.

      my $0.02

  6. james yeh

      all valid points, i think.

      i get annoyed from all the “mfa” kind of talk tho, the kind of knee-jerk labeling that people who are out of mfas often say about mfas. i will be the first to admit there are a lot of shitty, boring, and unlovable mfas out there. but to say it like that, the idea that by simply attending an mfa program you have become “establishment’ or something is totally wack, or at least mostly wack, or at least, fuck, maybe you’re right, but i have an mfa, and i don’t think i’m “establishment”, so fuck, you know? i guess what i’m saying is that i think any kind of labeling is frustrating and, ultimately, tenuous, which is to say, shitty and, probably, when you get down to it, incorrect.

      my $0.02

  7. james yeh

      ‘keep it real’ – i like that. we should all try to do that.

  8. james yeh

      ‘keep it real’ – i like that. we should all try to do that.

  9. ryan

      james, thanks for saying something. i don’t think i could have done so without sounding rant-y. what baffles me about the disparaging of mfa’s is that people clearly have respect for writers who have mfa’s and post about them often (e.g. the earlier post about DFW). i agree that there are some people who get mfa’s that i don’t care much for as writers and there are just as many who don’t have mfa’s. it’s like anything, each “group” or “school” or whatever term you want to give it, is going to have people and views you identify and connect with and ones that you don’t.

  10. ryan

      james, thanks for saying something. i don’t think i could have done so without sounding rant-y. what baffles me about the disparaging of mfa’s is that people clearly have respect for writers who have mfa’s and post about them often (e.g. the earlier post about DFW). i agree that there are some people who get mfa’s that i don’t care much for as writers and there are just as many who don’t have mfa’s. it’s like anything, each “group” or “school” or whatever term you want to give it, is going to have people and views you identify and connect with and ones that you don’t.

  11. james yeh

      glad i’m not the only one.

      i get my ranting out at literary rejections on display where everyone is pretty much a cretin. i actually like the people on here. i try to be “civil”, or maybe just “sincere”. like, i feel like i have things in common with people here. not there, though. there is good for ranting.

  12. brandon

      i feel like i want to write a more detailed respose later, i am at work

  13. james yeh

      glad i’m not the only one.

      i get my ranting out at literary rejections on display where everyone is pretty much a cretin. i actually like the people on here. i try to be “civil”, or maybe just “sincere”. like, i feel like i have things in common with people here. not there, though. there is good for ranting.

  14. brandon

      i feel like i want to write a more detailed respose later, i am at work

  15. james yeh

      cool, i feel i want to read your more detailed response

  16. james yeh

      cool, i feel i want to read your more detailed response

  17. Jimmy Chen

      don’t you work at some bagel place? how are you online? please don’t tell me you have an iPhone, that would ruin my fantasy of you.

  18. Jimmy Chen

      don’t you work at some bagel place? how are you online? please don’t tell me you have an iPhone, that would ruin my fantasy of you.

  19. james yeh

      iphones are establishment, everyone at my mfa has an iphone, i have 2

  20. james yeh

      iphones are establishment, everyone at my mfa has an iphone, i have 2

  21. james yeh

      1 for tunes, 1 for “other”

  22. james yeh

      1 for tunes, 1 for “other”

  23. ryan

      i agree, i like the people here… sometimes i am not good at controlling my rant-y-ness, which is usually when i try to control myself and say nothing.

  24. ryan

      i agree, i like the people here… sometimes i am not good at controlling my rant-y-ness, which is usually when i try to control myself and say nothing.

  25. ryan

      what’s the deal with iphones not being able to get picture messages? seriously, i am an avid apple supporter and most of my family has iphones, and i’m blown away that my piece of crap nokia can do something they can’t.

  26. ryan

      what’s the deal with iphones not being able to get picture messages? seriously, i am an avid apple supporter and most of my family has iphones, and i’m blown away that my piece of crap nokia can do something they can’t.

  27. james yeh

      i have a “rzr” actually. i’m old school. the time it takes me to go from “main screen” to “txt msg” is comforting, allows me to sort my thoughts. feel “better about myself”

  28. james yeh

      i have a “rzr” actually. i’m old school. the time it takes me to go from “main screen” to “txt msg” is comforting, allows me to sort my thoughts. feel “better about myself”

  29. Justin Taylor

      Umm, did anybody else think that this post was basically devoid of content? Other than (1) being reminded that BSG is a karaoke master, capable of singing the Greatest Hits of the Kennedy-Lin songwriting team like a pro (“alienated,” “relevant,” “bored”), and (2) realizing that BSG probably doesn’t know Blake Butler actually has an MFA, I just couldn’t figure out what the take-away from this “interview” was supposed to be.

      I’m all for critique, and dissent, from outside the site as well among contributors. I think Jimmy’s idea of interviewing a non-contributor about what the site is up to–successes and failures, changes–is a fundamentally good one. But I don’t understand what the value is in a quote-unquote “conversation” where the goal seems to be to stay completely vague and say nothing of use or value to anyone.

      Well, mission accomplished, friend.

  30. brandon

      i work at a cafe that serves coffee and bbq

      the register here has internet

      i have to type via touchscreen, not easy

  31. Justin Taylor

      Umm, did anybody else think that this post was basically devoid of content? Other than (1) being reminded that BSG is a karaoke master, capable of singing the Greatest Hits of the Kennedy-Lin songwriting team like a pro (“alienated,” “relevant,” “bored”), and (2) realizing that BSG probably doesn’t know Blake Butler actually has an MFA, I just couldn’t figure out what the take-away from this “interview” was supposed to be.

      I’m all for critique, and dissent, from outside the site as well among contributors. I think Jimmy’s idea of interviewing a non-contributor about what the site is up to–successes and failures, changes–is a fundamentally good one. But I don’t understand what the value is in a quote-unquote “conversation” where the goal seems to be to stay completely vague and say nothing of use or value to anyone.

      Well, mission accomplished, friend.

  32. brandon

      i work at a cafe that serves coffee and bbq

      the register here has internet

      i have to type via touchscreen, not easy

  33. Steven Trull

      What? Who’s Brandon Scott Gorrell? And why does he sound like Tao Lin? Or Sam Pink? Or wait, I mean, Ellen Kennedy? I like that when they write stuff they all sound the same even though they are different people, right? I wonder why they don’t agree to use just one name and publish all their stuff under one name? That would be fun! And totally controversial, right? It would defy the prevalent concept, and practice, of artistic ownership. I don’t know. Who’s Brandon Scott Gorrell, again?

      He doesn’t sound very depressed.

  34. is sam pink gay

      didn’t know sam pink is gay

  35. is sam pink gay

      didn’t know sam pink is gay

  36. brandon

      justin, i knew blake had an mfa, blake told me a long time ago

  37. brandon

      justin, i knew blake had an mfa, blake told me a long time ago

  38. Steven Trull

      Wait. Who’s Ellen Kennedy? I know Sam Pink because I see him at the gay bar on 18 Street every Wednesday night. And I know Tao Lin because I read that poem about the bear. He writes about stuffed animals and stuff, right? Like all the characters in his books are, like, stuffed animals and they have these adventures that are informed by this deliberately superficial reading of psychoanalysis and, like, all these existential things. As if, somehow, a stuffed animal couldn’t have an adventure that might be informed by post-structuralism or deconstruction? Anyways, I like how they all write the same way because it makes me believe there is a movement happening. And I like robots. They are so cute!

  39. Justin Taylor

      oh, well that’s good to know.

  40. Justin Taylor

      oh, well that’s good to know.

  41. Jimmy Chen

      no man, this was not a solicited interview. BSG wrote these questions on his blog, and i cut/pasted them and answered them.

      BSG and i do not have a discourse. it would be absurd if we engaged in an interview.

  42. Jimmy Chen

      no man, this was not a solicited interview. BSG wrote these questions on his blog, and i cut/pasted them and answered them.

      BSG and i do not have a discourse. it would be absurd if we engaged in an interview.

  43. tao

      i just thought ‘you’re all bitches’ in a happy, encouraging tone

      nervous about this comment, should i post it

      feeling weird

      steven trull

  44. tao

      i just thought ‘you’re all bitches’ in a happy, encouraging tone

      nervous about this comment, should i post it

      feeling weird

      steven trull

  45. tao

      think i might write a ‘sell out’ essay for maybe the most serious poetry website in the world

      so i can refer to it from now on as my ‘sell out’ essay

      so i can have one

      and refer to it

      and have people refer to it

      do people have thoughts about this

  46. tao

      think i might write a ‘sell out’ essay for maybe the most serious poetry website in the world

      so i can refer to it from now on as my ‘sell out’ essay

      so i can have one

      and refer to it

      and have people refer to it

      do people have thoughts about this

  47. darby

      It seems like htmlgiant self analyzes itself more than any other multi-contributer blog, which is maybe ironic considering it is supposed to be no rules, no censoring, toneless? etc. like analyzing chaos. Is hg ‘supposed’ to be something?

      I hate commenting here more and more. Every time I comment here I regret it now, and that regret seems to grow and pile every time I comment and here it will grow more as I comment here. But maybe this is me and happens anytime I try to engage in discussion anywhere lately.

      Earlier this morning I wrote a response to the DFW post below and then I deleted it. Why? Because I think my tone is inherently argumentative and I feel like it pisses people off because it doesn’t seem like anyone wants to have constructive debate here. For every comment I actually submit, I probably write and delete fifty. I am worried about pissing people off more here now and I didn’t used to. I think I prefer what people are talking about in these comments as mfa-speak to juvenile-speak. Something happens when these two conflict and you end up in situations where you’re laughed at for trying to say something intelligent, or at the least not taken seriously.

      But I do think there were strange and incomprehensible expectations in the beginning and everyone thought a certain way about it, but because ‘it’ wasn’t really meant to be defined, no one’s expectations are being met. I just think of htmlgiant as another thing now, it’s a thing sitting over there in the corner of the internet with a toe dipped in a every clique. Whatever.

      Submit Comment? I guess.

  48. darby

      It seems like htmlgiant self analyzes itself more than any other multi-contributer blog, which is maybe ironic considering it is supposed to be no rules, no censoring, toneless? etc. like analyzing chaos. Is hg ‘supposed’ to be something?

      I hate commenting here more and more. Every time I comment here I regret it now, and that regret seems to grow and pile every time I comment and here it will grow more as I comment here. But maybe this is me and happens anytime I try to engage in discussion anywhere lately.

      Earlier this morning I wrote a response to the DFW post below and then I deleted it. Why? Because I think my tone is inherently argumentative and I feel like it pisses people off because it doesn’t seem like anyone wants to have constructive debate here. For every comment I actually submit, I probably write and delete fifty. I am worried about pissing people off more here now and I didn’t used to. I think I prefer what people are talking about in these comments as mfa-speak to juvenile-speak. Something happens when these two conflict and you end up in situations where you’re laughed at for trying to say something intelligent, or at the least not taken seriously.

      But I do think there were strange and incomprehensible expectations in the beginning and everyone thought a certain way about it, but because ‘it’ wasn’t really meant to be defined, no one’s expectations are being met. I just think of htmlgiant as another thing now, it’s a thing sitting over there in the corner of the internet with a toe dipped in a every clique. Whatever.

      Submit Comment? I guess.

  49. Justin Taylor

      uh, this is pretty absurd too. you might clarify what you just told me in the post itself.

  50. Justin Taylor

      uh, this is pretty absurd too. you might clarify what you just told me in the post itself.

  51. Blake Butler

      for me it was a reminder that in order for this site to be what it should, it should be clearly distinctive from all other writing-related blogs. i think it does that. but its still a good reminder.

      thinking out loud is fun

  52. Blake Butler

      for me it was a reminder that in order for this site to be what it should, it should be clearly distinctive from all other writing-related blogs. i think it does that. but its still a good reminder.

      thinking out loud is fun

  53. Blake Butler

      mfa people are usually defensive of having an mfa

      non mfa people are usually defensive of not having an mfa

      i have an mfa, its in a box somewhere

      i like to throw candy at middle aged women

  54. Blake Butler

      mfa people are usually defensive of having an mfa

      non mfa people are usually defensive of not having an mfa

      i have an mfa, its in a box somewhere

      i like to throw candy at middle aged women

  55. Justin Taylor

      Just so people understand- htmlgiant doesn’t schedule its posts or have its editor preview them. what Giant produces is entirely a function of what the individual contributors are willing to offer of themselves, their time, and their interests. there is no editorial guidance or oversight beyond Blake’s having chosen people he is interested to work with, support and hear from, and whom he believes are willing to work hard on something they care about. if you have a favorite contributor who you haven’t heard from in five months, they didn’t get fired– they just stopped posting.

      Jimmy, since you’re a contributor, you know this better than anyone. If one voice–let’s say mine, for example–seems like it’s gotten louder, maybe it’s because a lot of the people who were part of our Original Ace Team have shut up entirely, and nobody is stepping up to fill those spaces.

      Be the change you want to see, Jimmy boy. You want more funny and absurd posts? Post them. Nobody is censoring your brainstorm.

  56. Justin Taylor

      Just so people understand- htmlgiant doesn’t schedule its posts or have its editor preview them. what Giant produces is entirely a function of what the individual contributors are willing to offer of themselves, their time, and their interests. there is no editorial guidance or oversight beyond Blake’s having chosen people he is interested to work with, support and hear from, and whom he believes are willing to work hard on something they care about. if you have a favorite contributor who you haven’t heard from in five months, they didn’t get fired– they just stopped posting.

      Jimmy, since you’re a contributor, you know this better than anyone. If one voice–let’s say mine, for example–seems like it’s gotten louder, maybe it’s because a lot of the people who were part of our Original Ace Team have shut up entirely, and nobody is stepping up to fill those spaces.

      Be the change you want to see, Jimmy boy. You want more funny and absurd posts? Post them. Nobody is censoring your brainstorm.

  57. colin

      jimmy, i felt like i liked your responses

      good job

  58. Blake Butler

      i am confused as to what is being discussed here in the comments now

      fun time?

  59. colin

      jimmy, i felt like i liked your responses

      good job

  60. Blake Butler

      i am confused as to what is being discussed here in the comments now

      fun time?

  61. tao

      any html giant writers who don’t own ellen’s muumuu house book can get it for free, email your address

      feeling weird right now

  62. ryan

      i don’t think i’m defensive of mfa’s i just genuinely don’t understand the negativity toward them in general. ultimately who cares if someone has one or not? i certainly don’t check to see if someone has an mfa when reading them, and whether they have one or not doesn’t sway my feelings about a person.

      i think i’d like middle aged women to throw candy at me.

  63. tao

      any html giant writers who don’t own ellen’s muumuu house book can get it for free, email your address

      feeling weird right now

  64. ryan

      i don’t think i’m defensive of mfa’s i just genuinely don’t understand the negativity toward them in general. ultimately who cares if someone has one or not? i certainly don’t check to see if someone has an mfa when reading them, and whether they have one or not doesn’t sway my feelings about a person.

      i think i’d like middle aged women to throw candy at me.

  65. Gene Morgan

      I am working on getting $$$ for the site and becoming the establishment. Just hold on, everyone.

  66. Gene Morgan

      I am working on getting $$$ for the site and becoming the establishment. Just hold on, everyone.

  67. Gene Morgan

      Also, fuck people with undergraduate degrees.

  68. Gene Morgan

      Also, fuck people with undergraduate degrees.

  69. tao

      wtf james


  70. ryan

      that’s more like it.

  71. Ken Baumann

      I’m picking favorites and Blake is my favorite.

  72. tao

      i have a rzr, ‘sucks ass’

      pictures take forever

      gene morgan gave it to me

      that was really nice

      thank you gene

  73. tao

      wtf james


  74. ryan

      that’s more like it.

  75. Ken Baumann

      I’m picking favorites and Blake is my favorite.

  76. tao

      i have a rzr, ‘sucks ass’

      pictures take forever

      gene morgan gave it to me

      that was really nice

      thank you gene

  77. ryan

      i read muumuu’s submission guidelines and i constantly wonder what would happen if i ignored them and just sent a submission to that email.

  78. Ken Baumann

      Gene is also my favorite.

  79. ryan

      i read muumuu’s submission guidelines and i constantly wonder what would happen if i ignored them and just sent a submission to that email.

  80. Ken Baumann

      Gene is also my favorite.

  81. Blake Butler

      there is about to become a maximum dick length for new writers on this site.
      if your dick is longer than a certain amount, you are out.
      will this cancel my own editorialship? i can’t remember

      all women are gods

      everyone says whatever they want, that’s why its fun

      lets get $$

  82. tao

      does htmlgiant have a twitter account

  83. Blake Butler

      there is about to become a maximum dick length for new writers on this site.
      if your dick is longer than a certain amount, you are out.
      will this cancel my own editorialship? i can’t remember

      all women are gods

      everyone says whatever they want, that’s why its fun

      lets get $$

  84. tao

      does htmlgiant have a twitter account

  85. tao

      just felt a mild fear that my comments were being deleted

  86. Matthew Simmons


  87. Justin Taylor

      this is SO much better than a twitter account. i cant wait to read your sellout essay.

  88. tao

      just felt a mild fear that my comments were being deleted

  89. Matthew Simmons


  90. Justin Taylor

      this is SO much better than a twitter account. i cant wait to read your sellout essay.

  91. ryan

      “i feel good about my choice”

  92. Matthew Simmons


      (WordPress won’t let me make the same comment twice. WordPress does not understand the power of repetition.)

  93. ryan

      “i feel good about my choice”

  94. Matthew Simmons


      (WordPress won’t let me make the same comment twice. WordPress does not understand the power of repetition.)

  95. Matthew Simmons

      My MFA is in TV/VCR Repair.

  96. Matthew Simmons

      My MFA is in TV/VCR Repair.

  97. tao

      i keep refreshing checking for comments now


  98. tao

      i keep refreshing checking for comments now


  99. Ken Baumann

      I petition HTML Giant to create a twitter account. Can we, the commenters, do that? Is this a direct democracy? Can we stab each other?

  100. Ken Baumann

      I petition HTML Giant to create a twitter account. Can we, the commenters, do that? Is this a direct democracy? Can we stab each other?

  101. Blake Butler

      i will start one tonight

  102. Gene Morgan

      Reading about Rick Rubin. Drank a Pepsi Max.

  103. Blake Butler

      i will start one tonight

  104. Gene Morgan

      Reading about Rick Rubin. Drank a Pepsi Max.

  105. Blake Butler

      life is often life

  106. tao

      someone can now add to my wikipedia entry that i was ‘the impetus’ for the creation of htmlgiant’s twitter account


  107. Blake Butler

      life is often life

  108. tao

      someone can now add to my wikipedia entry that i was ‘the impetus’ for the creation of htmlgiant’s twitter account


  109. Blake Butler

      i used to feel insane about these kind of threads

      now its like there are 15 stand up comedians all trying to kiss my cherry

      its like a fun day in a field of fun

  110. Blake Butler

      i used to feel insane about these kind of threads

      now its like there are 15 stand up comedians all trying to kiss my cherry

      its like a fun day in a field of fun

  111. Blake Butler

      i want to start a band called FIELD OF FUN

  112. Blake Butler

      i want to start a band called FIELD OF FUN

  113. Blake Butler

      jimmy chen is easily the most consistent 100+ comment post writer

  114. ryan

      have you notice that joaquin phoenix is looking more and more like Rubin?

  115. Blake Butler

      jimmy chen is easily the most consistent 100+ comment post writer

  116. ryan

      have you notice that joaquin phoenix is looking more and more like Rubin?

  117. ryan

      i think the internet buzz has already started

  118. tao

      i have been thinking about a novel called ‘racist dad’ or ‘the racist father’ or something like that for a while

  119. ryan

      about the band, i meant.

  120. Jimmy Chen

      i feel ‘negative energy’ coming from you justin. i don’t get it. hell, i complimented you in my post. thanks ok. everything is cool.

  121. ryan

      i think the internet buzz has already started

  122. tao

      i have been thinking about a novel called ‘racist dad’ or ‘the racist father’ or something like that for a while

  123. ryan

      about the band, i meant.

  124. Jimmy Chen

      i feel ‘negative energy’ coming from you justin. i don’t get it. hell, i complimented you in my post. thanks ok. everything is cool.

  125. Blake Butler

      that is a nice offer, you are nice

      i read the whole book in the bath the other day, it was pure

  126. Blake Butler

      that is a nice offer, you are nice

      i read the whole book in the bath the other day, it was pure

  127. Ken Baumann

      only if you title every song SHADOWS

  128. Ken Baumann

      only if you title every song SHADOWS

  129. Ken Baumann

      Tao has benefited greatly from this comment thread.

  130. Jimmy Chen

      that’s an amazing title for a novel.
      we’re only 500 pages short….

  131. Ken Baumann

      Tao has benefited greatly from this comment thread.

  132. Jimmy Chen

      that’s an amazing title for a novel.
      we’re only 500 pages short….

  133. Ken Baumann

      Party conversation, like the one in Infinite Jest where Heideggerian philosophy and projectile vomit are mentioned on the same page.

  134. Ken Baumann

      Party conversation, like the one in Infinite Jest where Heideggerian philosophy and projectile vomit are mentioned on the same page.

  135. tao

      i keep thinking ‘i hope everyone doesn’t hate me’ while rereading my comments with near-incomprehension re tone

  136. Gene Morgan

      Yes, and it’s really great.

  137. tao

      i keep thinking ‘i hope everyone doesn’t hate me’ while rereading my comments with near-incomprehension re tone

  138. Gene Morgan

      Yes, and it’s really great.

  139. ryan

      this gives you more earning potential than mine, i think

  140. Ken Baumann

      Please write that novel.

      Also, I got Ellen’s book + stuff in the mail. Thank you, there’s a lot of stuff. You went ‘above and beyond’.

  141. ryan

      this gives you more earning potential than mine, i think

  142. Ken Baumann

      Please write that novel.

      Also, I got Ellen’s book + stuff in the mail. Thank you, there’s a lot of stuff. You went ‘above and beyond’.

  143. ryan

      agreed. rick rubin is a person worth trying to be.

  144. ryan

      agreed. rick rubin is a person worth trying to be.

  145. Ryan Call

      i dont hink argumentative as a tone is bad. i like your comments.

  146. Ryan Call

      i dont hink argumentative as a tone is bad. i like your comments.

  147. Blake Butler

      racist dad!

  148. Blake Butler

      racist dad!

  149. Blake Butler

      mean week 2 will be the 2nd week of this month maybe

  150. Blake Butler

      mean week 2 will be the 2nd week of this month maybe

  151. ryan

      that would be a book i think i’d read

  152. ryan

      that would be a book i think i’d read

  153. Jimmy Chen

      ‘racist dad’ should be a novel. somebody should wear a Che t-shirt in the novel.

  154. Jimmy Chen

      ‘racist dad’ should be a novel. somebody should wear a Che t-shirt in the novel.

  155. Matthew Simmons

      Only the TV part, though. The VCR repair component of my MFA is about as useful as musket repair at this point.

  156. Matthew Simmons

      Only the TV part, though. The VCR repair component of my MFA is about as useful as musket repair at this point.

  157. Justin Taylor

      I just ate an enormous babaghanoush sandwich. it came in a burrito wrapper. i love life right now.

  158. Justin Taylor

      I just ate an enormous babaghanoush sandwich. it came in a burrito wrapper. i love life right now.

  159. jereme

      i will comment on my perspective.

      jimmy already stated we had an internal thread re: contributor tone. The discussion did not influence my posts/comments.

      Blake is responsible for my change in direction. When I first started posting at HTMLG there was a definite buzz hum here. I felt the energy was a byproduct of Blake’s enthusiasm.

      Blake’s interest in HTMLG changed drastically (he went from posting a couple times a day to zero posting/commenting). i felt like he had maybe given up on the idea of HTMLG and started neglecting it completely.

      I stopped caring as a result. Why should I waste my time if the editor doesn’t care much for the journal?

      this is all my perception.


  160. jereme

      i will comment on my perspective.

      jimmy already stated we had an internal thread re: contributor tone. The discussion did not influence my posts/comments.

      Blake is responsible for my change in direction. When I first started posting at HTMLG there was a definite buzz hum here. I felt the energy was a byproduct of Blake’s enthusiasm.

      Blake’s interest in HTMLG changed drastically (he went from posting a couple times a day to zero posting/commenting). i felt like he had maybe given up on the idea of HTMLG and started neglecting it completely.

      I stopped caring as a result. Why should I waste my time if the editor doesn’t care much for the journal?

      this is all my perception.


  161. Jimmy Chen

      i meant to type ‘that’s ok’
      ‘thanks ok’ seems passive aggresive and spiteful

  162. Jimmy Chen

      i meant to type ‘that’s ok’
      ‘thanks ok’ seems passive aggresive and spiteful

  163. Gene Morgan

      Looking at the pictures from Rachel Ray’s FHM photo shoot.

  164. Gene Morgan

      Looking at the pictures from Rachel Ray’s FHM photo shoot.

  165. ryan

      better or worse than rick rubin?

  166. ryan

      better or worse than rick rubin?

  167. Ken Baumann

      This two-day-old pad thai is weird. The noodles are hard.

  168. Ken Baumann

      This two-day-old pad thai is weird. The noodles are hard.

  169. Lincoln

      I’m with Ryan. I’m not defensive of having an MFA at all. but i do see criticism of MFAs that just seems absurdly wrong. Like ryan noted with DFW, almost everyone I see attacking MFA programs for producing bland writers has a whole shelf of mfa grad fiction they rave about.

  170. Lincoln

      I’m with Ryan. I’m not defensive of having an MFA at all. but i do see criticism of MFAs that just seems absurdly wrong. Like ryan noted with DFW, almost everyone I see attacking MFA programs for producing bland writers has a whole shelf of mfa grad fiction they rave about.

  171. Jimmy Chen

      haha i get it. gene and ken are twittering

  172. Jimmy Chen

      haha i get it. gene and ken are twittering

  173. Gene Morgan

      I feel bad that I didn’t get money involved quicker.

      Blake really wasn’t/isn’t supposed to be the big voice on the site. He’s supposed to be the editor.

      With no money, and everyone doing the site in their free time, you can only expect so much effort. People are trying to accomplish other things as well, and sometimes they just don’t have the time to post.

  174. Gene Morgan

      I feel bad that I didn’t get money involved quicker.

      Blake really wasn’t/isn’t supposed to be the big voice on the site. He’s supposed to be the editor.

      With no money, and everyone doing the site in their free time, you can only expect so much effort. People are trying to accomplish other things as well, and sometimes they just don’t have the time to post.

  175. Gene Morgan

      You guessed it!

  176. Gene Morgan

      You guessed it!

  177. james yeh

      i know, we have the same “sucks ass” phone, tao, i fucking hate it, my father gave it to me, thank father

  178. james yeh

      i know, we have the same “sucks ass” phone, tao, i fucking hate it, my father gave it to me, thank father

  179. james yeh

      i like this comment, good comment darby

  180. james yeh

      i like this comment, good comment darby

  181. james yeh


  182. Gene Morgan

      I didn’t like the phone either, so I sent it to you. I’m glad you still use it, even though you hate it.

      BTW, I’m an asshole with an iPhone now. I think about selling it every other day because it makes me feel like a tool, but like it a lot.

  183. james yeh


  184. Gene Morgan

      I didn’t like the phone either, so I sent it to you. I’m glad you still use it, even though you hate it.

      BTW, I’m an asshole with an iPhone now. I think about selling it every other day because it makes me feel like a tool, but like it a lot.

  185. james yeh

      *thank you father

  186. james yeh

      *thank you father

  187. Ken Baumann

      I have an iPhone, too. I think similar thoughts.

      It is the best phone ever made.

  188. Ken Baumann

      Do you twitter from your iPhone?

  189. Ken Baumann

      I have an iPhone, too. I think similar thoughts.

      It is the best phone ever made.

  190. Ken Baumann

      Do you twitter from your iPhone?

  191. james yeh

      are there any girls who comment on this site? what’s up with that. all bros here. htmlgiant is the cockfest of internet literature.

  192. james yeh

      are there any girls who comment on this site? what’s up with that. all bros here. htmlgiant is the cockfest of internet literature.

  193. james yeh

      there’s like pr and that’s it. girls don’t like to do comment threads. agree or disagree?

  194. james yeh

      there’s like pr and that’s it. girls don’t like to do comment threads. agree or disagree?

  195. Lincoln

      ye olde catherine lacey pops her head in now and then

  196. Lincoln

      ye olde catherine lacey pops her head in now and then

  197. james yeh

      but she doesn’t comment really, just posts

  198. james yeh

      but she doesn’t comment really, just posts

  199. André

      Yeah, I wonder if I had the same response to the DFW post. But I totally get what you are saying regarding feeling “argumentative” and I know no one here even knows who I am but I still feel that way, you aren’t alone. Like you I am kind of trying to stay away from commenting because I think it is just me but we both just commented here. And what I said doesn’t add anything to the conversation and maybe takes it in a worse direction, but I don’t want to ghost comment in this one instance.

  200. André

      Yeah, I wonder if I had the same response to the DFW post. But I totally get what you are saying regarding feeling “argumentative” and I know no one here even knows who I am but I still feel that way, you aren’t alone. Like you I am kind of trying to stay away from commenting because I think it is just me but we both just commented here. And what I said doesn’t add anything to the conversation and maybe takes it in a worse direction, but I don’t want to ghost comment in this one instance.

  201. james yeh

      if i were to be overly reductive, the flaws of non-mfa-ers when talking about mfas are that they are oblivious. the flaws of mfa-ers when talking about mfas are that they are arch and a lot of the time pretty boring.

      i almost just wrote something like “brainless v bloodless, the bookish battle begins”. thankfully i edited that and now it’s in quotes, so it’s like i’m making fun of it too.

  202. james yeh

      if i were to be overly reductive, the flaws of non-mfa-ers when talking about mfas are that they are oblivious. the flaws of mfa-ers when talking about mfas are that they are arch and a lot of the time pretty boring.

      i almost just wrote something like “brainless v bloodless, the bookish battle begins”. thankfully i edited that and now it’s in quotes, so it’s like i’m making fun of it too.

  203. Matthew Simmons

      I’m so mad at you right now, Ken.

  204. Matthew Simmons

      I’m so mad at you right now, Ken.

  205. james yeh

      “heh heh”

  206. james yeh

      NI HAO TAO

  207. james yeh

      “heh heh”

  208. james yeh

      NI HAO TAO

  209. james yeh

      i love the fact that my rzr is not an iphone but i hate the fact that it’s a rzr.

      carles probably has something to say about this

  210. Ken Baumann

      I’m picking favorites and Matthew is my favorite.

  211. james yeh

      i love the fact that my rzr is not an iphone but i hate the fact that it’s a rzr.

      carles probably has something to say about this

  212. Ken Baumann

      I’m picking favorites and Matthew is my favorite.

  213. darby

      I’m sure its all me, htmlgiant can be whatever it wants. I think I have a problem with seriousness and nonseriousness existing in the same realm anywhere and its kind of amazing how it happens here. i’m like the teachers pet in class wishing all the other kids would stop goofing off and listen you might learn something.

      The most influential post for me ever here was the one Jimmy, I think it was Jimmy, posted about Gaddis, the Writers I Like series, and when that series started it was like a fresh air breath, like I’m actually going to learn something here. But then it got juxtaposed with Writers I’d Like to Fuck and I said, wha?? These two series can’t exist next to each other yet they do. It’s too revolutionary for me. It’s like the teacher is a genius but only shows up every other day, and on the nondays let’s the kids just run the class however they want. I can’t go to that school. It’s got to be either/or for me.

  214. darby

      I’m sure its all me, htmlgiant can be whatever it wants. I think I have a problem with seriousness and nonseriousness existing in the same realm anywhere and its kind of amazing how it happens here. i’m like the teachers pet in class wishing all the other kids would stop goofing off and listen you might learn something.

      The most influential post for me ever here was the one Jimmy, I think it was Jimmy, posted about Gaddis, the Writers I Like series, and when that series started it was like a fresh air breath, like I’m actually going to learn something here. But then it got juxtaposed with Writers I’d Like to Fuck and I said, wha?? These two series can’t exist next to each other yet they do. It’s too revolutionary for me. It’s like the teacher is a genius but only shows up every other day, and on the nondays let’s the kids just run the class however they want. I can’t go to that school. It’s got to be either/or for me.

  215. André

      Tao your comments sound kind of like they come out of a dying child. I don’t know how else to describe it. They are not my thing exactly, but I am “there” instantly when I hit them, even if I do not know who is speaking. They are consistent. I think you’ve got comprehension down.

  216. André

      Tao your comments sound kind of like they come out of a dying child. I don’t know how else to describe it. They are not my thing exactly, but I am “there” instantly when I hit them, even if I do not know who is speaking. They are consistent. I think you’ve got comprehension down.

  217. André

      Yeah, I realise now I seemed kind of ambiguous on the “is it just me” part when I didn’t mean to be. It is definitely just me. I am the same way when it comes to seriousness/non-seriousness. htmlgiant can be whatever it wants, I would like it if the teacher showed up more often… I don’t know, to me you can do things with nonseriousness that you can’t with seriousness, maybe they should investigate that more? Because I think the seriousness works but here no one really knows what the nonseriousness is or if it has a function/how to use it. Maybe what I’m suggesting is just seriousness in a different jacket.

  218. André

      Yeah, I realise now I seemed kind of ambiguous on the “is it just me” part when I didn’t mean to be. It is definitely just me. I am the same way when it comes to seriousness/non-seriousness. htmlgiant can be whatever it wants, I would like it if the teacher showed up more often… I don’t know, to me you can do things with nonseriousness that you can’t with seriousness, maybe they should investigate that more? Because I think the seriousness works but here no one really knows what the nonseriousness is or if it has a function/how to use it. Maybe what I’m suggesting is just seriousness in a different jacket.

  219. barry

      sucks i came in so late on this, but yeah, what brandon said…. quit trying to defend jimmy, just say sorry.

  220. barry

      sucks i came in so late on this, but yeah, what brandon said…. quit trying to defend jimmy, just say sorry.

  221. barry

      steve. you’re a fucking idiot.

  222. barry

      steve. you’re a fucking idiot.

  223. barry

      thats funny because you’re here every day.

  224. barry

      thats funny because you’re here every day.

  225. barry

      sam is my favorite, but only because thats me and him at the 18th street gay bar, together, every wedn night. right steve?

  226. barry

      sam is my favorite, but only because thats me and him at the 18th street gay bar, together, every wedn night. right steve?

  227. barry

      my dick is 4 inches fully hard.

  228. barry

      my dick is 4 inches fully hard.

  229. Molly Gaudry

      This makes me not want to comment, and the sad thing is I have more to say about the original post. Can’t, though. I have to get ready for work and then go dig out my car.

      I’ll say now, though, that I feel like I want to hug Darby; I didn’t know Sam was gay (is he?); I’m confused about why Tao is commenting here; Gene Morgan seems nice; Ken shouldn’t eat that pad thai (it’s probably bad); Jimmy and Justin seem defensive; and Blake, don’t waste that candy – eat it.

  230. Molly Gaudry

      This makes me not want to comment, and the sad thing is I have more to say about the original post. Can’t, though. I have to get ready for work and then go dig out my car.

      I’ll say now, though, that I feel like I want to hug Darby; I didn’t know Sam was gay (is he?); I’m confused about why Tao is commenting here; Gene Morgan seems nice; Ken shouldn’t eat that pad thai (it’s probably bad); Jimmy and Justin seem defensive; and Blake, don’t waste that candy – eat it.

  231. james yeh

      hi molly, were you referring to my comment about the male/female post ratio, or the movement/tone/comments of the thread in general?

      if it’s the former, sorry if my comment came across negatively. all i’m saying is that there are 110+ comments and now one female commenter. this is neither a good nor a bad thing. there’s no value judgment attached, just observation.

  232. james yeh

      hi molly, were you referring to my comment about the male/female post ratio, or the movement/tone/comments of the thread in general?

      if it’s the former, sorry if my comment came across negatively. all i’m saying is that there are 110+ comments and now one female commenter. this is neither a good nor a bad thing. there’s no value judgment attached, just observation.

  233. Jimmy Chen

      omg he’s not gay.

  234. Jimmy Chen

      omg he’s not gay.

  235. peter b

      oh hell

  236. peter b

      oh hell

  237. peter b

      fuck people

  238. peter b

      fuck people

  239. sam pink

      i didn’t know that i was gay but i will start having sex with men now. the internet is clarity.

  240. sam pink

      i didn’t know that i was gay but i will start having sex with men now. the internet is clarity.

  241. Gene

      I do!

  242. Gene

      I do!

  243. tao

      “I’m confused about why Tao is commenting here”

      can you elaborate

  244. tao

      “I’m confused about why Tao is commenting here”

      can you elaborate

  245. ryan

      “i’ll never make it now”

  246. ryan

      “i’ll never make it now”

  247. tao

      am i the only person still here

  248. tao

      am i the only person still here

  249. brandon

      im posting my response on my blog soon

  250. brandon

      im posting my response on my blog soon

  251. Soffi Stiassni

      1. I do not have an MFA or undergraduate degree.
      2. I am glad the max. dick length will not apply to me. I do not want to pay for F to M transitional surgery right now.
      3. Maybe all meta communication about style/shittalking on other contributers is a meta abstract version of the dick length test.
      (that last comment is my “female contributer” comment)

  252. Ken Baumann



  253. Ken Baumann



  254. zachary german

      going to wash dishes now

  255. zachary german

      going to wash dishes now

  256. brandon
  257. brandon
  258. tao

      am i acting weird today, does someone have perspective

      can i become the new banksy, i have plans

      (second sentence not related to first sentence in this comment)

  259. tao

      am i acting weird today, does someone have perspective

      can i become the new banksy, i have plans

      (second sentence not related to first sentence in this comment)

  260. aaron

      damn. i had a few comments a while ago, but then i kept reading the above comments and now i don’t have them anymore.

      one was something along the lines of: about 99% of arguments about mfa (either pro OR con) are just kinda retarded. that said, i’m getting one now and i kinda wish i wasn’t. oh well. what is one to do. i can argue more if necessary (either pro or con), but i would like myself less if i posted anything about MFAs.

      second, um… apparently i now like myself less.

      third… shit. i forgot. i met someone today and she mentioned “james yeh” and i said, “i know him. he comments on htmlgiant.”

      i forgot the rest.

  261. aaron

      damn. i had a few comments a while ago, but then i kept reading the above comments and now i don’t have them anymore.

      one was something along the lines of: about 99% of arguments about mfa (either pro OR con) are just kinda retarded. that said, i’m getting one now and i kinda wish i wasn’t. oh well. what is one to do. i can argue more if necessary (either pro or con), but i would like myself less if i posted anything about MFAs.

      second, um… apparently i now like myself less.

      third… shit. i forgot. i met someone today and she mentioned “james yeh” and i said, “i know him. he comments on htmlgiant.”

      i forgot the rest.

  262. The Ghost of John Cheever


      * Rattles chains.



      * Fixed himself a gin and soda with your best gin. Downs it in one gulp.

      Wwwoooooaaaall the hours of the darrrkkhhhhhhh……

      * Vanishes.

  263. The Ghost of John Cheever


      * Rattles chains.



      * Fixed himself a gin and soda with your best gin. Downs it in one gulp.

      Wwwoooooaaaall the hours of the darrrkkhhhhhhh……

      * Vanishes.

  264. james yeh

      dude, sweet

  265. james yeh

      dude, sweet

  266. james yeh

      shit. should have put quotations around those

  267. james yeh

      shit. should have put quotations around those

  268. brandon

      that was funny

  269. brandon

      that was funny

  270. Catherine Lacey


  271. Catherine Lacey


  272. Catherine Lacey

      who is steven trull?

  273. Catherine Lacey

      who is steven trull?

  274. Catherine Lacey

      Darby: I hear you about the WILTF thing… I thought it was funny in theory, but… really?

      I also agree with Andre.

  275. Catherine Lacey

      Darby: I hear you about the WILTF thing… I thought it was funny in theory, but… really?

      I also agree with Andre.

  276. Catherine Lacey

      Amen to all of you.

  277. Catherine Lacey

      Amen to all of you.

  278. Catherine Lacey


  279. Catherine Lacey


  280. Lincoln

      When I first met James Yeh that’s how he introduced himself

      “I’m James Yeh, you may know me from my comments on HTMLgiant”

  281. Lincoln

      When I first met James Yeh that’s how he introduced himself

      “I’m James Yeh, you may know me from my comments on HTMLgiant”

  282. Catherine Lacey

      oh hai.

  283. Catherine Lacey

      oh hai.

  284. Catherine Lacey

      busy gal.

  285. james yeh

      when i first met lincoln, i thought he was gay.

      mostly true story.

  286. Catherine Lacey

      busy gal.

  287. james yeh

      when i first met lincoln, i thought he was gay.

      mostly true story.

  288. Catherine Lacey

      I have solved the mystery of the absent female commenters. Feminism “worked” and now we all have jobs and the men-folk don’t. Seriously. I know that kendra and I have jobs… that’s at least half of us.

  289. Catherine Lacey

      I have solved the mystery of the absent female commenters. Feminism “worked” and now we all have jobs and the men-folk don’t. Seriously. I know that kendra and I have jobs… that’s at least half of us.

  290. Justin Rands

      All of these responses seem like twitter posts. Tweeting. Everyone is tweeting. Does anyone in here still drink? (Besides Daniel and Kendra). Go buy some Black Butte beer, and some kalua. Pour yourself a glass of the beer. Then get the kalua. Put some in it. Mix it. Jesus. It’s like heaven.

  291. Justin Rands

      I have a job, Catherine.

  292. Justin Rands

      All of these responses seem like twitter posts. Tweeting. Everyone is tweeting. Does anyone in here still drink? (Besides Daniel and Kendra). Go buy some Black Butte beer, and some kalua. Pour yourself a glass of the beer. Then get the kalua. Put some in it. Mix it. Jesus. It’s like heaven.

  293. Justin Rands

      I have a job, Catherine.

  294. Justin Rands

      I am also the ghost of the internet. I will be making my return shortly. I know everyone cares. Like, a lot.

  295. Justin Rands

      I am also the ghost of the internet. I will be making my return shortly. I know everyone cares. Like, a lot.

  296. Blake Butler


  297. Blake Butler


  298. g

      here’s the thing about this. blaming other people for your inactivity/lack of drive is lazy and stupid.

      i’m reminded of player/coach bill russell. when other players probably complained about shit to him you know what his reply probably was? hey motherfuckers, cut me a break i’m playing in the same game.

  299. g

      here’s the thing about this. blaming other people for your inactivity/lack of drive is lazy and stupid.

      i’m reminded of player/coach bill russell. when other players probably complained about shit to him you know what his reply probably was? hey motherfuckers, cut me a break i’m playing in the same game.

  300. Molly Gaudry

      No, it’s true, there are too few women leaving comments, and Catherine’s correct: we work — in fact, I’m just now returning home from work. I’m happy to see this thread’s still going. Tao, I don’t know. I never see you here. So. You know. What I was going to say before: actually, this conversation came up a lot at AWP — the decline of HTMLGIANT. What happened? What’s happening? All I can say is I’m still checking in, though, I hate to admit it, I don’t read all the posts with the same gusto as I once did. People change, I guess (meaning me), so I’ll chalk it up to my own deficiencies as a follower.

  301. Molly Gaudry

      No, it’s true, there are too few women leaving comments, and Catherine’s correct: we work — in fact, I’m just now returning home from work. I’m happy to see this thread’s still going. Tao, I don’t know. I never see you here. So. You know. What I was going to say before: actually, this conversation came up a lot at AWP — the decline of HTMLGIANT. What happened? What’s happening? All I can say is I’m still checking in, though, I hate to admit it, I don’t read all the posts with the same gusto as I once did. People change, I guess (meaning me), so I’ll chalk it up to my own deficiencies as a follower.

  302. Blake Butler

      i’m pretty sure that anything that exists for month than 3 months begins to ‘suck’ in the eyes of those who were there at the start

  303. Blake Butler

      i’m pretty sure that anything that exists for month than 3 months begins to ‘suck’ in the eyes of those who were there at the start

  304. Molly Gaudry

      I feel like I should at least add this. Sorry for the double comment. I feel as if I’m talking to myself. Anyway, Jimmy and Justin, you’re my boys. I follow you two regularly. Love your guts, guys.


  305. Molly Gaudry

      I feel like I should at least add this. Sorry for the double comment. I feel as if I’m talking to myself. Anyway, Jimmy and Justin, you’re my boys. I follow you two regularly. Love your guts, guys.


  306. Molly Gaudry

      And Blake, I read your blog like it’s my damn job. Someone should pay me. I wouldn’t have to work. And then I’d spend more time here.

  307. Blake Butler

      :: now auditioning new writers :: write a post that would ‘get you off’ :: send it to html giant inbox :: let’s see it :: maybe you’ll win a new job getting paid 0 to cause arguments online :: or to write honest posts about things you like that may or may not be read, it’s hard to tell, because no one comments on positive things ::

  308. Molly Gaudry

      And Blake, I read your blog like it’s my damn job. Someone should pay me. I wouldn’t have to work. And then I’d spend more time here.

  309. Blake Butler

      :: now auditioning new writers :: write a post that would ‘get you off’ :: send it to html giant inbox :: let’s see it :: maybe you’ll win a new job getting paid 0 to cause arguments online :: or to write honest posts about things you like that may or may not be read, it’s hard to tell, because no one comments on positive things ::

  310. Blake Butler

      :: odds are we will not respond ::
      :: n stuff ::

  311. Blake Butler

      :: are brandon’s sales rising? ::

  312. Blake Butler

      :: odds are we will not respond ::
      :: n stuff ::

  313. Blake Butler

      :: are brandon’s sales rising? ::

  314. Ryan Call

      post this on the front?

  315. Ryan Call

      post this on the front?

  316. james yeh

      i have jobs, sort of

  317. james yeh

      i have jobs, sort of

  318. Blake Butler

      i am quite confused to this molly, as, were you not the one who early on wrote to us cursing, saying you couldn’t read the site because of the photos and thus weren’t going to read anymore?

      i am confused. i still like you. but help me understand what makes you use the word ‘decline’

  319. Blake Butler

      i am quite confused to this molly, as, were you not the one who early on wrote to us cursing, saying you couldn’t read the site because of the photos and thus weren’t going to read anymore?

      i am confused. i still like you. but help me understand what makes you use the word ‘decline’

  320. Catherine Lacey


  321. Catherine Lacey


  322. Catherine Lacey

      I believe that everyone should publish whatever they think illustrates their point the best… but the photos, sometimes… yikes.

  323. Catherine Lacey

      I believe that everyone should publish whatever they think illustrates their point the best… but the photos, sometimes… yikes.

  324. Justin Rands

      30 writers under 30. *puts head down in* *raises fist* . hoorah

  325. Justin Rands

      30 writers under 30. *puts head down in* *raises fist* . hoorah

  326. Justin Rands

      *shame* *head down in shame* damnit. that’s probably why i didn’t make it.

  327. Justin Rands

      *shame* *head down in shame* damnit. that’s probably why i didn’t make it.

  328. Lincoln

      dude, like, the comments at the start of this thread were so much better than the comments now

  329. Lincoln

      dude, like, the comments at the start of this thread were so much better than the comments now

  330. tao

      brandon’s sales have not risen

      perhaps it is a long term thing

      just thought ‘is jereme going to blog about me soon, or is that over’

  331. tao

      brandon’s sales have not risen

      perhaps it is a long term thing

      just thought ‘is jereme going to blog about me soon, or is that over’

  332. tao

      i am here molly

      i am interested in online literature

      some of the most exciting moments of my life include looking at dicey brown and eyeshot and uber and american journal of print’s websites a lot in 2004 or 2003

      i am here molly, i know people’s names

      lit mags

      i read posts and note things in my head

      shit-talking has been defeated inside my head, it is nearly impossible for me to shit talk now that i’ve talked so much shit about shit talking in my head

      what is this comment, how many more people will hate me

  333. tao

      i am here molly

      i am interested in online literature

      some of the most exciting moments of my life include looking at dicey brown and eyeshot and uber and american journal of print’s websites a lot in 2004 or 2003

      i am here molly, i know people’s names

      lit mags

      i read posts and note things in my head

      shit-talking has been defeated inside my head, it is nearly impossible for me to shit talk now that i’ve talked so much shit about shit talking in my head

      what is this comment, how many more people will hate me

  334. tao

      zachary german everyone

      did people note this comment by zachary german

      is anyone reading this

  335. tao

      zachary german everyone

      did people note this comment by zachary german

      is anyone reading this

  336. tao

      i think i’m commenting a lot because i feel like everything i do has to be ‘original’ or ‘funny’ or something or else i’ll begin to feel depressed

      commenting once feels like ‘normal’

      if i comment an extreme amount of times in one thread, after not commenting for a long time, it seems funny, to me

      i feel excited

  337. tao

      i think i’m commenting a lot because i feel like everything i do has to be ‘original’ or ‘funny’ or something or else i’ll begin to feel depressed

      commenting once feels like ‘normal’

      if i comment an extreme amount of times in one thread, after not commenting for a long time, it seems funny, to me

      i feel excited

  338. Blake Butler

      yeah, what are you talking about exactly?

  339. Blake Butler

      yeah, what are you talking about exactly?

  340. Blake Butler


  341. Blake Butler


  342. PHM

      Chelsea Martin to BSG: “you’re retarded. i quit this project.”


  343. PHM

      Chelsea Martin to BSG: “you’re retarded. i quit this project.”


  344. james yeh

      my thoughts exactly

      commenting a lot on one thread is “not normal”

      not normal is “good”

  345. james yeh

      my thoughts exactly

      commenting a lot on one thread is “not normal”

      not normal is “good”

  346. barry

      “no one comments on positive things”

      it is important to be no one. to be someone, isnt that like being one of those wax candles shaped like an altar boy…

      i think i fucked that one up.

      i will give you my 2 cents on html giant………



      those who have ears let them hear.

      the rent a center guy is fixing my couch, wondering why im sitting on the floor eating captain crunch laughing at my computer like a fuck off retard.

      i have a job.

      i have never said anything that was(n’t) true.

      dbswhdgy2 whdg2y dwqdh2 hdwjqdh3u2 xjwdhu32id dhwidhu



  347. barry

      “no one comments on positive things”

      it is important to be no one. to be someone, isnt that like being one of those wax candles shaped like an altar boy…

      i think i fucked that one up.

      i will give you my 2 cents on html giant………



      those who have ears let them hear.

      the rent a center guy is fixing my couch, wondering why im sitting on the floor eating captain crunch laughing at my computer like a fuck off retard.

      i have a job.

      i have never said anything that was(n’t) true.

      dbswhdgy2 whdg2y dwqdh2 hdwjqdh3u2 xjwdhu32id dhwidhu



  348. brandon

      hits extremely high

      sales same

  349. brandon

      hits extremely high

      sales same

  350. jereme

      i understand. i am not saying he was the intended voice.

      he became the voice though. other contributor output slowed dramatically after blake dropped off.

      it’s no big deal. who cares.


      your little speech is cute but not applicable. i have written about 10 or so posts during my ‘lazy’ time. i just chose not to post them. i didn’t see a point.

      i like the renewed htmlgiant energy. it is nice.

  351. jereme

      i understand. i am not saying he was the intended voice.

      he became the voice though. other contributor output slowed dramatically after blake dropped off.

      it’s no big deal. who cares.


      your little speech is cute but not applicable. i have written about 10 or so posts during my ‘lazy’ time. i just chose not to post them. i didn’t see a point.

      i like the renewed htmlgiant energy. it is nice.

  352. Adam R

      I keep thinking of a phrase the Passager editors used to describe their journal, which publishes only writers over 60. They just referred to “the din of youth.” I don’t remember what they were saying, but the din of youth stood out.

      I feel like HTML Giant is the fulcrum of a community of writers who are really doing things, like submitting and publishing and publishing other people and buying books and talking about them. It’s nice that it happens so naturally here. In the first half of this decade I was part of a blog circle that, as a group, didn’t do nearly as much.

      So what do I want to say?

      I guess I think you should disable the comments.

  353. Adam R

      I keep thinking of a phrase the Passager editors used to describe their journal, which publishes only writers over 60. They just referred to “the din of youth.” I don’t remember what they were saying, but the din of youth stood out.

      I feel like HTML Giant is the fulcrum of a community of writers who are really doing things, like submitting and publishing and publishing other people and buying books and talking about them. It’s nice that it happens so naturally here. In the first half of this decade I was part of a blog circle that, as a group, didn’t do nearly as much.

      So what do I want to say?

      I guess I think you should disable the comments.

  354. Molly Gaudry

      Shit, Blake, I didn’t see your response until just now. Yes, I did write early on (though I don’t remember the cursing), to kindly request you temper your photo choices. There was one, an exploding head or something, that scared me. But I have a violent past. I have bad memories. Sometimes violence, certain images or representations of violence, can send me back. It’s unpleasant. Still, I kept coming back. I’m here now.

      Tao, I, like you, am here now. Sorry I was confused. It’s just that you’re sort of a mystery. I think maybe you like it that way. I like Eyeshot, too. I’m the last of the February contributors, actually, so of course I like it. That’s probably not funny. Whatever.

      Adam, I think the comments are part of the fun. They are also part of the frustration. Funstration?

      HTMLGIANT, please don’t disable the comments.

      Blake, it doesn’t matter. Decline only matters if you care, and I don’t think you should. That’s the beauty of HTMLGIANT — diversity of thought and interests. To borrow Adam’s word, it’s the “fulcrum” (sounds like cranium). Um, so what I’m getting at is that decline means different things to different readers. Everyone’s got an opinion about who her or his favorite contributor may or may not be, and which of the contributors suck. I wouldn’t worry. Keep on, keep on.

  355. Molly Gaudry

      Shit, Blake, I didn’t see your response until just now. Yes, I did write early on (though I don’t remember the cursing), to kindly request you temper your photo choices. There was one, an exploding head or something, that scared me. But I have a violent past. I have bad memories. Sometimes violence, certain images or representations of violence, can send me back. It’s unpleasant. Still, I kept coming back. I’m here now.

      Tao, I, like you, am here now. Sorry I was confused. It’s just that you’re sort of a mystery. I think maybe you like it that way. I like Eyeshot, too. I’m the last of the February contributors, actually, so of course I like it. That’s probably not funny. Whatever.

      Adam, I think the comments are part of the fun. They are also part of the frustration. Funstration?

      HTMLGIANT, please don’t disable the comments.

      Blake, it doesn’t matter. Decline only matters if you care, and I don’t think you should. That’s the beauty of HTMLGIANT — diversity of thought and interests. To borrow Adam’s word, it’s the “fulcrum” (sounds like cranium). Um, so what I’m getting at is that decline means different things to different readers. Everyone’s got an opinion about who her or his favorite contributor may or may not be, and which of the contributors suck. I wouldn’t worry. Keep on, keep on.

  356. Tim Jones-Yelvington

      I did not read this during the first three months, and I worship the final two seasons of Buffy.

  357. Tim Jones-Yelvington

      I did not read this during the first three months, and I worship the final two seasons of Buffy.

  358. james yeh

      yeah, i agree, don’t disable the comments. it’s the only way aaron knows who i am.

      there are probably others like him

  359. james yeh

      yeah, i agree, don’t disable the comments. it’s the only way aaron knows who i am.

      there are probably others like him

  360. james yeh

      also, molly, you met ryan kearney? where did you meet ryan? ryan’s a friend.

  361. james yeh

      also, molly, you met ryan kearney? where did you meet ryan? ryan’s a friend.

  362. Molly Gaudry

      Hey James, Ryan and I met at AWP.

  363. Molly Gaudry

      Hey James, Ryan and I met at AWP.