this morning in breathless, endless, pointless Tao Lin coverage
If you don’t already know from having seen it on his own blog (where I found it), you might or might not be interested to know that a person named P.H. Madore has posted something he calls 8,794 Rambling Words On Tao Lin. I don’t know what it is about Tao that somehow, simply by existing in the world, he is able to bring out the stupid in otherwise reasonable people–or else to bring out the stupid people into otherwise reasonable discourse.
I’m always in the tank for Tao’s writing, and I’m usually in support of whatever bizarre culture-jam or e-bay auction or stunt he’s got going on, but man–his super-fans are just some of the most irritating fucking people you’ll ever encounter.
As soon as I saw that Part One of this post was entitled “Half-Assed Introductory Words,” I started yawning. I can’t stand it when people start out by telling me what a piece of crap the thing I’m about to read is. Why do so many writers do this?

I thought to myself, who is P.H. Madore? So I skipped the next 8790 words, and went down to his bio note, which reads >>P. H. Madore was once a finalist in Riot Lit’s novel contest. That novel sucked, but you can read it and other stuff through his website, freemadore.<< More self-abuse. How charming. Also, I’m sure Riot Lit (whatever that is) will be thrilled to know that the novel they almost published “sucked,” though in all fairness to Madore, it probably did, which in turn begs the question: why would anyone want to read it? It would be easy–perhaps, too easy–to read this bio solely through the lens of S-F#1, pictured above. But friends, before you jump to hasty conclusions, consider another option:

Anyway, the rest of the post is a lot of transcribed g-chats, emails between Madore and Tao, categorically idiotic assertions such as “Tao Lin is a better artist than Andy Warhol,” and a section on a dozen writers who Madore considers Tao Lin “followers.” “[M]ight be you can count me among them,” he writes. Good company! A few lines down, he tells the followers not to lose heart, because “[a]rticles like this will be written about each of them one day…” Don’t worry Gene Morgan, everyone grows at their own special pace! Keep drinking milk! You too, Brandon Scott Gorrell!
Was the young William T. Vollmann a Tao Lin follower?
If I had to identify one truly, unimpeachably excellent thing about this post, it would be that somewhere in the middle of it there’s a link to this picture:
Don’t worry, Ellen Kennedy! Even though P.H. Madore ranks you with the other followers, he knows that you’ve got your “own things going on.”
Tags: P.H. Madore, Tao Lin, Yawn
i very much enjoyed madore’s article. i saw lin read once. he didn;t look up from his page and he mumbled. it was great. madore’s article is great in a similar kind of way.
i very much enjoyed madore’s article. i saw lin read once. he didn;t look up from his page and he mumbled. it was great. madore’s article is great in a similar kind of way.
Wow. This guy has some time on his hands.
What popped out for me is the mention of Carol Novack. I had some weird correspondence from her one time and In thought maybe she is psychotic. The mention of her being psychotic in here makes me feel like I was right.
Nice post, Justin.
Wow. This guy has some time on his hands.
What popped out for me is the mention of Carol Novack. I had some weird correspondence from her one time and In thought maybe she is psychotic. The mention of her being psychotic in here makes me feel like I was right.
Nice post, Justin.
Gian, you were absolutely right. She’s double crazy with feathers on top.
Joseph Young- i don’t think you’re wrong, actually, about the post itself taking on some of the qualities of Tao’s style, at least in some abstract ways. my problem with the post isn’t it’s stance. no question that tao’s tendency toward radical self-involvement inspires people to take a similar approach when talking about him. it’s everything else about the post i don’t like- especially the “breathless” part of it. almost 9000 words of prose and not one goddamn thing we didn’t already know.
Gian, you were absolutely right. She’s double crazy with feathers on top.
Joseph Young- i don’t think you’re wrong, actually, about the post itself taking on some of the qualities of Tao’s style, at least in some abstract ways. my problem with the post isn’t it’s stance. no question that tao’s tendency toward radical self-involvement inspires people to take a similar approach when talking about him. it’s everything else about the post i don’t like- especially the “breathless” part of it. almost 9000 words of prose and not one goddamn thing we didn’t already know.
come on now…
this criticism from someone who’s headline read…
it’s awesome how stupid this is.. .and vice versa.
i like what you guys are doing here a lot, but your moderators say so many seemingly jibberish nonsensical things how can you be so tough on madore.
and im not just saying that since he reviewed my chapbook here:
(i know.. wasn’t that tao-esque)
besides… who knew ellen kennedy was so into anal?
come on now…
this criticism from someone who’s headline read…
it’s awesome how stupid this is.. .and vice versa.
i like what you guys are doing here a lot, but your moderators say so many seemingly jibberish nonsensical things how can you be so tough on madore.
and im not just saying that since he reviewed my chapbook here:
(i know.. wasn’t that tao-esque)
besides… who knew ellen kennedy was so into anal?
i like carol novack.
i like you calling out the zach picture for vollmann, its kind of uncanny
another good’n
i like carol novack.
i like you calling out the zach picture for vollmann, its kind of uncanny
another good’n
optimistically, madore is just excited about Lin (which I was when I first discovered Lin; his writing is just so excitable). pessimistically, madore is trying to ingratiate himself with the ‘in crowd,’ which Lin and the few esteemed residents of Lin’s selective blogroll are in this catty blogosphere.
this is just politics, highschool mentality that never ends. We at HTMLgiant are like that too–largely due to Blake/Morgan’s presence/authority, our blogroll may be viewed as the ‘in crowd’ too. but, and i think i should speak for all of us, we are choads with strong wi-fi and a modest pub record.
to bash on our poor lad madore is like a jock asshole bashing on a nerd for trying to crash a ho-filled party. as a former nerd sans hos, i hate that elitist shit. if we really are a voice of ‘indie’ lit, then let’s welcome all voices, however aesthetically unpleasing.
optimistically, madore is just excited about Lin (which I was when I first discovered Lin; his writing is just so excitable). pessimistically, madore is trying to ingratiate himself with the ‘in crowd,’ which Lin and the few esteemed residents of Lin’s selective blogroll are in this catty blogosphere.
this is just politics, highschool mentality that never ends. We at HTMLgiant are like that too–largely due to Blake/Morgan’s presence/authority, our blogroll may be viewed as the ‘in crowd’ too. but, and i think i should speak for all of us, we are choads with strong wi-fi and a modest pub record.
to bash on our poor lad madore is like a jock asshole bashing on a nerd for trying to crash a ho-filled party. as a former nerd sans hos, i hate that elitist shit. if we really are a voice of ‘indie’ lit, then let’s welcome all voices, however aesthetically unpleasing.
i dont think people are trying to insert themselves into crowds. i think madore’s just bored and excited and has lots of pent up energy and doesnt know what to do with it.
i think thats part of the appeal of html giant. i dont think people are trying to get into a crowd, i think there are not very many people in online lit who are actually doing shit to get excited about. thats why i check you guys out so often. its always something different. and you never know what that different is gonna be. its interesting because you guys are smart enough to “evolve” to know what comes next and do it before folks get bored with html. i think its a testimony to your “insight, intelligence, creativity, etc” that people believe in you guys to take them there, thats why people hang around i think. i think to say its to be part of your crowd is kind of egomaniacal….
not that any of you are of course………
i dont think people are trying to insert themselves into crowds. i think madore’s just bored and excited and has lots of pent up energy and doesnt know what to do with it.
i think thats part of the appeal of html giant. i dont think people are trying to get into a crowd, i think there are not very many people in online lit who are actually doing shit to get excited about. thats why i check you guys out so often. its always something different. and you never know what that different is gonna be. its interesting because you guys are smart enough to “evolve” to know what comes next and do it before folks get bored with html. i think its a testimony to your “insight, intelligence, creativity, etc” that people believe in you guys to take them there, thats why people hang around i think. i think to say its to be part of your crowd is kind of egomaniacal….
not that any of you are of course………
i don’t think i’m taking an elitist approach to anything. also, i don’t think we’re all just a bunch of choads. i’m not sure what “pub records” have to do with any of that.
I’m not employing any particular rubric of judgment here. And most of the “beating up” was just quoting stuff he said about himself. If it sounds nasty when it’s taken at face-value, maybe there’s a lesson to be learned there.
I feel the same way about your comment that “we are choads.” Who asked you to speak for all of us, and declare what we are? I don’t think we are all any one thing at all. But your comment is framed in such a way that I either have to count myself out, as in “you guys might all be choads, but I’m not,” or else I have to allow myself to be included in the choad-family, which frankly I’d rather not do.
I didn’t start this conversation to prove that I’m better than anyone. But if the standard of “elitism” is thinking you’re better than a choad, then you know what? Fuck it. I guess I’ll be “elitist” about that.
i don’t think i’m taking an elitist approach to anything. also, i don’t think we’re all just a bunch of choads. i’m not sure what “pub records” have to do with any of that.
I’m not employing any particular rubric of judgment here. And most of the “beating up” was just quoting stuff he said about himself. If it sounds nasty when it’s taken at face-value, maybe there’s a lesson to be learned there.
I feel the same way about your comment that “we are choads.” Who asked you to speak for all of us, and declare what we are? I don’t think we are all any one thing at all. But your comment is framed in such a way that I either have to count myself out, as in “you guys might all be choads, but I’m not,” or else I have to allow myself to be included in the choad-family, which frankly I’d rather not do.
I didn’t start this conversation to prove that I’m better than anyone. But if the standard of “elitism” is thinking you’re better than a choad, then you know what? Fuck it. I guess I’ll be “elitist” about that.
thanks, barry!
thanks, barry!
also, i don’t feel like a jock asshole. i don’t feel like Madore is a nerd.
i feel like a guy who read a blog post, and then blogged about the blog post. Does Madore get denied tenure because I didn’t like his blog post? Will he be black-listed from submitting to 3AM Magazine? What exactly does he suffer other than increased page-views and some conversation about the thing he made?
He doesn’t owe me or anyone an apology or a correction or anything at all. He put his shit out there to be seen. I saw it. And?
i liked ph madores post. last night i was grading papers and i read a few paragraphs between each paper and it made me giggle. i felt like i learned some things specifically, i guess – i like dreading gchats and correspondence and stuff. i also felt like ph madore’s posting those old emails/gchats was an interesting thing to do, given how ridiculous he sometimes comes across in those things – he seems aware of this now.
honestly though, i didnt think it was stupid or anything. i felt like it was sincere. i felt scared for ph madore.
wait, what is the conversation we’re having?
also, i don’t feel like a jock asshole. i don’t feel like Madore is a nerd.
i feel like a guy who read a blog post, and then blogged about the blog post. Does Madore get denied tenure because I didn’t like his blog post? Will he be black-listed from submitting to 3AM Magazine? What exactly does he suffer other than increased page-views and some conversation about the thing he made?
He doesn’t owe me or anyone an apology or a correction or anything at all. He put his shit out there to be seen. I saw it. And?
i liked ph madores post. last night i was grading papers and i read a few paragraphs between each paper and it made me giggle. i felt like i learned some things specifically, i guess – i like dreading gchats and correspondence and stuff. i also felt like ph madore’s posting those old emails/gchats was an interesting thing to do, given how ridiculous he sometimes comes across in those things – he seems aware of this now.
honestly though, i didnt think it was stupid or anything. i felt like it was sincere. i felt scared for ph madore.
wait, what is the conversation we’re having?
to be honest i rolled my eyes a lot when i read madore’s post
but i mean, promoing people is nice?
‘promo shit correctly or you are a faggot’
i still rolled my eyes and might have made this post too if i got drunk
to be honest i rolled my eyes a lot when i read madore’s post
but i mean, promoing people is nice?
‘promo shit correctly or you are a faggot’
i still rolled my eyes and might have made this post too if i got drunk
i wish i had published the post i made during mean week analyzing the writers on tao’s links section. it was really mean, probably in a mistakable kind of way, which is why i didnt
me: ah
i am reading this blog
on phmadores blog
John: and/
me: about tao lin
5:04 PM i giggled
i need to shower
John: oh?
me: i think i like ph madore
i dont know who he is
or if he is a realy person
i dont know
John: haha
he is a computer!
me: haha
that is what i am reading
i am bored now
i am sitting in my boxers
5:05 PM and there are dirty dishes in the sink
i wish i had published the post i made during mean week analyzing the writers on tao’s links section. it was really mean, probably in a mistakable kind of way, which is why i didnt
me: ah
i am reading this blog
on phmadores blog
John: and/
me: about tao lin
5:04 PM i giggled
i need to shower
John: oh?
me: i think i like ph madore
i dont know who he is
or if he is a realy person
i dont know
John: haha
he is a computer!
me: haha
that is what i am reading
i am bored now
i am sitting in my boxers
5:05 PM and there are dirty dishes in the sink
It seems like everyone else here has a context for PH Madore. Is he somebody’s kid brother and I just didn’t know? I didn’t know who he was until this morning, and the complete extent of my knowledge about him is contained in the post I wrote, about the one post of his I read, which happened to be about something I thought was worth talking about.
Ryan, we’re doing some soul-searching here today. We’re going to hug it out later, but right now it’s teeth-gritting time.
It seems like everyone else here has a context for PH Madore. Is he somebody’s kid brother and I just didn’t know? I didn’t know who he was until this morning, and the complete extent of my knowledge about him is contained in the post I wrote, about the one post of his I read, which happened to be about something I thought was worth talking about.
Ryan, we’re doing some soul-searching here today. We’re going to hug it out later, but right now it’s teeth-gritting time.
ok, some soul searching:
1) why does no one ever comment on this blog but us?
ok, some soul searching:
1) why does no one ever comment on this blog but us?
Does being a less-popular internet friend make me a follower?
I’m having identity issues.
okay, sorry Justin, you are not a choad.
all i’m saying is this: when you have a website (html giant, or reader of depressing books) that gets many hits a day, the blogroll automatically becomes sort of important; it’s pretty much advertising space for one’s own blog/personal website.
barry, i’m not saying htmlgiant is the in crowd, i’m just saying that in this small little pond in the corner of the internet, it seems to be the center of things (i.e. 80+ comments in 2hrs, etc.)
with my choad comment i’m just trying to not take myself too seriously here, and i think htmlgiant is getting a little too serious — like i’m noticing more and more shit-talking, and it bothers me.
with authority comes the responsibility to be a nice person, or at least try to be. madore’s post, however irritating at times, was essentially ‘nice.’ i felt, justin, that your post was not ‘nice.’
if you wannt exile me, fine, i’ll just wear an eye-patch and get joyce on your ass.
yes, yes, yes.
Does being a less-popular internet friend make me a follower?
I’m having identity issues.
okay, sorry Justin, you are not a choad.
all i’m saying is this: when you have a website (html giant, or reader of depressing books) that gets many hits a day, the blogroll automatically becomes sort of important; it’s pretty much advertising space for one’s own blog/personal website.
barry, i’m not saying htmlgiant is the in crowd, i’m just saying that in this small little pond in the corner of the internet, it seems to be the center of things (i.e. 80+ comments in 2hrs, etc.)
with my choad comment i’m just trying to not take myself too seriously here, and i think htmlgiant is getting a little too serious — like i’m noticing more and more shit-talking, and it bothers me.
with authority comes the responsibility to be a nice person, or at least try to be. madore’s post, however irritating at times, was essentially ‘nice.’ i felt, justin, that your post was not ‘nice.’
if you wannt exile me, fine, i’ll just wear an eye-patch and get joyce on your ass.
yes, yes, yes.
People are intimidated by 87 comment posts.
People are intimidated by 87 comment posts.
I probably prefer Madore’s post to this htmlgiant post. Madore is kind of humbly looking up to Tao, I think. It’s kind of sweet. This post is just looking down on people. There’s been more negativity at htmlgiant lately. Just me?
his super-fans are just some of the most irritating fucking people you’ll ever encounter.
This is far from intelligent discourse.
justin wins for best use of photo captions 08
cranky bitchez unite
i.e. these comments are examples of choad-like behavior. this is why Zachary German called us a bunch of fags the other week.
I probably prefer Madore’s post to this htmlgiant post. Madore is kind of humbly looking up to Tao, I think. It’s kind of sweet. This post is just looking down on people. There’s been more negativity at htmlgiant lately. Just me?
his super-fans are just some of the most irritating fucking people you’ll ever encounter.
This is far from intelligent discourse.
justin wins for best use of photo captions 08
cranky bitchez unite
i.e. these comments are examples of choad-like behavior. this is why Zachary German called us a bunch of fags the other week.
the negativity is just getting more attention, i think, darby
which is the way it goes
i post 1 mean to each 9 nice usually
the negativity is just getting more attention, i think, darby
which is the way it goes
i post 1 mean to each 9 nice usually
zach called us fags because that’s what zach does
if we were on the subway with him he’d be asking for coke loudly
its called attention
i am tired
no i’m not
i feel excited
‘excited by mean’
Zachary German probably calls his mom a fag before getting off of the phone with her.
zach called us fags because that’s what zach does
if we were on the subway with him he’d be asking for coke loudly
its called attention
i am tired
no i’m not
i feel excited
‘excited by mean’
Zachary German probably calls his mom a fag before getting off of the phone with her.
yes, sincere, awkward, excited, sweet, silly, self-aggrandizing/flagellating. that’s what i found engaging.
yes, sincere, awkward, excited, sweet, silly, self-aggrandizing/flagellating. that’s what i found engaging.
You are so awesome.
You are so awesome.
“our blogroll may be viewed as the ‘in crowd”
maybe i misunderstood what you were trying to say. i apologize.
either way. i like html because i think its the only place you can have a discussion about junot diaz, tits, beer, tobacco fields, anal sex, and a friendly circle jerk at 2:00 am on a tuesday and nobody thinks you are odd because of it.
folks. thats good old fashioned fellowship. can i get an amen?? no?
“our blogroll may be viewed as the ‘in crowd”
maybe i misunderstood what you were trying to say. i apologize.
either way. i like html because i think its the only place you can have a discussion about junot diaz, tits, beer, tobacco fields, anal sex, and a friendly circle jerk at 2:00 am on a tuesday and nobody thinks you are odd because of it.
folks. thats good old fashioned fellowship. can i get an amen?? no?
amen brother barry
amen brother barry
i confess, i am p.h. madore
i confess, i am p.h. madore
i usually don’t comment like this, but my feelings are somewhat piqued:
last night i read madore’s post and felt “jesus, this guy really wants to be liked,” and i felt empathy for him, because that’s how I feel often in this political blogosphere. There was something desperate in Madore’s post, and i felt bad for him.
so this morning i read this post and Justin, who is fairly notable and regarded, basically rips on him. Now justin, you can argue ‘philosophically’ or ‘objectively’ and point out how i’m contradicting myself, but come on…this was a mean post.
if you want to slam on Gawker or some big-shot writer, that’s cool. battle among equals. it just really upset me when you went off on this no-name Madore.
this isn’t personal Justin, to me you’re just the letters that form ‘justin taylor’ on my screen. I saw photos of you hanging with Tao and Kendra, and you looked like a nice guy.
peace out bro.
i usually don’t comment like this, but my feelings are somewhat piqued:
last night i read madore’s post and felt “jesus, this guy really wants to be liked,” and i felt empathy for him, because that’s how I feel often in this political blogosphere. There was something desperate in Madore’s post, and i felt bad for him.
so this morning i read this post and Justin, who is fairly notable and regarded, basically rips on him. Now justin, you can argue ‘philosophically’ or ‘objectively’ and point out how i’m contradicting myself, but come on…this was a mean post.
if you want to slam on Gawker or some big-shot writer, that’s cool. battle among equals. it just really upset me when you went off on this no-name Madore.
this isn’t personal Justin, to me you’re just the letters that form ‘justin taylor’ on my screen. I saw photos of you hanging with Tao and Kendra, and you looked like a nice guy.
peace out bro.
i first discovered madore on the thieves jargon blog when he was going at it with dave clapper from smokelong. it started with madore accusing calpper of being part oof the old boys network and publishing shitty stuff at smokelong written by editors. it ended with clapper telling him he shouldnt send email to him licking his asshole and submitting mediocre stuff to smokelong, then try to diss him in public when it doesnt get accepted.
there was more to it then that, but that was the jist of it
i first discovered madore on the thieves jargon blog when he was going at it with dave clapper from smokelong. it started with madore accusing calpper of being part oof the old boys network and publishing shitty stuff at smokelong written by editors. it ended with clapper telling him he shouldnt send email to him licking his asshole and submitting mediocre stuff to smokelong, then try to diss him in public when it doesnt get accepted.
there was more to it then that, but that was the jist of it
barry, don’t nail me on that line bro.
i saw pictures of you playing poker with Hobart and you looked like a nice guy.
barry, don’t nail me on that line bro.
i saw pictures of you playing poker with Hobart and you looked like a nice guy.
Zachary, don’t be calling me a fag bro.
i saw pictures of you eat organic shit and you looked very very attractive.
Zachary, don’t be calling me a fag bro.
i saw pictures of you eat organic shit and you looked very very attractive.
ellen kennedy, don’t be crying no more.
i saw pictures of you having anal seks and you looked ‘stunned.’
ellen kennedy, don’t be crying no more.
i saw pictures of you having anal seks and you looked ‘stunned.’
My madore context spands maybe four years ago? He was a teenager and was pissing off a lot of online editors and gaining a reputation of general immaturity. He made a lot of enemies. Now it’s like the reincarnation of Madore or something. Maybe the army straightened him out a little?
barry, that makes me like madore
jimmy, justin did madore a favor. talk soup.
excuse me, the soup.
My madore context spands maybe four years ago? He was a teenager and was pissing off a lot of online editors and gaining a reputation of general immaturity. He made a lot of enemies. Now it’s like the reincarnation of Madore or something. Maybe the army straightened him out a little?
barry, that makes me like madore
jimmy, justin did madore a favor. talk soup.
excuse me, the soup.
Tao, how come you don’t form an asian alliance with me?
i saw pictures of you lying on garbage bags and you looked ‘famous.’
i love you jimmy.
i wanted to feel like michael moore for a minute. taking something someone said and pulling it out of context and making it mean whatever i wanted it to. its out of my system now.
aaron took me for 80 bucks in that picture.
Tao, how come you don’t form an asian alliance with me?
i saw pictures of you lying on garbage bags and you looked ‘famous.’
i love you jimmy.
i wanted to feel like michael moore for a minute. taking something someone said and pulling it out of context and making it mean whatever i wanted it to. its out of my system now.
aaron took me for 80 bucks in that picture.
me too. i like madore. i think he’s a cool mofo.
me too. i like madore. i think he’s a cool mofo.
“his super-fans are just some of the most irritating fucking people you’ll ever encounter.”
serious business.
i agree with darby.
i like mean posts that make fun of somebody mean or pretentious. i don’t think madore’s post was either. this post seems pretentious. justin, why?
“his super-fans are just some of the most irritating fucking people you’ll ever encounter.”
serious business.
i agree with darby.
i like mean posts that make fun of somebody mean or pretentious. i don’t think madore’s post was either. this post seems pretentious. justin, why?
I like that Justin ripped him.
Even though I was initially uncomfortable with Madore’s post, was mentioned by name, and had an email published without notice, I’m not a big gaping vagina and can handle being called a follower.
This is an impersonal forum. If Justin and P.H. were at a bar together they would probably buy each other beers and talk shit about Kim Chinquee. The internet is for thick skinned assholes, who shouldn’t be afraid of talking shit if they want to talk shit.
I like that Justin ripped him.
Even though I was initially uncomfortable with Madore’s post, was mentioned by name, and had an email published without notice, I’m not a big gaping vagina and can handle being called a follower.
This is an impersonal forum. If Justin and P.H. were at a bar together they would probably buy each other beers and talk shit about Kim Chinquee. The internet is for thick skinned assholes, who shouldn’t be afraid of talking shit if they want to talk shit.
*i don’t think madore is either.
did you see madore’s photo. he looks like forrest griffin from the ufc. in one of them he even has the black eye
shane, how come you originally didn’t include me in your list of ‘indie’ writers?
i saw a picture of you with a beard and you looked like a young al pacino.
*i don’t think madore is either.
did you see madore’s photo. he looks like forrest griffin from the ufc. in one of them he even has the black eye
shane, how come you originally didn’t include me in your list of ‘indie’ writers?
i saw a picture of you with a beard and you looked like a young al pacino.
i love kim chinquee
are we breaking up with each other?
i love kim chinquee
are we breaking up with each other?
I like Kim Chinquee, too.
i did not realize 87 comment posts are intimidating. that is true. they are hard to like read through all of that shit. also our fellowship is intimidating.
i like the idea of welcoming people.
“HTMLGIANT: the internet literature welcome mat blog of the future.”
I like Kim Chinquee, too.
i did not realize 87 comment posts are intimidating. that is true. they are hard to like read through all of that shit. also our fellowship is intimidating.
i like the idea of welcoming people.
“HTMLGIANT: the internet literature welcome mat blog of the future.”
the site should just get really mean
HTMLGIANT: get off our dick
the site should just get really mean
HTMLGIANT: get off our dick
yeah. welcome to htmlgiant. where either your work gets promoted or you get thrown in the garbage. spin the wheel!
HTMLGIANT: get off gene’s dick
yeah. welcome to htmlgiant. where either your work gets promoted or you get thrown in the garbage. spin the wheel!
HTMLGIANT: get off gene’s dick
I’m actually for creating a wheel, Darby.
I’d spin it
I’m actually for creating a wheel, Darby.
I’d spin it
Jimmy- yes, i’m not denying that my post was aggressive, or negative. i even went as far as to file it under “mean.” but is all disagreement merely “shit-talking?” Isn’t “shit-talking” what people do when they’re playing sports to psych out the opposing team? I don’t think that’s what this post was.
I also don’t think I was taking things “too seriously,” though I’m the first to admit that I probably take them more seriously than many. That’s just my style. If I didn’t think this was worth being at least semi-serious about, I’d be off doing something else. (There’s a reason why you almost never see me writing posts about the state of contemporary Turkish electronica, competitive sailing, or network television.)
But in the end, I think I took Madore exactly as seriously as he wanted slash deserved to be taken, maybe slightly less so (cf. pictures used to illustrate post).
Ken- I’m willing to own the pretension charge, if you can tell me what I was making a pretense towards.
I think there’s a disconnect happening here, a miscommunication that has to do with what I think of as “having power” versus what you and maybe some other people here think of as “having power.” Are we the Times Sunday Book Review all of a sudden? Is that what we even want to be?
That thing about Madore getting in a fight with the person from Smokelong is very telling to me. I’m not saying there’s no such thing as insiders, power brokers, etc. All I’m saying is that when you’re idea of the “insider elite” is web-journal like Smokelong and/or a less-than-4-months-old lit blog, your perspective is seriously off-base. It’s tinfoil-hat country, and you’re going to be getting invites to ULA meetings in the very near future.
I didn’t see writing this post as an act of power-wielding, or some-kid’s-dreams-crushing. I just saw it as part of what I do every time I decide to post something on HTMLGiant: call ’em like I see ’em.
Jimmy, I am a really nice guy. And fun to drink with too. I don’t see the connection between those facts and the fact that I wrote something critical.
As somebody else pointed out- this got a conversation going, as did my post the other day. Meanwhile, my post about Matt Hart, a stellar poet and publisher, got ZERO comments. No love for love.
Jimmy- yes, i’m not denying that my post was aggressive, or negative. i even went as far as to file it under “mean.” but is all disagreement merely “shit-talking?” Isn’t “shit-talking” what people do when they’re playing sports to psych out the opposing team? I don’t think that’s what this post was.
I also don’t think I was taking things “too seriously,” though I’m the first to admit that I probably take them more seriously than many. That’s just my style. If I didn’t think this was worth being at least semi-serious about, I’d be off doing something else. (There’s a reason why you almost never see me writing posts about the state of contemporary Turkish electronica, competitive sailing, or network television.)
But in the end, I think I took Madore exactly as seriously as he wanted slash deserved to be taken, maybe slightly less so (cf. pictures used to illustrate post).
Ken- I’m willing to own the pretension charge, if you can tell me what I was making a pretense towards.
I think there’s a disconnect happening here, a miscommunication that has to do with what I think of as “having power” versus what you and maybe some other people here think of as “having power.” Are we the Times Sunday Book Review all of a sudden? Is that what we even want to be?
That thing about Madore getting in a fight with the person from Smokelong is very telling to me. I’m not saying there’s no such thing as insiders, power brokers, etc. All I’m saying is that when you’re idea of the “insider elite” is web-journal like Smokelong and/or a less-than-4-months-old lit blog, your perspective is seriously off-base. It’s tinfoil-hat country, and you’re going to be getting invites to ULA meetings in the very near future.
I didn’t see writing this post as an act of power-wielding, or some-kid’s-dreams-crushing. I just saw it as part of what I do every time I decide to post something on HTMLGiant: call ’em like I see ’em.
Jimmy, I am a really nice guy. And fun to drink with too. I don’t see the connection between those facts and the fact that I wrote something critical.
As somebody else pointed out- this got a conversation going, as did my post the other day. Meanwhile, my post about Matt Hart, a stellar poet and publisher, got ZERO comments. No love for love.
“i wish i had published the post i made during mean week analyzing the writers on tao’s links section. it was really mean, probably in a mistakable kind of way, which is why i didnt”
this would have been mean, in an non-mistakable way…
“i wish i had published the post i made during mean week analyzing the writers on tao’s links section. it was really mean, probably in a mistakable kind of way, which is why i didnt”
this would have been mean, in an non-mistakable way…
I was thinking pretentious -> ostentatious, I should’ve used ostentatious. But, fuck, what isn’t ostentatious on the internet? I concede.
Tru dat, you do indeed call ’em like you see ’em. I don’t think that Madore should be grouped in “most irritating fucking people you’ll everencounter”, though. I hope that’s hyperbole.
For the record: Justin is really nice.
I was thinking pretentious -> ostentatious, I should’ve used ostentatious. But, fuck, what isn’t ostentatious on the internet? I concede.
Tru dat, you do indeed call ’em like you see ’em. I don’t think that Madore should be grouped in “most irritating fucking people you’ll everencounter”, though. I hope that’s hyperbole.
For the record: Justin is really nice.
And wears nice looking button-up shirts.
And wears nice looking button-up shirts.
There is no way in hell I am going to read that post. I tried- I couldn’t do it.
I am going to go read what he has to say about Barry.
There is no way in hell I am going to read that post. I tried- I couldn’t do it.
I am going to go read what he has to say about Barry.
this whole thing has a kind of funny parallel to me. Madore posting about Lin, who Taylor called out as not really saying anything new about him, and I think that’s true, because he just kind of discovered him, and that’s great. But also, Taylor bashing Madore (and Lin?), which is also something not new, but because Taylor just discovered Madore. Madore bashing has been going on forever, and it got to the point, at least for me, where we kind of dismiss the behavior as, oh that’s just madore. If you really want to bash Madore, go back in time a few years. Madore’s piece was like reading Madore under this new interesting light, with a little hope thrown in.
this whole thing has a kind of funny parallel to me. Madore posting about Lin, who Taylor called out as not really saying anything new about him, and I think that’s true, because he just kind of discovered him, and that’s great. But also, Taylor bashing Madore (and Lin?), which is also something not new, but because Taylor just discovered Madore. Madore bashing has been going on forever, and it got to the point, at least for me, where we kind of dismiss the behavior as, oh that’s just madore. If you really want to bash Madore, go back in time a few years. Madore’s piece was like reading Madore under this new interesting light, with a little hope thrown in.
Darby, what a fascinating take on this–I had no idea this dude came with a context, backstory, etc.
Though by PHM’s own account, his relationship with Tao seems to date back a few years. And no, no Lin-bashing intended whatsoever, though for what it’s worth I think Tao is one of the few people who can actually “take it.” If I had any Lin-bashing to do, I wouldn’t hesitate for even a second. And he’s a friend of mine, so it’s not like I ‘don’t care” if I hurt his feelings. I would care. I just know that he wouldn’t be hurt by it.
Ken- ostentatious, yes, probably. Also, yeah “ever encounter” might be overstating the case just a shade. thanks for calling me on it.
Darby, what a fascinating take on this–I had no idea this dude came with a context, backstory, etc.
Though by PHM’s own account, his relationship with Tao seems to date back a few years. And no, no Lin-bashing intended whatsoever, though for what it’s worth I think Tao is one of the few people who can actually “take it.” If I had any Lin-bashing to do, I wouldn’t hesitate for even a second. And he’s a friend of mine, so it’s not like I ‘don’t care” if I hurt his feelings. I would care. I just know that he wouldn’t be hurt by it.
Ken- ostentatious, yes, probably. Also, yeah “ever encounter” might be overstating the case just a shade. thanks for calling me on it.
maybe I’ve been waiting for someone to write a semi-intelligent article about Madore and this was just more of the same attitude toward. Maybe I will have to go write essays again.
maybe I’ve been waiting for someone to write a semi-intelligent article about Madore and this was just more of the same attitude toward. Maybe I will have to go write essays again.
i can save you a lot of time. he said there’s too much sex and it could have been made better if i wrote more from a female perspective.
he said other stuff too.
how you been? i havent forgotten about our big toe tattoos. i need more ink.
i can save you a lot of time. he said there’s too much sex and it could have been made better if i wrote more from a female perspective.
he said other stuff too.
how you been? i havent forgotten about our big toe tattoos. i need more ink.
that must mean you have big toes
Hi Barry! I
I read the review. It was very positive for the most part. I like some of the things he said about your book. But that other post- there is no way I can read that. So I can’t weigh in. Sigh.
pr bg
I do like what you said you liked about htmlgiant here on an earlier post. That was nice.
that must mean you have big toes
Hi Barry! I
I read the review. It was very positive for the most part. I like some of the things he said about your book. But that other post- there is no way I can read that. So I can’t weigh in. Sigh.
pr bg
I do like what you said you liked about htmlgiant here on an earlier post. That was nice.
To zoom out for a second, this seems to be exactly why HTMLGIANT is here.
We’ve all had private conversations or thoughts about Tao Lin fans, and some of us have had private conversations or thoughts about P.H. Madore the tornado (as opposed to P.H. Madore the actual person, whom some of us have interacted as well, usually pretty calmly).
The whole point of HTMLGIANT is to take this stuff “seriously,” to make it public. It’s like–for better or worse–publishing a family newsletter.
Which doesn’t mean we can’t take it seriously by joking about it. It’s just putting all our tables on the table.
I think it strengthens or validates our community.
The lights are not on in my kitchen right now.
I’m typing this in the dark.
Edit: I turned them on.
The only thing I disagree with in this thread is the idea that Justin shouldn’t have made this post. Communities are not utopian. Let’s make historical record of how this community actually operates and thinks. I think that’s what Justin’s post is: an artifact of a sentiment that is popular to keep secret in this online literature community for the sake of maintaining communal geniality. Of course it’s too mean. Of course he should have to deal with the consequences of writing all that shit, as we all should. We should have to deal with the consequences of how we operate. But we should still be allowed to operate.
For instance: why are we all boys? With apologies to pr, whom I think is a woman and who admitted herself that she isn’t much interested in this discussion. This is why Carver and Barth got into a tummysticks match over the term “minimalism” while Mary Robison quietly wrote better stories than either of them.
In conclusion, the following paradox: It is good for us to post what we post and say what we say. Now stop, go read Mary Robison, and stop eating your johnparts.
To zoom out for a second, this seems to be exactly why HTMLGIANT is here.
We’ve all had private conversations or thoughts about Tao Lin fans, and some of us have had private conversations or thoughts about P.H. Madore the tornado (as opposed to P.H. Madore the actual person, whom some of us have interacted as well, usually pretty calmly).
The whole point of HTMLGIANT is to take this stuff “seriously,” to make it public. It’s like–for better or worse–publishing a family newsletter.
Which doesn’t mean we can’t take it seriously by joking about it. It’s just putting all our tables on the table.
I think it strengthens or validates our community.
The lights are not on in my kitchen right now.
I’m typing this in the dark.
Edit: I turned them on.
The only thing I disagree with in this thread is the idea that Justin shouldn’t have made this post. Communities are not utopian. Let’s make historical record of how this community actually operates and thinks. I think that’s what Justin’s post is: an artifact of a sentiment that is popular to keep secret in this online literature community for the sake of maintaining communal geniality. Of course it’s too mean. Of course he should have to deal with the consequences of writing all that shit, as we all should. We should have to deal with the consequences of how we operate. But we should still be allowed to operate.
For instance: why are we all boys? With apologies to pr, whom I think is a woman and who admitted herself that she isn’t much interested in this discussion. This is why Carver and Barth got into a tummysticks match over the term “minimalism” while Mary Robison quietly wrote better stories than either of them.
In conclusion, the following paradox: It is good for us to post what we post and say what we say. Now stop, go read Mary Robison, and stop eating your johnparts.
oh man.. that part about madore should say “WITH whom some of us have interacted as well, usually pretty calmly”
oh man.. that part about madore should say “WITH whom some of us have interacted as well, usually pretty calmly”
gawker linked
gawker linked
How did she like the water gun?
How did she like the water gun?
*Ray gun?
*Ray gun?
Good question, Ken.
PH Madore left a really shitty comment on my presses blog talking about how he would never buy a book from a press that uses blogspot? He also mentioned that if we were a serious press we should use wordpress or buy a URL. Does he work for wordpress because he mentions them all the goddamn time.
He made it sound like my press actually makes a lot of money and I have tons of money lying waiting to be spent at the GAP or something. Which is UNTRUE. The last issue left me like $100 in debt.
And was Tao Lin the first person to use blogger and now owns, because Madore made it sound like anyone who uses blogger is just a Tao Lin wannabe.
I guess I just don’t appreciate his dickish “honesty”. Maybe he’s a great guy, but I haven’t seen it.
I’m not sure I like this guy. I’m glad he’s excited about Tao Lin and all, but he was definitely a dick to us.
Good question, Ken.
PH Madore left a really shitty comment on my presses blog talking about how he would never buy a book from a press that uses blogspot? He also mentioned that if we were a serious press we should use wordpress or buy a URL. Does he work for wordpress because he mentions them all the goddamn time.
He made it sound like my press actually makes a lot of money and I have tons of money lying waiting to be spent at the GAP or something. Which is UNTRUE. The last issue left me like $100 in debt.
And was Tao Lin the first person to use blogger and now owns, because Madore made it sound like anyone who uses blogger is just a Tao Lin wannabe.
I guess I just don’t appreciate his dickish “honesty”. Maybe he’s a great guy, but I haven’t seen it.
I’m not sure I like this guy. I’m glad he’s excited about Tao Lin and all, but he was definitely a dick to us.
more context.
possibly dumb question, cause i have not been tracking stuff and i dont know peoples names and i dont know presses:
what is the press alex?
more context.
possibly dumb question, cause i have not been tracking stuff and i dont know peoples names and i dont know presses:
what is the press alex?
“this whole thing has a kind of funny parallel to me. Madore posting about Lin, who Taylor called out as not really saying anything new about him, and I think that’s true, because he just kind of discovered him, and that’s great. But also, Taylor bashing Madore (and Lin?), which is also something not new, but because Taylor just discovered Madore. Madore bashing has been going on forever, and it got to the point, at least for me, where we kind of dismiss the behavior as, oh that’s just madore. If you really want to bash Madore, go back in time a few years. Madore’s piece was like reading Madore under this new interesting light, with a little hope thrown in.”
Well, the whole thing was that I wrote it by request; I think I might be the only one actually answered the call, when Lin asked a bunch of blog about him. I just took it to an extreme, because most of the people who visit my blog or read my writing, they’re my friends, and they don’t know much about Tao Lin. I am continually mystified that people take me seriously. If I wanted you to take me seriously, I’d use a new pseudonym or something, seriously though. No maybe not. I’d work harder at writing. It appears I’ll have plenty of time in Iraq to do that, from what we just found out. Anyway, I read this post during lunch, I saw how what great investigative journalism it was, and so I thought about it, and wrote my “corrective rebuttal.” I don’t know how to feel right now. Everything Darby Larson has said is true, and Mike Young. There was a time I might have let this distract me from writing and publishing other people’s writing, two things I truly love doing, but beyond thanking Justin Taylor for all the hits to my blog and one or two people who might read a piece of my writing, and making this other blog post, which is just a scan of the notes I wrote while watching over the 113s all day in the Texas sun, I have nothing to add.
Oh and the whole pity/sympathy thing… that was just how I was feeling right then, honestly. I don’t have many people in my life, so it’s not like I’m making endless cries for help or anything. God forbid I write about things I like on my own damn blog. If I’d wanted to write a better review of Tao Lin, I’d have put a thousand times as much effort, more than just that one full day into the composition, of course, and submitted it to a pop culture mag for money making purposes. It was a blog post. Damn.
Much love, P. H. M.
“this whole thing has a kind of funny parallel to me. Madore posting about Lin, who Taylor called out as not really saying anything new about him, and I think that’s true, because he just kind of discovered him, and that’s great. But also, Taylor bashing Madore (and Lin?), which is also something not new, but because Taylor just discovered Madore. Madore bashing has been going on forever, and it got to the point, at least for me, where we kind of dismiss the behavior as, oh that’s just madore. If you really want to bash Madore, go back in time a few years. Madore’s piece was like reading Madore under this new interesting light, with a little hope thrown in.”
Well, the whole thing was that I wrote it by request; I think I might be the only one actually answered the call, when Lin asked a bunch of blog about him. I just took it to an extreme, because most of the people who visit my blog or read my writing, they’re my friends, and they don’t know much about Tao Lin. I am continually mystified that people take me seriously. If I wanted you to take me seriously, I’d use a new pseudonym or something, seriously though. No maybe not. I’d work harder at writing. It appears I’ll have plenty of time in Iraq to do that, from what we just found out. Anyway, I read this post during lunch, I saw how what great investigative journalism it was, and so I thought about it, and wrote my “corrective rebuttal.” I don’t know how to feel right now. Everything Darby Larson has said is true, and Mike Young. There was a time I might have let this distract me from writing and publishing other people’s writing, two things I truly love doing, but beyond thanking Justin Taylor for all the hits to my blog and one or two people who might read a piece of my writing, and making this other blog post, which is just a scan of the notes I wrote while watching over the 113s all day in the Texas sun, I have nothing to add.
Oh and the whole pity/sympathy thing… that was just how I was feeling right then, honestly. I don’t have many people in my life, so it’s not like I’m making endless cries for help or anything. God forbid I write about things I like on my own damn blog. If I’d wanted to write a better review of Tao Lin, I’d have put a thousand times as much effort, more than just that one full day into the composition, of course, and submitted it to a pop culture mag for money making purposes. It was a blog post. Damn.
Much love, P. H. M.
Well, Alex, I’ll host your site if you’ll buy a domain. I don’t care what software you use. Like I said in that comment, I think this is going too far, with all the presses using blogspot. I feel used everytime, but I keep buying them, things from blogspotty presses, that is. Anyway, yeah, get a domain, I’ll host it, I don’t care how you do it, I’m allowed endless domains hosted for the next three years, currently, and later I’ll extend that, because I feel like I’ll always have a site, and yeah, I just love wordpress because it’s so democratic in comparison to blogspot, which was way cool back in like, I dunno, 2003, the last time it was improved.
Well, Alex, I’ll host your site if you’ll buy a domain. I don’t care what software you use. Like I said in that comment, I think this is going too far, with all the presses using blogspot. I feel used everytime, but I keep buying them, things from blogspotty presses, that is. Anyway, yeah, get a domain, I’ll host it, I don’t care how you do it, I’m allowed endless domains hosted for the next three years, currently, and later I’ll extend that, because I feel like I’ll always have a site, and yeah, I just love wordpress because it’s so democratic in comparison to blogspot, which was way cool back in like, I dunno, 2003, the last time it was improved.
I take Madore more seriously than I take Tao Lin.
He has more heart than HTMLGiant has collectively, although perhaps less than individual components.
Stop sending simultaneous submissions.
I take Madore more seriously than I take Tao Lin.
He has more heart than HTMLGiant has collectively, although perhaps less than individual components.
Stop sending simultaneous submissions.
A domain costs around $10. I’ll help any press get started on their own website, direct them to resources and provide general advice all for free. You can even use blogspot to host your site. I did it with You can even ditch the bar at the top.
A domain costs around $10. I’ll help any press get started on their own website, direct them to resources and provide general advice all for free. You can even use blogspot to host your site. I did it with You can even ditch the bar at the top.
–and right now, if you don’t mind .info, which to me it doesn’t matter because I don’t think it’s your extension so much that develops your popularity–.info’s are on sale for 99 cents for the first year. I’m even willing to buy that first year for someone if they will stay away from blogspot. I don’t think blogspot is cool. I used to use it for things, now I think it is very uncool, archaic, even.
–and right now, if you don’t mind .info, which to me it doesn’t matter because I don’t think it’s your extension so much that develops your popularity–.info’s are on sale for 99 cents for the first year. I’m even willing to buy that first year for someone if they will stay away from blogspot. I don’t think blogspot is cool. I used to use it for things, now I think it is very uncool, archaic, even.
blogspot is cool because it’s free, and you can use it to host a domain. i will fight you about this. free is always good, especially for small presses.
blogspot is cool because it’s free, and you can use it to host a domain. i will fight you about this. free is always good, especially for small presses.
i will host for free. currently i use about .3% of my allotted bandwidth. i think as long as i don’t charge for the hosting, i won’t get in trouble. i will host for free and let them do more than blogspot, if only for the sake of keeping people away from blogspot, which i feel is uncool. i don’t want to fight, i got beat up last time so i’m taking it easy for awhile.
i will host for free. currently i use about .3% of my allotted bandwidth. i think as long as i don’t charge for the hosting, i won’t get in trouble. i will host for free and let them do more than blogspot, if only for the sake of keeping people away from blogspot, which i feel is uncool. i don’t want to fight, i got beat up last time so i’m taking it easy for awhile.
okay so until january 3rd, when i deploy, well let’s say until december 20th, if there is any magazine out there who needs a website and can’t afford hosting for whatever reason, i will, out of pure love for online lit, give you hosting, and you can use whatever software you want, and i will do this free of charge or special favors, no one even has to know i’m doing it, because i don’t care i’ll be vacant basically for a year anyways; like gene morgan, too, i know one or maybe up to three things about web design/css/php etc, and i’m willing to advise/help you in that area as well. so you let me know, i’m willing, and if we go over the bandwidth i’ll just have it set up to charge my credit card, because like, i’ll be making more money while i’m deployed. that is all. thank you for your time and consideration.
okay so until january 3rd, when i deploy, well let’s say until december 20th, if there is any magazine out there who needs a website and can’t afford hosting for whatever reason, i will, out of pure love for online lit, give you hosting, and you can use whatever software you want, and i will do this free of charge or special favors, no one even has to know i’m doing it, because i don’t care i’ll be vacant basically for a year anyways; like gene morgan, too, i know one or maybe up to three things about web design/css/php etc, and i’m willing to advise/help you in that area as well. so you let me know, i’m willing, and if we go over the bandwidth i’ll just have it set up to charge my credit card, because like, i’ll be making more money while i’m deployed. that is all. thank you for your time and consideration.
Pinch Pinch Press ( would love a domain.
I now think you have / had good intentions, you just really pissed me off.
I don’t know anything about html or site construction or anything like that. That’s another reason why I use blogger. It’s easy and it’s free. I don’t really care if my site is flashy. I just want to publish good writers. I don’t feel I “owe” a flashy-ass site to the people reading the book. I just owe them a book.
But if you, or anyone else, want to host a site for me, I’d appreciate it. But I’d need help setting it up as I know nothing.
Pinch Pinch Press ( would love a domain.
I now think you have / had good intentions, you just really pissed me off.
I don’t know anything about html or site construction or anything like that. That’s another reason why I use blogger. It’s easy and it’s free. I don’t really care if my site is flashy. I just want to publish good writers. I don’t feel I “owe” a flashy-ass site to the people reading the book. I just owe them a book.
But if you, or anyone else, want to host a site for me, I’d appreciate it. But I’d need help setting it up as I know nothing.
alex, i’ll be in touch tonight. ever since someone gifted a domain to mourning silence (matt ward of skive magazine did this), i’ve felt like i should do something similar.
alex, i’ll be in touch tonight. ever since someone gifted a domain to mourning silence (matt ward of skive magazine did this), i’ve felt like i should do something similar.
that was a dramatic, finger pointing Nic Cage boom, by the way.
that was a dramatic, finger pointing Nic Cage boom, by the way.
John Sakkis, how do you know it would have been definitively mean? you didnt read it?
John Sakkis, how do you know it would have been definitively mean? you didnt read it?
yes, together, we can break 100.
yes, together, we can break 100.
everyone. i am drunk and yo ushould be too. i liek the hugs that are going on between alex and ph madore.
carry on
everyone. i am drunk and yo ushould be too. i liek the hugs that are going on between alex and ph madore.
carry on
Yay for drunk commenting!
I had a couple semi-relevant replies, but they were to like 60 comments ago, so whatever.
Yay for drunk commenting!
I had a couple semi-relevant replies, but they were to like 60 comments ago, so whatever.
i just watched “rashomon” and i liked it.
i just watched “rashomon” and i liked it.
hi blake,
i meant it would have been mean in a good way…or, that would have been a really neat post…or, i would have liked (still do) to read that…
HTML Giant is fun…cheers.
hi blake,
i meant it would have been mean in a good way…or, that would have been a really neat post…or, i would have liked (still do) to read that…
HTML Giant is fun…cheers.
oh hehe. i was being defensive. ty
oh hehe. i was being defensive. ty
Do you actually expect normal people to read this?
Do you actually expect normal people to read this?
Do you actually expect normal people to read this?