Blake Butler

Blake Butler lives in Atlanta. His third book, There Is No Year, is forthcoming April 2011 from Harper Perennial.

New York Tyrant 5

A sneak peek of the greatest cover of a literary magazine this year, if not this decade, if not…


New York Tyrant 5

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November 10th, 2008 / 2:24 am


With the shitty demise of Impetus Press, Nick Antosca has already gotten his forthcoming MIDNIGHT PICNIC lined up with a new press, Word Riot Books. Very glad to see this getting saved so quickly, and with hardly any delay. Here’s a press release:

Middletown, NJ — Punk rock-spirited independent publisher Word Riot
Press will release Nick Antosca’s second novel Midnight Picnic on Dec.

Midnight Picnic was slated to be released by Impetus Press on Oct. 31.
The book’s publication was put on hold when Impetus Press publishers
Willy Blackmore and Jennifer Banash announced the dissolution of the
company due to financial pressures. Shortly afterward, Impetus Press,
Word Riot Press and Antosca began discussions about the novel’s

“Willy Blackmore and Jennifer Banash’s dedication to Impetus authors
is remarkable,” Word Riot Press publisher Jackie Corley said. “When
Willy and Jennifer learned of Word Riot Press’ interest in Midnight
Picnic, they worked tirelessly to make a deal happen.

“I’m pleased and impressed by how fast Word Riot stepped up,” Antosca
said. “Jackie didn’t hesitate, and I think it’s a wonderful thing for
independent literature that she runs her press so fearlessly. It’s
terrific that she’s going to publish Midnight Picnic.”

An eerie story about the nature of death, Midnight Picnic is a
non-traditional ghost story in which a vengeful child searches for his
murderer on the deserted roads of the American countryside, drifting
in and out of the afterlife.

“If there’s a real Hell out there in the American heartland, and real
ghosts, I suspect Nick Antosca has seen them. Midnight Picnic
reinvents the ghost story for our unsettled times—it’s a riveting and
terrifying 21st Century Book of the Dead that’s one of the most
frightening novels I’ve read in years,” said Elizabeth Hand, author of
Generation Loss, Mortal Love, and Winterlong.

Jami Attenberg, author of The Kept Man, has called Midnight Picnic “a
thrilling follow-up to his contemplative debut, Fires. His
imagination makes an astonishing show in this macabre, bizarre and
witty story of ghosts and revenge. Impossible to put down until the
extremely satisfying end, Midnight Picnic conjures up the mounting
tension of the finest Bradbury story.”

John Haskell, author of American Purgatorio and I Am Not Jackson
Pollock, concurred with Hand and Attenberg’s assessment of Antosca’s uncanny ability to unearth the darker elements of human nature:
“Beneath the skin of emotion there are muscles and nerves, and that’s
where Antosca takes us.”

Called a “page-turner” and “a demented little novel” by Publishers
Weekly, Midnight Picnic will be at home in Word Riot Press’ diverse
stable of literary and experimental works of fiction.

“Nick’s forceful authorial voice has made him a young writer to watch.
I’m elated to have Nick as part of the Word Riot Press family,” Corley

Author News & Presses / 12 Comments
November 7th, 2008 / 6:11 pm


from Publishing Genius:

Preorder Light Boxes and receive free BLACK KIDS IN LEMON TREES from Mud Luscious Press
YES, receive BLACK KIDS IN LEMON TREES from Mud Luscious Press free,
but only if you are within the first 25 people who preorder.
That’s 25 people.

PAY $12 for LIGHT BOXES (includes shipping) which is cheaper than if you wait till February.

So huge, so awesome, thanks for pre-ordering.

Thank you MUD LUSCIOUS PRESS for making available the previously OUT OF PRINT copies of Black Kids in Lemon Trees for people who preorder LIGHT BOXES.

This is one worth supporting. Let’s have at it.

Presses / 4 Comments
November 6th, 2008 / 8:31 pm

BlazeVox; free ebooks out the ass

I knew BlazeVox had ebooks, but I had no idea of there were more than 60.

In particular, there is a brand new e-title from one of my recent favorite people:

Sean Kilpatrick’s THE MAN WHO FOLLOWED ME HOME FROM WORK: Sean is just a slayer and will say anything, and his power comes through in the lines. I am excited for this compendium of his earlier stuff.

Also free are books by Ted Pelton, Juliet Cook, and Mark Cunningham, among others. A great trove of stuff.

Looking through this, then, also inspired me to take up their 3 for $20 deal on print titles, which includes ones from Louis E. Bourgeois, Michael Basinski, Daniel Borzutzky, Noah Eli Gordon and more.

If that isn’t enough, there’s also a new issue of their e-journal, which has the badass Brandi Wells, among many others.

Get to work.

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November 6th, 2008 / 1:08 pm

Keyhole 5: all handwritten

The idea of this thing is just insane. Can’t wait to see it. The sales info speaks for itself:

23 authors.
Full color.
Completely handwritten.

Free shipping.

Preorder here.

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November 6th, 2008 / 12:16 am

Interview w/ Lily Hoang & Stacey Levine

Lisp Service has just posted an interview with Lily Hoang and Stacey Levine, in which they discuss the writing process, creation of fable worlds, Oulipo, speculative fiction, and various other interesting topics in the form of craft of strange lit.

Levine on small presses:

My work was rejected by the big guns New York publishers. I’m with a semi-larger house for my next book, but it’s still an independent (MacAdam/Cage). Still, I’ve been happy with smaller presses. They suit me and my slow way of writing. Of course, they have their well-known downsides…. Yet with smaller houses, there’s less nonsense like the imperative to sell, sell no matter what, the crazy competitiveness and drive to promote that is discombobulating and not very real, in a way. I mean, we’re all going to die anyway, whether we have loudly and lavishly-published books or not. The most important is to have people around the book who love it.

I like the idea of pairing two writers of a similar ilk and having them interweave in the discussion… read the rest!

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November 5th, 2008 / 1:37 pm

From Spools of Thin Wire by Kate McGill-Wyre

A new PDF Chapbook was released by Publishing Genius today, a set of really odd-in-their-own-way poems from Kate McGill-Wyre called FROM SPOOLS OF THIN WIRE.

Here are Adam’s words about the book:

It is with great pleasure that I finally introduce Kate Wyer’s new chapbook of poems, FROM SPOOLS OF THIN WIRE. Here are thirteen deceptively complex poems. By that I mean that on the face of it, Kate’s taut language and strange, sometimes religious imagery comes off as detached and passive so that it seems natural to employ some esoteric set of reading tools to the work. I think this misses what’s really happening in the poems, though, and I’m most satisfied when I take her foxes for foxes and the sins of the world as the sins of the world.

As always, you can view the book at Issuu by clicking the file below, and you can print it off in chapbook format at The PDF Chapbook website. Also at the website you can request a copy be printed and mailed to you.

Having read the first few poems so far, I really like the offset tone of them, kind of a dry reportage of really weird shit. ‘100-Year-Old House’ kicks ass.

Righteous. Read.

Author News & Web Hype / 5 Comments
November 5th, 2008 / 12:50 pm

Massive People (3): Lee Klein

If you don’t know who Lee Klein is, it’s time you knew. Let’s put it this way: if Lee Klein were a presidential candidate, I might have voted this year. Alas.

Anyhow, when he’s not busy editing Eyeshot (one of the oldest in-house literary mags still killing it), writing amazing rejection letters, he’s also one hell of a writer (recently on AGNI and in Black Warrior Review, both of which you can find linked at the first link in this post).

After the break, 5 questions for a very massive person.


Massive People / 17 Comments
November 4th, 2008 / 1:26 pm

Keyhole Books 1st Releases

A nice, big announcement from Keyhole Press:

Keyhole has several full-length releases scheduled in 2009.

First up is William Walsh’s Questionstruck – A Collection of Question-based Texts Derived from the Books of Calvin Trillin.

Then Stephanie Johnson’s fiction collection, One of These Things is Not Like the Others and a fiction collection by Shellie Zacharia, Now Playing.

More info on each release will be available soon.

Exciting to see another great new press revealing their debuts.

Excerpts from William Walsh’s ‘Questionstuck’ can be found at his blog here.

Keyhole I believe is also still open to submissions of book length work for their press, and shorter work for the web, which is currently chock full of incredible people like Amelia Gray & Kim Chinquee.

Presses / 8 Comments
November 3rd, 2008 / 4:03 pm


Daniel Bailey has just released an ebook EAST CENTRAL INDIANA, which is a slick sick puppy of the gray variety and contains a nice contained set of poems creeped with inner-absurdity, meth smoke, & the bizarre made back-porch familiar.

Here are a few examples lines:

i’ve tried selling all of my belongings: my flame pants,

my fire couch, my incineration chamber,

but everything is obsolete here, even the expression

you used to show enjoyment when you ignited bats

Daniel does a certain mode of poetry I think more innovatively and with a stranger cull of images and lines than others that could be associated. This is a great read, and BEAR CREEK FEED is a great new source of ebooks.

Author News / 2 Comments
November 3rd, 2008 / 2:42 pm