December 16th, 2008 / 10:57 am
Author Spotlight & Excerpts

O Captain, My Captain: Lish Power Quote #1





It’s like listening to something nobody else is. Which is what it is when you’re supposed to be the author of it.

Arcade, p. 136

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  1. Blake Butler

      oh fck yeah. this has to become regular

  2. Blake Butler

      oh fck yeah. this has to become regular

  3. j. a. tyler

      nice. I am reading ARCADE right now. righteousness.

  4. j. a. tyler

      nice. I am reading ARCADE right now. righteousness.

  5. Justin Taylor

      Yes, there are already at least 3 more of these lined up. Two from Lish and one from Beckett. I think Power Quote should be a new category.

  6. Justin Taylor

      Yes, there are already at least 3 more of these lined up. Two from Lish and one from Beckett. I think Power Quote should be a new category.

  7. Ken Baumann

      I agree.

  8. Ken Baumann

      I agree.

  9. peterb

      oh yes

  10. peterb

      oh yes

  11. HTMLGIANT / Happy Birthday, Captain Fiction!

      […] including the original series of Lish quotations for which I coined the Power Quote category. #1, #2, #3, #4+#5, #6. Tags: gordon […]