Blake Butler
Blake Butler lives in Atlanta. His third book, There Is No Year, is forthcoming April 2011 from Harper Perennial.
Blake Butler lives in Atlanta. His third book, There Is No Year, is forthcoming April 2011 from Harper Perennial.
I just ordered this: so too should you: John Dermot Woods’s The Complete Collection of people, places & things, which is surely to be wholly wonderful and grand.
Order The Complete Collection of people, places & things by July 15 and get it for only $12 (25% off the cover price) with free shipping in the U.S.
– A signed/numbered screen print, commemorating the book’s release
-personalized copy with a limited edition, signed book plate
(be sure to specify your shipping address)
The Complete Collection of people, places & things
a novel by John Dermot Woods
BlazeVOX Books 2009
ISBN: 9781935402466
175 pp. Perfect Bound. With Drawings.
Cool poster by José León Cerrillo for sale in support of Triple Canopy
Today I lost 3 followers after tweeting: sink or swim applies to art too, it is not a welfare state | “please bail out my dog house so that my dog will have a place to sleep”
Peter Cole is the editor of Keyhole Magazine and Press, an entity that has gone from start up beginnings to massive and all over perhaps quicker than any other literary magazine that has ever existed. Based out of Nashville, Keyhole is not only a magazine, a website, a press for full length books, it also continues to push its horizons with any way it can get words into peoples hands, such as the Nashville is Reads project, which tapes poems to random locations in publics, and Keyhole Digest, freely distributed online and in real life.
In around 2 years they’ve released 7 full length print issues, maintained a steady flow of content on their website, released a full length book (William Walsh’s fantasticly odd and oddly moving Questionstruck) with plans for many more already lined up, several chapbooks, contests… so much output I can hardly even remember to list it all.
I asked Peter if I could ask him some questions about the start up of Keyhole and its ever expanding umbrella, and he kindly agreed.
Ready to want to buy a book?
Read the poem on the back of Gordon Massman’s The Essential Numbers: 1991-2008, just out from Tarpaulin Sky Press:
I’ve been reading this for a couple weeks now, a few poems at a time, because it is so brutally right there and fucked and ready to fuck your head, it needs the slow imbibe, the good one. Where so much ‘poetry’ can be yadda, these are words saying something hard and loud, and meaning it.
Sampled from 18 years of Massman’s writing, poems all numbered for titles, all to the teeth.
I.e. here is the first full sentence of 1262:
Dear God: thank you for the physical beauty in the world, etc.
and get fucked.
Congratulations to the Giant of all Giants, our own Gene Morgan, on the birth of his new daughter, Pearl, weighing in in this corner at 7 lbs. 12 oz. We could never have too many little Genes in this world.
Dzanc Books is happy to offer the readers of a special deal on our latest title. We’ve read some really nice things about Dzanc over here, and really feel that Suzanne Burns and her story collection, Misfits and Other Heroes, is one you’ll all enjoy.
Suzanne Burns’ Misfits and Other Heroes is a wickedly insightful, brilliantly constructed collection of 14 stories which are at once fearless and full of hope. In tales of the familiar turned on their heads, Burns introduces us to lovers and travelers, dreamers and daredevils, a man the size of a drinking straw and a magician with a masochistic streak. Acts of murder and mayhem run alongside a middle-aged woman dreaming of a different life. In each tale Burns consistently hits the perfect chord. The stories do not just present the strange, but use the bizarre to accent what is human in all of us. Mixing the best of Palahniuk with the keen clever humor of Aimee Bender, Burns is a writer of unique wit and wisdom. Misfits and Other Heroes is a debut not to be missed.
Derek White is giving away a piece of the art from his novel Marsupial, on the occasion of its one year anniversary in print.
If you haven’t seen Derek’s art, shit, it’s pretty wild and beautiful and amalgamatic:
June issue of Elimae is now live with many wonderful words, as well as a particularly interesting interview of Unsaid’s David McLendon by Michael Kimball.