Blake Butler

Blake Butler lives in Atlanta. His third book, There Is No Year, is forthcoming April 2011 from Harper Perennial.

Writing will ruin your life, don’t do it

I Will Smash You

I’ve been excited for a while now about the forthcoming film I Will Smash You, a collaboration between Luca Dipierro and Michael Kimball for Little Burn Films. As of now, the project is complete and getting ready to make the rounds of the independent film circuit. Some new information has also been released:

First, a new trailer, featuring Adam Robinson smashing a hymn:


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August 10th, 2009 / 10:08 pm

Please Support InsideOut Literary Arts Project [A letter from Peter Markus]


The Calm, by Timothy Pace

Dear Friends,

The InsideOut Literary Arts Project, where I work as its Senior Writer, is looking for your help.

For the past 15 years, InsideOut has placed creative writers—poets, novelists, short story writers—into Detroit Public School classrooms as a way of getting students to actively engage in the power and pleasure of language and the imagination.

I’ve been a writer with InsideOut since its inception. It’s a part of who I am in the world. I can tell you, first-hand, that the work we do changes lives.

When a child picks up a pencil and is asked to gaze up inside it, anything—no everything—is possible.

When you write it down, I often tell them, people have no choice but to listen, to see what you see, to know what you know.

See for yourself. Check out this poem written by a 4th grader at Fitzgerald Elementary.

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August 10th, 2009 / 2:49 pm

Anyone know of any good movies in which a labyrinth or series of tunnels figures heavily (such as The Shining or Satyricon, or even, in its own way, Solaris)? Having fucked maze dreams lately and want to extend it into waking life.

ONEDREAMRUSH & Harmony Korine


This is rad [via]

Harmony Korine is one of 42 contributors to the project ONEDREAMRUSH, a creation of the New Zealand vodka company 42Below that invites various individuals to create 42-second videos exploring dreams. Other contributors to ONEDREAMRUSH include Kenneth Anger, David Lynch, Leos Carax, Larry Clark, Jonas Mekas, and Gaspar Noe. In time all of the films are to feature on the project’s website here. Korine’s part, titled Crutchnap, has already been made public and can now be found here (.mov/56MB).

Also notable is the information that: The Toronto International Film Festival will host the world premiere of Trash Humpers, a new feature film by Harmony Korine. Trash Humpers has been described as a “handheld video of a loser-gang cult-freak collective who do antisocial things in a non-narrative way, except for the song-and-dance numbers.”


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August 9th, 2009 / 6:20 pm

New Business Model: Celeb Lit

Actual photo evidence of B. Spears reading

Actual photo evidence of B. Spears reading

What if instead of celebrities paying to have shitty biographies ghostwritten for them, they published good progressive/fucked ghostwritten novels? ‘White Larvae of the Ill Nacht’ by Tom Hanks. ‘Borsmissisott’ by Lil Wayne. I’d read a Lindsay Lohan novel if it was written by Brian Evenson, and so would several hundred thousand little girls. That seems like a ‘new literary business model’ I could get behind, one that would actually make some serious $$$. Now offering my recently competed 70000 word ‘post-structuralist language novel’ to the first rock star/model/actor willing to take it on. I’m serious.

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August 9th, 2009 / 1:12 pm

God if I have to get old at least let me be awesome


“Every man has inside himself a parasitic being who is acting not at all to his advantage.”


“I don’t care if people hate my guts; I assume most of them do. The important question is whether they are in a position to do anything about it.”


“Anything that can be done chemically can be done by other means.”


“”Nothing is true, everything is permitted””


Random / 26 Comments
August 7th, 2009 / 1:40 pm

Really excited about this one: Extraordinary Renditions: 3 Novellas by Andrew Ervin, coming in 2010 from Coffee House Press. Andrew is a badass, and 3 novellas in the same book is about exactly what I need right now. Mark it. [Also: Andrew has a piece/object for auction right now in the Significant Objects project right now. Check it out, and bid!]

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Paragraphs I… … (5): David Foster Wallace


The withered priest reads his lecture about Vermeer and limpidity and luminosity and about light as attachment/vestment to objects’ contour. Died 1675. Obscure in his time you see for painted very few. But now we know do we not, ahm. Blue-yellow hues predominate as against ahm shall we say de Hooch. The students wear blue blazers. Unparalleled representation light serves subtly to glorify God. Ahm, though some might say blaspheme. You see. Do you not see it. A notoriously dull lecturer. An immortality conferred upon implicit in the viewer. Do you ahm see it. ‘The beautiful terrible stillness of Delft’ in the seminal phrase of. The hall is dark behind Day’s glowing row. The boys are permitted some personal expression in choice of necktie. The irreal evenness of focus which transforms the painting into what glass in glass’s fondest dreams might wish to be. ‘Windows onto interiors in which all conflicts have been resolved’ in the much-referenced words of. All lit and rendered razor-clear you see and ahm. It meets TuTh after lunch and mail call. Resolving conflict, both organic and divine. Flesh and spirit. Day hears an envelope ripped open. The viewer sees as God sees, in other ahm. Lit up throughout time you see. Past time. Someone snaps gum. Whispered laughter somewhere up in a rear row. The hall is dimly lit. A boy off to Day’s left groans and thrashes in a deep sleep. The teacher is, it is true, wholly dry, out of it, unalive. The boy next to Day is taking a deep interest in that part of his wrist which surrounds his watch.

– from ‘Church Not Made With Hands’ in Brief Interviews with Hideous Men, pp. 203-04

Excerpts / 13 Comments
August 5th, 2009 / 2:38 am